Massive Bus Caravan Ready To Head To US Border

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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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In every joke there is a grain of truth to make it funny.

This is true to the core and is not funny because it is reality.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2020
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Unless the oligarchy that controls our country changes (don't hold your breath), the best thing to do would be to learn Spanish so you can at least beg for your life when the ever growing number of illegals invade your home and attack your family :nolike:
Like hell! The "best thing to do" is to legally arm up and train with your weapons, be prepared to defend (truly defend) your home and family. Even at 70+, I'm not too old to do that much.

No sane human being wants war anywhere near American soil. But I've seen nothing - absolutely nothing, in recent history - that indicates civil war can be prevented, in any way. If you have, please show me.

Sane people understand, that is the only way to protect the future of this generation's grandchildren.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
Like hell! The "best thing to do" is to legally arm up and train with your weapons, be prepared to defend (truly defend) your home and family. Even at 70+, I'm not too old to do that much.

No sane human being wants war anywhere near American soil. But I've seen nothing - absolutely nothing, in recent history - that indicates civil war can be prevented, in any way. If you have, please show me.

Sane people understand, that is the only way to protect the future of this generation's grandchildren.
So you still think there are 'sane' people left that would bother to defend their home? From what I have seen, if things turn ugly, most rush to whip out their smart-phones to video someone getting their @zz beat instead of stepping-in to help the one (or group) being attacked. The rest just stand around and jeer like idiots. The only thing missing is them holding torches and pitchforks.

'Ya don't have to like it or agree with it but that is the way it has become for most people now. Even the few that would want to help, hesitate for fear of being arrested, civil sued, or attacked themselves.


Special Hen
Apr 11, 2009
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not available
while they are still on the busses???? they should stop at the border give them food water and bathroom break,hand out some leaflets in spanish ,chineese etc describing the high pay and excellent social services of the eastern states and places like martha's vine etc. load them all on the busses pay the drivers and send them North East and let them go. heck move them right along while they are all together.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
Nothing more than a Mexican PR stunt. I've seen videos of the Mexican 'Guardia Nacional' standing around while lines of immigrants, coming from Central America, streamed around them headed North towards the United States. Apparently their National Guard has about as much authority . . . and 'give-a-sheet attitude' as ours does when it comes to 'border' duty.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Nothing more than a Mexican PR stunt. I've seen videos of the Mexican 'Guardia Nacional' standing around while lines of immigrants, coming from Central America, streamed around them headed North towards the United States. Apparently their National Guard has about as much authority . . . and 'give-a-sheet attitude' as ours does when it comes to 'border' duty.
Whether a PR stunt or panic move to stops Trump's threatened tariffs who knows for sure. My statement was specifically about whether it could be done. There's been a dust up of sorts going on in Mexico for a few years now about who would control the national guard there which has resulted in the NG being put under military rather than civilian control...


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
The Mexican Constitution does not allow for its government to prevent people from moving across its territory - the same as our Constitution does for us.

Trump nor Biden nor Congress have any control over the Mexican Constitution, therefore cannot stop immigration into Mexico from other countries. Apparently Mexico also has little control over their own immigration problem, the same as we do over ours.

Our only legal way to prevent the new caravan loads of immigrants from crossing over our own border is for Congress to act, and we all know by now that when it comes to immigration policies, they won't lift even a finger.

Unless the oligarchy that controls our country changes (don't hold your breath), the best thing to do would be to learn Spanish so you can at least beg for your life when the ever growing number of illegals invade your home and attack your family :nolike:
I'm going to need a quote and a link from you about where in the Mexican Constitution it says that they allow unfettered foreign nationals across their borders to travel unimpeded the length of their country to enter the US illegally.
Americans traveling to Mexico danged sure do not have the access your saying chinese, russian, saudi's and over 100 nationalities have when traveling through mexico.
When in fact at one time there was a rule from the US in 2019 that said that if one was seeking asylum, you had to apply at the first country you crossed and if you were not granted that asylum, you had to return to your home country.
Mexico in fact, tried to stop the flow, but gave up after massive riots at their southern border that they weakly defended.
They didn't care and facilitated the flow now with bus caravans while allowing them to ride trains, etc, while "support groups" supplying food and water to get them the fawk out of their country, issuing we love biden tshirts at the same time.
Trump had the mexican government at their knees by sanctions and promises of tariffs if they didn't' stop the flow, which they did. The flow basically came to a stop while the wall was being built. Mexican National Guardsmen prevented the illegals from crossing the border without due process.
Brain dead biden took office, and on day one eliminated the EO that put the third country rule into effect, allowing the debacle we are seeing at the border now with news reports of 800,000 in one caravan headed for our border while 80,000 are expected to cross when title 42 expires to add to the 6 million that have already crossed out border illegally with another estimated million got aways.
You ok with those numbers infiltrating our country, most being military aged men from over 100 foreign nations?
I'm not.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Dream-on. Americans these days will not nor cannot fight. Hell, even our own military can't find enough physically and mentally qualified personnel to fill their own ranks - and you're talking about citizen-soldiers coming together to defend our own borders? :laugh6:
Is there an issue with a militia? Our constitution certainly allows it and it to be armed. Don't be so sure that everyone will sit in their recliner and be slaughtered.

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