Vaping vs Smoking: The myths, the facts, and the controversies.

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I was just in Antonito last month if you're talking Conejos county. It's a ghost town and I think its closer to 800 people living there. Small towns are dead here too. Haven't seen an isolated thriving town of 800 in OK with ready to work teenagers in a few years.

All those little dead border towns are now getting dispensaries to compete with Trinidad in getting New Mejicans coming over. the border to buy. Saves a long drive to Trindad or having to buy from Reyes' Hydroponic Camper Trailer out on the mesa, what with the screaming kids and pit bulls chained to tires and all that. I wonder if they'd even have a need to hire labor at restaurants if not for the increased weed tourism.

Granted I wouldn't want even my sleepy little town to simply be a border stop for out of state stoners if I lived there. 3 dispensaries in a town of 800 is ridiculous. Reminds me of the trashy LIQUOR/TATTOOS in Siloam Springs right at the state line before OK legalized tattooing. Another big reason why it should be legal in all 50 states.
LOL, we have been there for a month. Coming home tomorrow. We may have passed each other. Lots of fly fishing on the conejos during that month. An awesome public gun/archery range out to 500 yards just 3 miles from the RV park.
We did drive around the dispensaries when we went to town looking for Oklahoma tags. All Texas but one lone okie. Zero Colorado tags.
Your closer to the actual population than I was. The sign going into town says 1500, but the 2010 census lists 710.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok


Special Hen
May 11, 2016
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Southern Oklahoma

Castoreum extract (CAS NO. 8023-83-4; FEMA NO. 2261) is a natural product prepared by direct hot-alcohol extraction of castoreum, the dried and macerated castor sac scent glands (and their secretions) from the male or female beaver. It has been used extensively in perfumery and has been added to food as a flavor ingredient for at least 80 years. Both the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regard castoreum extract as generally recognized as safe (GRAS). Acute toxicity studies in animals indicate that castoreum extract is nontoxic by both oral and dermal routes of administration and is not irritating or phototoxic to skin. Skin sensitization has not been observed in human subject tests. Castoreum extract possesses weak antibacterial activity. A long historical use of castoreum extract as a flavoring and fragrance ingredient has resulted in no reports of human adverse reactions. On the basis of this information, low-level, long-term exposure to castoreum extract does not pose a health risk."

I find it hard to believe there's enough volume produced to be in widespread use these days, unless there's a beaver farming cartel I never heard of... :drunk2:


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
Sorry, ghost rider, but it's a big fact and it DOES still go on. I have family who have run a vape shop and are still connected with the industry. It may be all happy flowers and roses on the face, but I know for a fact this is still going on, and it is NOT regulated to any significant degree, and while there may be SOME tightly-controlled sources, there are still plenty that are mixing and matching and making their own. And if you don't believe it, well, I'm glad you can buy what they're selling. Because I know better and have seen it with my own eyes. This wasn't back in the early days, this was recently, man.

But hey, spread whatever information you like, attempt to discredit whatever you like - the facts are, I have seen it. Call up the State of Oklahoma and the FDA and ask for the department that oversees production and distribution of vaping oils and let me know what the schedule of inspection and quality standards are, alright?

I'll wait...

I guess out there it might be, but come to T-Town and see what the shops look like, same thing with OKC. Most shops here have switched to buying legit juice lines instead of mixing their own so they don't have to go through the PMTA process. And I never said it was regulated, I said consumers have been warned away from stores that did shake and bake juice lines. And please stop calling it oil, there is no oil of any kind in it.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
You sound like an intelligent guy. Why not just buck up and quit?

Because I've been around nicotine for my entire life and my body is so used to using it that I will probably never be able to get off it. The only time I did not have any nicotine in my system my first year and half at college. That was probably the worst time of my life. I had dramatic mood swings, could not concentrate to safe my life, subjects that were normally easy for me to understand I had problems with. These symptoms never quit. It wasn't until I started smoking that I started to feel a resemblance of normalcy. Before vaping was around I tried more times than I can count to quit. Tried the patches, which worked until I got to the lowest patch level and then I became so moody even after 4 weeks that my wife would almost beg me to have a smoke. The gum irritated my mouth and there was no way in hell I would try chantix. Even to this day if I go down to 3 mg liquid I get extremely moody and short with people.

There are some people, and I am one of them, that their bodies become so dependent on nicotine its basically impossible to quit.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok

Castoreum extract (CAS NO. 8023-83-4; FEMA NO. 2261) is a natural product prepared by direct hot-alcohol extraction of castoreum, the dried and macerated castor sac scent glands (and their secretions) from the male or female beaver. It has been used extensively in perfumery and has been added to food as a flavor ingredient for at least 80 years. Both the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regard castoreum extract as generally recognized as safe (GRAS). Acute toxicity studies in animals indicate that castoreum extract is nontoxic by both oral and dermal routes of administration and is not irritating or phototoxic to skin. Skin sensitization has not been observed in human subject tests. Castoreum extract possesses weak antibacterial activity. A long historical use of castoreum extract as a flavoring and fragrance ingredient has resulted in no reports of human adverse reactions. On the basis of this information, low-level, long-term exposure to castoreum extract does not pose a health risk."

I find it hard to believe there's enough volume produced to be in widespread use these days, unless there's a beaver farming cartel I never heard of... :drunk2:
No kidding.
No more gross than calf fries. BTW, I'm always in for a calf fry cook out. When in my teens I worked on an Osage County ranch during spring roundup. Grew up watching them cutting bulls into steers and the ladies skinning and cooking the "fries" fresh, never frozen along with all the good food.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 27, 2017
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Because I've been around nicotine for my entire life and my body is so used to using it that I will probably never be able to get off it. The only time I did not have any nicotine in my system my first year and half at college. That was probably the worst time of my life. I had dramatic mood swings, could not concentrate to safe my life, subjects that were normally easy for me to understand I had problems with. These symptoms never quit. It wasn't until I started smoking that I started to feel a resemblance of normalcy. Before vaping was around I tried more times than I can count to quit. Tried the patches, which worked until I got to the lowest patch level and then I became so moody even after 4 weeks that my wife would almost beg me to have a smoke. The gum irritated my mouth and there was no way in hell I would try chantix. Even to this day if I go down to 3 mg liquid I get extremely moody and short with people.

There are some people, and I am one of them, that their bodies become so dependent on nicotine its basically impossible to quit.
I was the same way with fast food. Until I stopped eating it


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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Because I've been around nicotine for my entire life and my body is so used to using it that I will probably never be able to get off it. The only time I did not have any nicotine in my system my first year and half at college. That was probably the worst time of my life. I had dramatic mood swings, could not concentrate to safe my life, subjects that were normally easy for me to understand I had problems with. These symptoms never quit. It wasn't until I started smoking that I started to feel a resemblance of normalcy. Before vaping was around I tried more times than I can count to quit. Tried the patches, which worked until I got to the lowest patch level and then I became so moody even after 4 weeks that my wife would almost beg me to have a smoke. The gum irritated my mouth and there was no way in hell I would try chantix. Even to this day if I go down to 3 mg liquid I get extremely moody and short with people.

There are some people, and I am one of them, that their bodies become so dependent on nicotine its basically impossible to quit.

It's not impossible. Tough, but not impossible. I'm sure you've heard the stories. Life long 2 pack a day smokers that quit cold turkey after 40 years. That woulda been my parents. Harder for my mom then my dad. Grouchy, angry, pissed off at the world!

It can be done. But only you can do it.

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