Tell us how you really feel Ms. Coulter

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Special Hen
Apr 10, 2010
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I wanna date with Ann. Long legs, long blond hair and she would not be offended by the fact that I'm carrying a gun. What's not to like???? LOL


Special Hen
Jun 29, 2009
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No its ok I prefer not group think boys. fyi i dont disagree with the point (Im past that) but the piece wasnt well written. In the first three paragraphs there were too many consecutive sentences of 4 words or less than I could handle. Maybe you fellas have lower grammar tolerance? And when stereotypes run rampant it destroys your discourse.

keep drinking the cool-aid, you wont go thirsty I promise...

We have to lower OUR grammer tolerances? That's a good one! Have you read your own post? It's painful.

Coulter rocks. And it's true, libs are *bleepies*!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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All this wasted breath (so to speak) over the construct of the article, the sound of her voice, her grammar, etc. What the hell difference does that make? Was she correct......, or not? IMO, she was very much on target.

It's almost a cinch that each and every one of you will, at some time, be faced with a situation such as Beck endured. What will you do? Will you respond to the insult, or will you turn and walk away? Some of you have the minds and tongue to do battle in kind. Most of us don't.

And, frankly, more important than that, is what will you do if you are an observer to such a situation? Observe? Or, will you stand and present yourself to the same abuse?

Well, I didn't mean to get wordy. I just think you should all consider what she said and not how she said it, how she looks, or show she sounds.


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2011
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I totally agree with Coulter's thoughts on this. I couldn't believe the it when I first heard of the incident that happened with Beck and his family. No respect for anyone anymore. Even if you disagree with someone, you should treat them with respect.

I am a conservative and have many liberal friends/family, but never personally demean or attack them, though I am all for having a discussion about their beliefs and how mine differ. What I have found though is most liberals cannot have a discussion with a conservative on the differences of opinion on policy/politics while still being civil, and then part ways with no ill will. Most of the time they start yelling, making personal attacks on either you or your party, or just get mad and walk away mad and don't talk to you for a while, I don't get it! I have many crazy stories of middle age liberals acting like teenagers because someone disagreed with their politics and spoke up, very immature. I know this goes both ways in many instances, and it is wrong anyway it happens, I'm just saying as a conservative I have had many encounters like this with Liberals.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I totally agree with Coulter's thoughts on this. I couldn't believe the it when I first heard of the incident that happened with Beck and his family. No respect for anyone anymore. Even if you disagree with someone, you should treat them with respect.

I am a conservative and have many liberal friends/family, but never personally demean or attack them, though I am all for having a discussion about their beliefs and how mine differ. What I have found though is most liberals cannot have a discussion with a conservative on the differences of opinion on policy/politics while still being civil, and then part ways with no ill will. Most of the time they start yelling, making personal attacks on either you or your party, or just get mad and walk away mad and don't talk to you for a while, I don't get it! I have many crazy stories of middle age liberals acting like teenagers because someone disagreed with their politics and spoke up, very immature. I know this goes both ways in many instances, and it is wrong anyway it happens, I'm just saying as a conservative I have had many encounters like this with Liberals.

Agreed... I can't count how many times liberals I have had discourse with have resulted to just base personal attacks or calling someone heartless and cruel for not wanting to pony up more taxes to support others. Personally, I have always tried to just use logic and personal taste/preference, as in, "I don't see why I should have to pay to support those who repeatedly refuse to help themselves in any way or contribute to society." This statement turns into the liberals' standard... they point at it to show how heartless and cruel we are.

I just don't understand. If you want to support them, invite them into your home and do so... but don't offer them my bank account.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2011
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Yay let's stereotype half the u.s. population!

I've met Ann before. She's nowhere near as blunt in person... Athough she did advocate preemptively nuking iran because they are muslim and we are a christian nation. She was completely serious.

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