BB gun stories

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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
It’s amazing we survived the dumb stuff we did as kids.

We used to suit up in heavy clothes and have BB gun wars. Two pumps max and no headshots. During one event, a team of us had one kid pinned behind a stone pillar on his front porch. He stuck his head out to yell at us just as someone had pulled the trigger.

He came out from behind the pillar grabbing his throat and gagging. Turns out the BB went straight into his open mouth and embedded in the back of his throat. His mom never took him to the hospital and it just became encapsulated.

He left home a few years later and joined the navy. I hadn’t been in touch with him in decades when we finally reconnected a couple years ago. We’re both well into our 50’s…and the bb is still there.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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No one else had wars with the rest of the neighborhood kids? Only rule was "no aiming for the head".
When we all got a little older, everyone seemed to have Crosman 760s or Daisy 880s. The rule then was "no more than four pumps". We were violent little shits.
Being a farm boy, I never really had neighborhood kids to play with. Mom cut the pockets out of my jeans just so I could have a toy.

BB Guns, I only had the stupid little wood stocked lever action POS that would kill a sparrow. It wasn't even a Red Ryder as I never knew who or what that was. Same gun, just no plastic emblem in the stock. I still have it and a few other levers I have acquired over the years. Before I got sick AGAIN, I was working on a Winchester 1894 Daisy.

HAS ANYONE, got an 1894, non-flattened plastic plunger head? I'm trying to figure out how to fix this flat sided head. The heat gun on low heat didn't work.

Oh yeah, LANCER sold me a scoped Stoeger I can't hit a bull in the ... butt with.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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It’s amazing we survived the dumb stuff we did as kids.

We used to suit up in heavy clothes and have BB gun wars. Two pumps max and no headshots. During one event, a team of us had one kid pinned behind a stone pillar on his front porch. He stuck his head out to yell at us just as someone had pulled the trigger.

He came out from behind the pillar grabbing his throat and gagging. Turns out the BB went straight into his open mouth and embedded in the back of his throat. His mom never took him to the hospital and it just became encapsulated.

He left home a few years later and joined the navy. I hadn’t been in touch with him in decades when we finally reconnected a couple years ago. We’re both well into our 50’s…and the bb is still there.
And something this simple, could have prevented all that.



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Sep 7, 2012
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My best friend and I bought our first BB guns in the mid 90's with lawnmowing money. They were Daisy 841 "quick silver" single pumps. We would burn through a 5000 count box of BB's in a couple weeks tearing up the backyard.

One day we were walking the neighborhood hunting birds when we started shooting at each other for fun. It was painful to get hit, so it turned into a war with a lot of hurt feelings. I remember running across the street under fire in fear for my life when I jumped in the bed of a neighbors pickup. My friend didn't stop firing and shattered the front windshield. That woke us up and the war ended. We went home and swore not to talk about it.

Well we got in trouble anyways. My dad gave me a lecture and told the story about when he was a kid in a BB gun war in the 60's. He was walking to his friends house when his friend opened fire from the rooftop. My dad ran home and got his bb gun which was jammed and couldn't feed bb's at the time. He instead filled the bore with bird seed and went to the kids house. He found him in the garage and shot him in the face with the bird seed. The kids mom had to pick bird seed out of his face and eyes.

Though not BB gun related, that same friend and I had improvised bows and arrows before the BB guns. These were supped-up modified suction cup bows and arrows with homemade arrows made from dowel rods and solid fiberglass bicycle flag poles sharpened in a pencil sharpener or on concrete. One day we watched some Disney movie where the main character was catching arrows fired at him and shooting them back. We decided since we were pretty good with bows so we'd give it a try. After a couple failed attempts to catch an arrow myself, it was his turn. I fired one of the fiberglass arrows at my friend who failed to catch it and it stuck in his forearm. He still has the scar.

EDIT: One more story. That same friend and I were shooting BB's at the neighbors house attic vent louvers. Little did we know the neighbor was back there. I shot and then heard "AAAAAHHHHHHH". The neighbor popped up over the fence and said "YOU SHOT ME IN THE A$$!". It must have been a ricochet. We ran inside and nothing came of it.
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Aug 18, 2020
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Shawnee, OK
So when I was around 6 just before deer season my dad gave me my red rider bb gun early for Christmas; so I could go deer hunting with him. Man lord almighty I was ready, eagle eye, dropping from a mile away, READY! We take 2 steps from the truck and my dad hears the sound of 100s of bbs rattling around. He takes my gun empties all the bbs and hands me one. Then quietly explains a good hunter drops a deer with one bullet. I tell you I shook that gun every couple steps just to make sure it was still in there.

By the next deer season I had a Winchester 30-30 LMAO!


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Sep 7, 2012
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Another story came to mind. My friend stole a box of 12 gauge shells from the neighbors garage. We wanted to see if we could make one of them fire. We stuck the shell in a large chunk of styrofoam. We tried to shoot at the primer with our BB's guns from a distance but couldn't hit it. I got frustrated and went up and stuck my muzzle up to the primer and pulled the trigger. BOOOOM! It scared the crap out of me. It was the loudest sound I had heard at that point in my life as I had never been around real guns. The syrofoam was in a million pieces and I remember hearing something a few seconds later splash in the pool. I never found the shell, wad, or any of the shot.

Some time later my dad fished something out of the pool drain. It was the base of the shot shell. The plastic was tore up and the primer was gone. I acted like I didn't know what is was.


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Dec 12, 2020
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Guthrie, OK
When I was in the fifth grade my parents did not get home until a few hours after we got home from school. One day I came home and my younger brother and older sister were not home and had gone to friends’ houses after school, so I was home alone.

I had my Red Rider BB gun and was on the front porch shooting at sparrows and such. For some reason I had the butt end of the gun between my legs to cock the gun. Evidently, I somehow did not get the lever into full cock mode and let go of the lever. The lever smacked me in the right testicle. I rolled around on the porch thinking I was going to die, and worse…………die all alone.

A few times in my life I have had my testicles either kicked or hit by accident, but never has the pain been like the pain I experienced that day on the front porch, all alone, thinking I was going to die.

Needless to say, I never cocked a BB gun between my legs again.

I could tell a few more BB gun stories. Such as how my brother still has a BB embedded in his right thigh.


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Sep 7, 2012
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A bit off topic but it does include a "BB gun" in a sense:

One day I found a can of black powder in my dads closet so naturally I had to have my friend come over and help me fine a way to use it. We took one of those Lego cannons from the pirate sets and drilled a hole for a fuse. We found that a ball bearing from my old bicycle pedal shaft was a perfect fit. With a pinch of black powder and a fuse from a blackcat we successfully fired it a couple times in the backyard. The plastic cannon would fly backards as fast as the ball flew forwards(which wasn't very fast).

After strapping down the Lego cannon we manage a dent in the metal shed but that wasn't satisfying enough. After looking around I found that an aluminum arrow that I had broken in two was also a perfect fit for those ball bearings. We put quite a bit of black powder in the arrow and stuffed the ball in. I stuck a fuse in the arrow head threaded hole. Then we duct taped the arrow to a piece of cardboard and set in in the yard with a few rocks to hold it down "for recoil absorption".

Since my mom had hid the lighters due to me lighting the backyard on fire, we had to improvise a magnifying glass and the sun to light the fuse. When that thing went off it sent that ball bearing through the shed, wheel barrow, shed again, and through the wood fence into the neighbors yard. The arrow had ripped free of the tape and flew across the yard sticking into the ground.

The aluminum arrow had only a slight bulge in it and to this day I don't understand how it held the pressure.
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