27 years ago today...a spinoff.

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
I can't say that I recall any early news stories, but I did live through something of a major event. Cimarron County in the Oklahoma Panhandle was the epicenter of the Dust Bowl's "Dirty Thirties." I can remember driving around in the folks' old pickup and having dust fall from the headliner, not from the "Dirty Thirties" but from the then current "Gritty Fifties" when more dust storms occurred up there.

I'll be 76 next month, and thus I recall a lot of what everyone is mentioning here. I was a Junior in high school when Kennedy was killed. We had performed our Junior play in the high school auditorium and at the end, the superintendent went before the audience and announced Kennedy's assassination. That was in 1963.

Five years later, I would marry the woman of my life, and we STILL enjoy life together.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
Off the top of my head........

I recall Reagan being shot. Remember that it was all over the news and they kept playing the footage over and over.
Same year, I think, MTV went live.
A few years later, I remember sitting in a jr. high home ec classroom and watching the Challenge shuttle blow up on live TV.
The day the space shuttle exploded I had the TV on and was getting ready to run to town to pick up some stuff. I remember thinking that the crew was setting on enough explosives to blow up a whole town. I was a fire fighter for an oil company at the time. It took 15 minutes to drive to town, and I went by the city fire station to visit with one of my brothers, and have a cup of coffee. When I walked into the station they had the TV on, and the shuttle had just exploded! I don't know if I had a premonition, or not, but that kinda made me wonder?


Special Hen
May 19, 2016
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Green County
Turned 60 this month. The earliest one I can remember is the first walk on the moon in June 1969. I was 7 years old and sitting in the living room crowded around our black and white tv. We stayed up (9:30 PM) to watch Armstrong step on the moon. My dad was a couple of burbons in at that point and he was just glued to the tv. After Armstrong said his famous words "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", my dad said, "goddammit, we did it"! I and my two older brothers were speechless watching all this unfold. My dad said, "Boys, things just got a little faster in the world and we'll never be the same again." He was misty-eyed looking at us probably thinking about what our collective futures were going to look like. He was a Kennedy-era democrat, Korean war vet, an attorney, and judge during his short life and career. He passed at 49 years old. Boy he wasn't kidding either. Life at the speed of light now. If he'd lived until today, he'd be the most conservative democrat I know. That makes me laugh.


Special Hen
Jan 4, 2013
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Moore, OK
I teach & coach high school.
Right now high school students were all born after 9/11.
As it stands, the COVID pandemic is the biggest thing that's happened during their time that they'll remember.
They've always had internet, iPhones, flat screen TVs, computers, electric cars, 100s of TV channels...some of them only know 8 planets.
Young athletes today don't understand what a knee injury was 30-40 years ago.
I'm always talking to my students about paying attention to what's going on around them.
What's the defining moment of your generation?
What's the big tech advancement of your time?
What are the things you'll be "I remember when" to your kids about 30 years from now?
It amazes me that they are privy to a seemingly infinite stream of information on a daily basis but can't recall a single noteworthy thing that's happened in their lifetime.
By the time I graduated high school, I had plenty.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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It amazes me that they are privy to a seemingly infinite stream of information on a daily basis but can't recall a single noteworthy thing that's happened in their lifetime.
With the constant firehose of information (and misinformation and downright disinformation) that's being blasted at them 24/7, it's kind of amazing that they can pick out anything. First it's delta, then it's Afghanistan, then it's omicron, then it's inflation, then it's Ukraine, then it's gas prices, then it's the next big crisis, lather, rinse, and repeat.

It's not like it was when we were kids, or even young adults, when all that stuff was happening, but only the really big stuff made the headlines or the nightly news. Now the 24/7 news cycle encourages talking heads to yammer incessantly about every little thing that happens, to the point that CNN really does stand for Confusing Nothing with News.

Even if you're really paying attention, it's becoming ever more difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff--and that's without the complication of powerful urges driven by young hormones in a biological effort to perpetuate the species...


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
I heard someone make the statement that when he was in high school, WW II was just as far in the past as 9/11 is for current HS students. Some of us are getting pretty old....


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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The day the space shuttle exploded I had the TV on and was getting ready to run to town to pick up some stuff. I remember thinking that the crew was setting on enough explosives to blow up a whole town. I was a fire fighter for an oil company at the time. It took 15 minutes to drive to town, and I went by the city fire station to visit with one of my brothers, and have a cup of coffee. When I walked into the station they had the TV on, and the shuttle had just exploded! I don't know if I had a premonition, or not, but that kinda made me wonder?
And remember it was all fabricated from parts made by the lowest bidder.


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2011
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Warr Acres
I didn't wanna hijack the other thread, so I figured I would just start up a new one.

My family and I were talking about April 19th and 09-11 tonight, and we started talking about our first news worthy story we could remember as kids.

Mine was the day Elvis died. My mother and her best friend were both HUGE fans. I can remember them both crying continuously as if they had just lost their parents or a sibling.

My youngest daughter remembered 9-11, even though she was only 4 years old.

My oldest daughter said the one that stood out in her mind was...

...wait for it...

Bill Clinton receiving oral sex from Monica Lewinsky in the white house.

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We may be close to the same age. I remember sitting in Dairy Queen when i heard Elvis died as a kid. When John Lennon was murdered a couple years later sticks in my mind also. My wayward Aunt that lived with us was crushed. i have pets named, Ringo, Rigby, and Lucy. I just turned 50 in June.
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