I've got a couple of old 110 Instamatic pictures of one from around 68' in Panama prior to going to VN.
We were in the jungle training and hacking our way through the thick stuff with machetes and came across one that had fallen to the ground that had been in a small tree that one of the other guys in the squad had cut down.
A few of us gathered around him for a look see and then two of the guys advanced toward him and said they were going to kill it and I told them if they tried that I'd shove their machetes up their a$$es.....after sizing me up they apparently took me at my word and after saying F-You they wandered off and the sloth went on about his business.
There was some animated movie where a sloth named Flash worked the counter at the DMV.
Elon Musk posted that he went to renew his drivers license and the guy at the counter had a stuffed toy of the sloth from the movie.
But old Musk said the DMV employee helped him and gave good customer service.