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Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score

...just trying to keep you honest.
Ahhhhhhh. I'll look forward to seeing you want others to substantiate what they say as well. Until then I suppose it might be possible to question your motives when I'm the only person I've seen you make that request of. Kind of makes it seem like your motives might not be quite as pure as fallen snow.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
So we're willing to screw our own out of a living wage as long as it screws the illegals? Why not just enforce existing laws on the books that prohibit employing the illegals? Isn't that a bit like the concept of passing new gun laws instead of enforcing existing ones?

Please reread your comments and transcribe them into your comments in this thread.
Nobody is against immigration.
We don’t want nor need the sick, lame and lazy from other countries wanting to take advantage of our social services. No country in the world does that. Why should we?
We do need your healthy educated individuals to assimilate into our work force.
Ellis Island at the Statue of Liberty was a facility to determine if you were medically/mentally able to enter the US.
It’s been discussed ad naseum about how the $15 dollar minimum wage is going to backfire.
Entire restaurants are being designed to be automated as we speak when that happens.

The person making an entry level wage will lose their jobs.
How is that helping the poor?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Why stop with minimum wage? Let's roll back the 1.5x mandatory overtime pay for 40+ hours.

Also, child labor laws could be revisited.....

What's this 5-day workweek BS anyhow?

Hell no! My 350-500 hours a year overtime funded this cushy retirement.

As a side note, the government will pay in most cases for an individual to go back to school for an education in whatever they want be it Votech or whatever.
Some fast food places like McDonald’s even offer education assistance.

Over the years in my work life I attended evening classes at the Votech getting certificates in welding, electrical wiring, programming CNC machine tools, cabinet making and others.
I was dedicated to never being without a job for the entire life to keep food on the family’s table.
I would take any job and have the certification to prove I could do it.
Employers don’t have a clue if you can do a skilled job unless you can wave that certification in front of them. Fortunately my career path never required it but was always glad a new skill was learned.
Votechs everywhere offer free training if one qualifies. Very few don’t.
Someone tired of minimum wage needs to be proactive in acquiring that training vs sitting on a keyboard biatching about how they can’t survive.
Last edited:

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Please reread your comments and transcribe them into your comments in this thread.
Nobody is against immigration.
We don’t want nor need the sick, lame and lazy from other countries wanting to take advantage of our social services. No country in the world does that. Why should we?
We do need your healthy educated individuals to assimilate into our work force.
Ellis Island at the Statue of Liberty was a facility to determine if you were medically/mentally able to enter the US.
It’s been discussed ad naseum about how the $15 dollar minimum wage is going to backfire.
Entire restaurants are being designed to be automated as we speak when that happens.

The person making an entry level wage will lose their jobs.
How is that helping the poor?
Come on man... You bring ellis island up but forget the creed there?

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Sounds like someone needs to rewrite it. Something about give us your healthy individuals, with the best education.

And I don't know if you've been out in the world at all recently but the world is already...right now and for a few years... Been automating. There are already kiosks at McDonald's and machine burger flippers. They were coming anyways. Not because of minimum wage but because businesses want money and those are cheaper.

That reminds how amazing it is that people say "China stole our jobs" like the CEOs and boards of Americans companies didn't actively shop around for places where they could sweatshop people for nothing rather than paying Americans for quality work in good conditions.


AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Hell no! My 350-500 hours a year overtime funded this cushy retirement.

As a side note, the government will pay in most cases for an individual to go back to school for an education in whatever they want be it Votech or whatever.
Some fast food places like McDonald’s even offer education assistance.

Over the years in my work life I attended evening classes at the Votech getting certificates in welding, electrical wiring, programming CNC machine tools, cabinet making and others.
I was dedicated to never being without a job for the entire life to keep food on the family’s table.
I would take any job and have the certification to prove I could do it.
Employers don’t have a clue if you can do a skilled job unless you can wave that certification in front of them. Fortunately my career path never required it but was always glad a new skill was learned.
Votechs everywhere offer free training if one qualifies. Very few don’t.
Someone tired of minimum wage needs to be proactive in acquiring that training vs sitting on a keyboard biatching about how they can’t survive.

Exactly. Most adults making minimum wage have taken 0 initiative on their own to better themselves and get better jobs. America has become the land of handouts for those too lazy to get off their lazy asses and do something for themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
Ahhhhhhh. I'll look forward to seeing you want others to substantiate what they say as well. Until then I suppose it might be possible to question your motives when I'm the only person I've seen you make that request of. Kind of makes it seem like your motives might not be quite as pure as fallen snow.


Well, you have stated numerous times that you're at OSA for entertainment purposes... I guess "trolling" is entertainment for you.

Carry on.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 22, 2009
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Broken Arrow
Hell no! My 350-500 hours a year overtime funded this cushy retirement.

As a side note, the government will pay in most cases for an individual to go back to school for an education in whatever they want be it Votech or whatever.
Some fast food places like McDonald’s even offer education assistance.

Over the years in my work life I attended evening classes at the Votech getting certificates in welding, electrical wiring, programming CNC machine tools, cabinet making and others.
I was dedicated to never being without a job for the entire life to keep food on the family’s table.
I would take any job and have the certification to prove I could do it.
Employers don’t have a clue if you can do a skilled job unless you can wave that certification in front of them. Fortunately my career path never required it but was always glad a new skill was learned.
Votechs everywhere offer free training if one qualifies. Very few don’t.
Someone tired of minimum wage needs to be proactive in acquiring that training vs sitting on a keyboard biatching about how they can’t survive.

Hell yes! Hard truth for some, but still true none the less.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
Come on man... You bring ellis island up but forget the creed there?

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Sounds like someone needs to rewrite it. Something about give us your healthy individuals, with the best education.

And I don't know if you've been out in the world at all recently but the world is already...right now and for a few years... Been automating. There are already kiosks at McDonald's and machine burger flippers. They were coming anyways. Not because of minimum wage but because businesses want money and those are cheaper.

That reminds how amazing it is that people say "China stole our jobs" like the CEOs and boards of Americans companies didn't actively shop around for places where they could sweatshop people for nothing rather than paying Americans for quality work in good conditions.

So we're supposed to take that sonnet literally, but not take the tablet that she holds literally and leave that up for interpretation??? Only in current America smh lol.

She also mentions the "golden door" at the end, to bad she didn't think to put "legally" at the end, and we could put this issue to rest once and for all lmao.

Comey and Pelosi have tweeted about the Colossus as well in the past, I tend to distance myself from such folks as them who speak purely for self motive and self preservation. I'm glad I don't think along the same lines as them.

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