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Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
Why? They just deliver the mail. I hardly think my postman is a political activist.
there is a LOT of unspoken rules at that postal service.
they absolutely hate individualism.
i refused to join the union, i made my own uniforms (one of the big things they hit you with is: YOU CAN'T BUY POSTAL GEAR UNTIL YOU BECOME A FULL TIME EMPLOYEE, SO YOU HAVE TO JOIN THE UNION SO YOU CAN WEAR PEOPLE'S OLD UNIFORMS, so i just bought some patches on ebay and sewed them onto blue shirts. they *hated* it)
during training, i couldn't figure out the guy i went out with would ask me every thirty minutes if i needed to go pee.
then i found out it's part of the union contract that they cannot limit your bathroom breaks.
i also literally watched a guy drive with the pen on the dashboard. if the pen moved, he was going too fast.
they count how fast you walk, and they use that as a determining factor for who gets what route.
you get paid by the hour, not by the number of deliveries.
thus, the old people that can literally barely walk get paid the same as the younger people who are working at 3x the speed.
then they fire you because you walk too fast, take too many steps per minute, make your own uniforms, and don't join the union.

it's extremely political. i have no doubt many of the union meetings discuss who to vote for.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 25, 2009
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Just got an email from work saying they are complying with Bidens mandates. Then they go on to say we (Oklahoma natural gas) are a federal contractor so we don’t get to do the weekly testing. ...

The Biden Mandate SPECIFICALLY STATES it allows for lawful exemptions. Get the mandate in print.
If your employer is using the Biden mandate as their justification/basis - ask them how they allow exemptions, and how to apply for Religious Exemptions.

You are probably not the only employee that's vaccine hesitant. Ask around.
Good luck.

...May you live in interesting times.... Indeed.


Special Hen
May 22, 2021
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Just got an email from work saying they are complying with Bidens mandates. Then they go on to say we (Oklahoma natural gas) are a federal contractor so we don’t get to do the weekly testing. This pisses me off so bad. I’m really sick to my stomach about it. I do not want that shot. I cannot believe I am gonna lose my career because I refuse to put a drug into my body that I don’t want in it. But I knew they would do it. They kept telling us that it’s our choice but I knew that was BS. They don’t give a rats rear about our choice. They are a left leaning company. I might as well move to China. After all, that’s the kind of things that happen there. They ain’t supposed to happen here. I cannot believe more people aren’t going ape over it.
Truly sad... Can you start looking at other companies like OGE?


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
no offense to anyone; and i'm *not* telling people how to live.

but there is *no way* i could continue to work for a company that is forcing me to do something against my will.
why not let them implant an rfid in ya?

what about if you refuse the third booster?
what about if you refuse the fourth?

just getting the shot once and saying "well at least that's over" isn't correct; "fully vaccinated" refers to being completely up to date on THEIR vaccination schedule.
get the double dose but you've gone 6 months and two days without a shot? well now you are being threatened with termination again.

F. That. that's no company to work for. massive strikes should be taking place. people should be in the streets.

but we all know who follows the rules and who doesn't. i can't believe more minorities are rejecting the Mark than "God fearing Christians". it's sickening, to be quite honest. oh well, they at least get things done and move towards their goals. white people have lost.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Yeah... try speaking out in China like you do here. :D

I also recommend looking into the legal exemptions.

Just like the vaccine, your decision is your decision.

I won't ask for an exemption, because A. I'm old and if I lose my job my family will be just fine;
B. I want them to know I'm not going to try to slither around some loophole. If they comply with Biden, they're gutless cowards. I want them to lose a good employee for their lack of intestinal fortitude.

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