Why the snubbing of small caliber ammo?

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Special Hen
May 20, 2015
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Liberty Mounds
One day at work sitting on break I overheard coworkers talking about the guns they had what they shoot going about 9mm, .40, .45, I piped up said I had a .380 I liked, one guy told all you would do is piss me off with it, the .380 would not go through a leather jacket. I kept my mouth shut, but inside I am thinking it is something I like, and I am comfortable with it and can control it, what does the size of caliber matter? If I can't control or handle a .40, .45, 0r .357 would use is it? I have seen videos even of .22 going through stuff wouldn't think it would penatrate so that is surprising. To me if you handle the ammo and gun and keep it on target does the size of calibur really matter, if you can't handle it and keep it target then whats the point of having it. This is more for protection, EDC and having it concealed.

My .380 fits my hands perfect, easy for me to handle. I have tried some 9mm to me they are big, bulky and heavy and don't feel I could comfortably handle them. I don't want this to end up in a big heated debate just want honest thoughts of what others think of small calibur ammo for protection use. I understand the bigger caliburs what for bigger reasons, but for something to carry look at the smaller calibur. My thought also is once you start popping rounds the threat is more than likely to retreat and get out of dodge to avoid being hit anyway, I know I would run.

I carry a 9 with jhp but I would have no problem carrying a .380, advances in ammunition production has made that little round a viable choice for CC.

Dr. HK

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2008
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This may be heresy, but I'm strongly considering getting a Ruger LCR in 22mag for my SO. Her grip strength is limited in racking the slide on her Sig P238. She certainly can't pull the slide on a 9mm, and certainly doesn't like it's recoil. I think the 22mag revolver would be a great compromise. She's a pretty good shot which is a plus with the smaller ammo.

S&W EZ is a great little shooter.

Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Handgun caliber snubbing is nothing new. Haters are gonna hate and the topic has been a pissing contest since the modern day cartridge was created.

I carry a .380ACP in my pocket Every. Single. Day. It usually plays backup to a larger caliber sidearm, but not always. There are days when it and a spare mag serve as my primary carry. Do I feel outgunned? Not at all. They'll ALL kill ya deader'n hell. Besides, a wise old man once told me, if you are face to face with some scumbag, all you gotta do is change his mind. :thumb:
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 1, 2012
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This thread got me thinking about the smaller calibers, so I pulled the trigger and ordered a SW Shield 380 EZ tonight. I also realized I've been neglecting my Seecamps in 25 & 32. I don't think they've seen sunlight in 3 or 4 years!

It's going to be 'Small Caliber Day' at the range this weekend!


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 21, 2018
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This may be heresy, but I'm strongly considering getting a Ruger LCR in 22mag for my SO. Her grip strength is limited in racking the slide on her Sig P238. She certainly can't pull the slide on a 9mm, and certainly doesn't like it's recoil. I think the 22mag revolver would be a great compromise. She's a pretty good shot which is a plus with the smaller ammo.

I have the LCR 22Mag and love it, but I wouldn't recommend it for someone who has limited grip strength. The trigger pull on the LCR is somewhere north of 10lbs, I can't even measure it with my trigger pull gauge. Those who can't rack slides of common handguns tend to really struggle with double action revolvers in general because of this.

I have shot the S&W EZ 380 and must say, this is one good choice for those who are recoil sensitive and/or limited grip strength. The slide of the S&W EZ is a little easier to rack than my P238. Granted, the P238 slide is not difficult to rack - it's much easier than the Ruger LCP - but the EZ380 makes the task seem like a breeze with it's larger slide and greater area for hand placement. With the larger/heavier slide comes the lighter spring tension. It's a trade-off. Smaller guns (generally) must have greater spring tension (hard to rack the slide) and larger guns (generally) have lighter spring tension (easier to rack the slide).
There's a lot more to it and I'm not ignoring locked breech tilting barrel vs. blowback, just pointing out some general rules for handgun selection.

The 380ACP is plenty for self defense. If you are trying to use if for something other than self-defense, don't be surprised when it fails to deliver.

Defcon Shooter

Special Hen
Mar 20, 2017
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Park Hill Oklahoma


Special Hen
May 9, 2019
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central oklahoma
I have seen alot of articles and videos about .22 though being a small tiny round being the most lethal round to be shot with. Plus the .22 is cheap at that. I so wanted to speak up and tell this guy no matter what round or calibur you pop off if your comfortable with it and handle it and shot placement is point on then they all will do the job. Another way I look at it, if I can hold that pistol on point and return to aim with out fighting recoil the more shots I can get off faster then handling a havey pistol and fighting recoil fighting to get back on aim. Alot will say thats why .22 is most lethal or deadly little to no recoil and can stay on target, to me that means rapping off more rounds faster on target then pop, recoil, back on aim fire again, .22 just pop away empty a 15 round mag nothing flat staying on target. !5 round of hot .22 lead to the face or chest even is going to inflict some kind of pain. I have read and watch alot of cop shows, and of course forensic file is my fav show and most murders on that show are .22 calibur pistols.

I feel for me my .380 will do just fine in a flight or flight or in a shtf moment.

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