Stillwater bail agent acquitted in shooting of client

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Special Hen
May 10, 2016
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Damn, I feel like you described half the memebers here

Yeah, just this morning I walked past this guy and I could have swore he was gonna fight me over my gun and shoot somebody, so I cornered him in the alley. Good thing I blasted him in the back as tried running into the store, bugger almost got away! Never was more scared fo muh life.

Turns out he was unarmed and video footage showed no signs of aggression on his part, but none of that matters. He was a criminal after all, and he probably was on meth or sumthin' to boot!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
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Oklahoma City, OK
nah, he's the guy that makes you need to lock your doors. She on the other hand is the reason you need to carry. He has no regard for how hard you work for your stuff. She, like some of you, has no regard for human life. She cuts you off in traffic and then just happens to pull into the same store parking lot you were going to. Seeing you pull into the parking lot, she feels threatened and doesnt hesitate to pull out her gun as she sees you park nearby and begin to walk in the direction of her car which is also the direction of the store you were innocently heading into. Better beat her to the draw.

Either way my "judgment" of either, or both of them, doesn't keep me awake worrying if I'm saved or not. :rolleyes2


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok wife has a degree in Math and was an accountant before retiring. She served on a murder trial in Osage county and convicted the getaway driver in the trial, not the murder suspect although the driver was charged with murder in the 1st degree.
I'm not sure she falls into the dumbass, too stupid to get out of jury duty. She felt it was her constitutional duty to do so.
I know two others on the jury. They don't fall into that broad brush either. One with a degree, the other smart enough he didn't need one to be successful.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2010
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If you're trying to be a person, you're doing it wrong and i assure you that you dont speak for the good guys.

Much as i have no desire to live next to a common criminal who might try and steal my lawnmower when i'm away from home, i'd certainly choose that over living next door to someone who places no value on human life and sees the world only in black and white. Those who like to stand tall on their soap box -loudly and proudly dishing out labels and pretending to be an expert in judging good from bad are more often than not the ones who are in most need of taking an honest look at their own life and deeds. Let he without sin, cast the first stone.

Well I speak for this good guy who has never had to post bail and cried when we had to put our dog down. Wasn't saying what she did was right just that the world is a better place without that dirtbag. What you think of me won't change my life one little bit.

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