Remember when I said the Ukraine "Whistleblower" would lead to Brennan?

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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That’s why I posted the video
The video wasn't made by some guy with a cell phone at a meeting of the Illuminati. It was made in public before the Council on Foreign Relations. Biden is talking about a diplomatic mission to Kiev on behalf of the free world.
And yes, we've heard plenty about it in the media. We heard about it even at the time.

Edit: the point being that there's nothing clandestine in anything he's talking about. Doesn't mean Biden isn't a big fat criminal. It just means we have to seek evidence of his criminality elsewhere. That's where Barr's big mission in the bushes comes in.


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Mar 15, 2009
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The video wasn't made by some guy with a cell phone at a meeting of the Illuminati. It was made in public before the Council on Foreign Relations. Biden is talking about a diplomatic mission to Kiev on behalf of the free world.
And yes, we've heard plenty about it in the media. We heard about it even at the time.

Edit: the point being that there's nothing clandestine in anything he's talking about. Doesn't mean Biden isn't a big fat criminal. It just means we have to seek evidence of his criminality elsewhere. That's where Barr's big mission in the bushes comes in.
Have you considered that Trump is just trying to get our tax dollars back? I don’t care if it’s Biden or not, maybe he’s just informing another world leader of the corruption happening in his country. It’s way less than the Schiffs of this world are reporting.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Have you considered that Trump is just trying to get our tax dollars back? I don’t care if it’s Biden or not, maybe he’s just informing another world leader of the corruption happening in his country. It’s way less than the Schiffs of this world are reporting.
I hadn't thought of it in exactly that way. He was just trying to get our tax money back which had already been appropriated by Congress? Money to fight a Russian invasion of Ukraine? WOW
Sounds like usurpation of the power of the purse to me (just for starters).


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I'm not among the people who will stand up for him. BUT, Making a threat that money will be withheld while publicly representing the United States, the western world, and the IMF is a much different thing than withholding money to serve the narrow political interests of Donald Trump .

How so? The US has a treaty with the Ukraine that says we must make sure tax dollars are spent wisely before given, so when Hunter is on the board of a Ukraine company with zero experience and zero knowledge, and actually in front of cameras on ABC said he got the job because of his dad, how can you attempt to justify that?
Trump only asked that matter to be looked into via the transcript that is available for you to read online.
You say the prosecutor that was fired was corrupt. Verify that with some evidence please.


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Jan 12, 2007
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How bout a simple explanation assuming nothing.
What is Donald Trump's attitude regarding the laws of the the United States? "Article II says I can do whatever I want."
What is Donald Trump's attitude regarding the constitution of the United States? "You people and your phoney emoluments clause."
What is Donald Trump's attitude toward one particular statute that's relevant here? When ABC's Little George tells the President that to accept (or solicit) assistance from a foreign government in an election is illegal according to the The FBI Director, he responds "The FBI director is wrong."

Just the way the President sees this sort of thing according to the President.

Now for the perfect Phone call.
The perfect phone call was so perfect that people in the White House Squirreled it away in the deepest hole they could find (what you might call a "private server") , lest someone gaze upon it and despoil its perfection.
The law required it to be left in the White House archiving system, but the call was just too perfect for that.

What's in the phone call? Looks like we'll never know. The Administration released something they called a summary that others were calling a memorandum that the Republican's are now calling The Transcript.
It's not a redaction, because it doesn't have those ugly black lines blocking out content, it just has those elegant little ellipses.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the call itself. If the president is soliciting information or action which will be of value to him politically or personally, he's breaking the law. Doesn't matter about anybody's opinion about whether or not it should be against the law. If he's using extortion or bribery to solicit that information he's breaking another law. The quid pro quo stuff doesn't even matter here. He's breaking a separate law.

There's some other stuff that makes people suspicious here. Why did the Justice Department sit on the I.G.s report for over a month when the law requires them to submit it to Congress?
Could just be carelessness. They could have lost it behind the couch cushions etc.

You're probably right, though. Barr will go nosing around for scary monsters in the weeds and report monthly on his considerable progress and I'll look silly, again.

The President has said repeatedly that impeachment will help him politically, so maybe he's the one orchestrating this conspiracy with another of his mind-blowing 4D chess moves?

In any case he can count on the Senate to save him so no big deal.

Nobody knows what's gonna happen and Nobody's gonna like it.

Why you sound positively butthurt there IG! Is your fanny chapped because this narrative that was sure to depose Trump is falling apart?

First, Biden abused his position as VP and special envoy to Ukraine to interfere in the internal matters of a sovereign nation, namely extorting the termination of a prosecutor investigating his son’s employer (who was a PRO-Russian oligarch), by threatening to withhold a BILLION dollars worth of financial aide.

Second, Biden IS NOT Trump’s political opponent yet. He has not won the Democratic primary and neither he nor Trump can divine whether he will be Trump’s political opponent in the 2020 general election. Biden’s current status is the EX Vice President of the United States, a title which does not provide him with any sort of immunity from criminal investigation for activities he may have participated in three years ago (statute of limitations does not apply). He is in a word, fair game.

Third, Trump did not deny military funding to Ukraine. They HAVE the money. If he used it as leverage to solicit anti-corruption cooperation from Ukraine under a treaty that President Bill Clinton himself signed, which is within the powers granted to the executive branch of the Untied States government. He can only be held to account if he refused to provide the funds Congress appropriated for that purpose, which he did not.

Fourth and this is a critical one, I have spent so much more time and effort researching this than you can possibly imagine. Meanwhile you have your head so far up CNN and WaPo’s ass that you can’t even smell the ulcerated, cancerous offal they’re shoveling down your throat.

This whole “whistleblower” scam orchestrated by John Brennan and Adam “I have proof Trump colluded with Russia!” Schiff is about to come apart more spectacularly than the space shuttle Columbia. Schiff has already lied to the American public about coordinating directly with or knowing the identity of Mr. Eric Ciaramella. Are you positive you want to follow him down this road? You might want to think about it for a few days...


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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You say the prosecutor that was fired was corrupt. Verify that with some evidence please.

As much as I hate to say it, he is right about that part. The prosecutor that was fired was corrupt. Being corrupt is not the reason he was fired, but it is the handy fig leaf for Biden and the loony left to hide behind.


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Mar 15, 2009
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The whole sharade by the Dems is getting tiresome. Look at how much time and money has been wasted. Schiff has been running around for three years saying he has irrefutable evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. If the media would do their damn jobs, the American people would learn that the Dems and the DNC did more colluding than the Trump administration.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Not Trump political appointees, but career officials many, if not most, were there even when Obama was prez.

"Career officials at the Justice Department determined that no crime occurred during Trump's July phone call with Ukraine's leader, and Ukraine has consistently denied feeling any pressure from the Trump administration."

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