Thugs waiting in line at Walmart.

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Special Hen
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Secret mission
I sold some to co-worker the other day. We were talking about how was trying to go to academy and buy 50 rd boxes (none available) and then we got on price. this is our convo and it makes me sad it has come to this. (he is a non-shooter and was only trying to take his kids to get their boy scout badge next wknd)

him: will you take $8 per box?
me: for 50 rds?
him: yes, that's seems like what its going for
me: well, it is if you like over-paying
him: ok, so how much?
me: normally for friends, $20 per 500 for plinking ammo
him: what?
me: is that too much?
him: no, I just thought it would be more
me: well, no. but since it's for kids, you can have it
him: what?
me: I'll bring it tomorrow, you can have it...for free.
him: I owe you
me: buy me a sammich
him: ok

he was willing to pay $80 for 500, so it's easy to see that this will never end until ppl STOP paying the gouger prices. Bitching and moaning here will not solve it. Helping others will hopefully educate others and they will educate someone else, it forward once in awhile and good things might happen. I'm not saying give chit away for free...IJS, make someones day and maybe you too will get a free sammich.

I'm hungry now...great.

I'm an optimist. flame me, whatever. if you do...see my avatar for my response.


Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
AJ, you and I think a lot alike. I gave a 500 round box away to a co-worker last week. He's just getting into shooting and complaining how he's been able to shoot his new rifle once - he shot the 50 round box he got with it. I asked him what it was and the conversation went from there.

Happy to pay it forward. If I remember right, my first post on this board was a pay it forward post. I don't care if someone believes in karma or not, everyone should PIF when they get the chance. - speaking of which, lemme go see if there's something I can post over there. I need some good juju . . .
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