I'm kind of calling BS on the never telling the police he was the mayor. As I read another article, the mayor was not the only person that showed up to "check" on her welfare.Saw on the news last night. They talked to him and he said he's a friend of hers and lived close by. Also noted that he never told the police he was the mayor(at least what he told the news). She was in the wrong and chose to try and politicize it instead of showing she supports our law enforcement. Please, please, please don't play the black woman card - just pay your fine like every other person and come to a complete stop next time. Problem solved.
Being a lead foot, I've been her exact situation more than once. Any stranger like a friend driving in another vehicle, walking into the "zone" is ordered back to their vehicle or to the curb.
Something in the story doesn't sit right with me.