So we had the black on black cop beating...NOW THIS

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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Well when it comes to force...a small window of discretion is fine, but "discretion" is also why hunter hasn't been charged. And if cops themselves also got ticketed for 56 in a 55, then I'd be fine with it. But not until the feds enforce the border laws.
My brother in law has a CLEAT and thin blue line stickers on all his vehicles, drives like a bat out of h3ll, and then flashes his badge when he gets stopped to get out of it. Cops are going to coddle and cover for each other no matter what they do.
If I was a betting man, I’d wager the cops in this shooting of the handicapped man and the ones in the beating death of the guy in Memphis have exhibited the same or similar behavior before, and it’s been covered up or swept under the rug.
You’re never going to convince me that they just got up one day and a switch flipped to make them do what they did.
I’m sure the cop lovers here are going to interpret that I’m saying all cops are bad, but that’s not at all what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that good cops “enable” bad cops by not policing their own. Those same good cops then get pissed off when people do lump all of them in with the ones committing crimes like in these two instances.


Special Hen
Feb 21, 2022
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 19, 2014
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IQ test? Makes this post pretty ironic considering they tasered him twice. Both attempts were ineffective. States that very clearly in the article.

What I also find interesting is that the article states he lost his legs in a previous run-in with police in Texas. Curious what happened there.
Successfully tasered. Is that better? It's not like the guy was going to out run them. They had time to go back to the department to reload, he wasn't going far.

Bob White

Nov 14, 2021
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I must have got bad info on this incident. I was under the impression the amputee was armed with a 12 inch butcher knife and just stabbed a man putting him in critical condition. I guess the officers should have waited until he stabbed one of them or any other bystander before resorting to deadly force.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
I must have got bad info on this incident. I was under the impression the amputee was armed with a 12 inch butcher knife and just stabbed a man putting him in critical condition. I guess the officers should have waited until he stabbed one of them or any other bystander before resorting to deadly force.
Oh give it up. See my comment at #27.

What, you think the cops are just suppose to stand next to the guy singing Kum Ba Yah while he stabs them? They had time to obtain other [non-lethal] means (pepper spray, bean bag rounds, a K-9 Officer or even a friggin' net 😂). They could have rammed him with his own wheelchair to knock him down. Lots of different ways to control this situation other than by going all 'John Wick' on the guy.

No, what we have here is typical Southern California, Los Angeles County, Huntington Park PD 'Nazi' cop thinking and tactics. It was that way when I lived out there (in South Gate, a municipality next to HP), way back when, and it is apparently still that way.
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Special Hen
Mar 13, 2010
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73127 okc
#1. The popular news is ran by liberals and they don't like the truth unless it just so happens that a Republican or Independent really did screw up. Yes, not every Republican is perfect but we have to be pretty damn close or get crucified.

#2. I would say hire only black police officers and throw a fit every time one breaks the law but I think that would be bad. Most black people are turning themselves into victims so they can get pity, have something to talk about or spread how much they are INTITLED to reparations. Some of these people start believing that **** and get angry. This would not be good. One of the best things the government did was stopping segregation so we could work this **** out amongst ourselves. The reason it works is because if you have groups those groups turn into gangs.

Every now and then the government either knows what it is doing or messes up and does something right like making a all black special unit or whatever crap they want to call it. I find it odd that liberals are against authority because they are the ones always saying Republicans are the evil ones. I believe in God and that is the main reason why I am a Republican even though I am Fiscally liberal. Too bad Biden is spending money like water in a lake on a rainy day.

BTW, I sometimes forget to tell people that I am White as well as Native. One thing I have learned from (some) natives is if you get your ass kicked and you tried to win there is no just got your ass kick and be glad you are alive. I see a big difference between blacks and Natives. We owned (from other tribes) slaves and so did Africans. We got slaves from Africans. Most slaves were given a choice after a war (blacks and Natives) to either die or become slaves. Kenya West said it best "400 years, 400years, that sounds like a choice to me." It would almost be worth paying every black person $200 just to have them shut the **** up but that wouldn't be enough. I thought that was what stimulus checks were for. Maybe we should just pay everybody that makes under a certain amount a certain amount of money...oh, wait, that's food stamps.

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