Vaping vs Smoking: The myths, the facts, and the controversies.

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I had to look that one up, I knew some coloring was made that way wasn’t sure which one lol. Dates a vegan chick, she was way less vegan than she thought lol
Cochineal (Red) food colouring is made by crushing and powdering a dried beetle. Dactylopius coccus
from which the red dye Carmine is made from.
What's wrong with that? Oh, the vegan thing. Vegans are so misinformed. You would have to live life nekkid and eat dirt to be a true vegan according to their criteria.


Dec 10, 2008
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You have to provide a link to prove that.
I'll start.
Where Does Vanilla Come From?
Vanilla originated in Mexico with the Totonaco Indians, who were conquered by the Aztecs who, in turn, were conquered by Hernando Cortez. Along with other plunder, Cortez took cacao beans and vanilla pods back to Spain and the rest is history.

Vanilla pods, commonly called vanilla beans, are the fruit of the vanilla orchid, the only orchid plant that produces an edible fruit. Because of its shape, and because the Melipone bee, historically responsible for the pollination of the orchid, is found only in Mexico, the orchid needs assistance in order to produce fruit.

"Cortez took the beans back to Spain but he forgot to take the bees," Craig Nielsen says.

At last, Montezuma has his revenge!

Today, the orchids are grown in Mexico, the Bourbon Islands, Tahiti, Indonesia, India, Uganda, and Papua New Guinea. They are hand pollinated, hand harvested and hand cured by farmers in a process that takes anywhere from 13 to 14 weeks.

No wonder vanilla is so expensive!
Vanilla vs “vanilla flavoring,”
A chemical compound used in vanilla flavored foods and scents comes from the butt of a beaver. Castoreum comes from a beaver's castor sacs, located between the pelvis and base of the tail.Oct 2, 2013
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
I don't know if ya'll realize it, but the oils being sold for the vape/e-cig stuff are generally mixed up by some dude in the back room or a garage somewhere. There is no quality control, no nothing, really. Not that inhaling stuff from Big Tobacco into your lungs is safe or healthy, but most people don't know jack schitt about what they're vaping, either.

That's a big negative ghost rider. Some stores carried their "house" liquid that was mixed in store, but also sold several juice lines that were mixed in labs with high levels purity and contamination prevention. Yes, there were a few juice lines in the early days mixed in some back room "lab" that was probably closer to a meth lab, but those got closed out by public awareness and vape advocacy coalitions.

I agree vaping if safer than cigs. Only carcinogens being flavoring and nicotine, but no one mentioned the type of vaping that is done. SUB OHM VAPING. Lowwwwww resistance coils and the intense heat they produce that most vapers take LARGE hits off of to blow big (gay) clouds. That has to be bad for your lungs. I stopped vaping a year ago, my lungs have hurt on and off for a while. Only recently getting better. (No cigs in almost 10 years. Only vaped for one year)

I wonder if the heat can scar or damage lungs?

Nicotine is not a carcinogen. Even high levels, though poisonous, do not cause cancer. Otherwise eggplant parmesan would be deadly (eggplant and tomatoes both contain nicotine). And sub ohm vaping without proper airflow can cause higher temps in the vapor. It would take quite a bit of heat though to damage your lungs. I personally don't like warm vapor but I use dual coil setups that ohm out to .18 to .14. On a regulated device I run it at 129 watts, on my work mod which is a straight mechanical it runs around 100 to 120 watts on a full battery. Your experience with your lungs doesn't match mine as I've been vaping subohm for 3 years now with no side effects. Last exam my doc told me my lungs were perfectly clear and I have better breathing than I did when I was in my 20's and a smoker. At least I've not woken up and coughed up lung butter in 7 years. I have tried some juice lines that cause me some discomfort, namely ones that carry citrus flavorings, though my step son and wife both could vape them with no problems. So more than likely you were sensitive to either the vg or pg and the higher vapor volume exaggerated it.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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That's a big negative ghost rider. Some stores carried their "house" liquid that was mixed in store, but also sold several juice lines that were mixed in labs with high levels purity and contamination prevention. Yes, there were a few juice lines in the early days mixed in some back room "lab" that was probably closer to a meth lab, but those got closed out by public awareness and vape advocacy coalitions.

Sorry, ghost rider, but it's a big fact and it DOES still go on. I have family who have run a vape shop and are still connected with the industry. It may be all happy flowers and roses on the face, but I know for a fact this is still going on, and it is NOT regulated to any significant degree, and while there may be SOME tightly-controlled sources, there are still plenty that are mixing and matching and making their own. And if you don't believe it, well, I'm glad you can buy what they're selling. Because I know better and have seen it with my own eyes. This wasn't back in the early days, this was recently, man.

But hey, spread whatever information you like, attempt to discredit whatever you like - the facts are, I have seen it. Call up the State of Oklahoma and the FDA and ask for the department that oversees production and distribution of vaping oils and let me know what the schedule of inspection and quality standards are, alright?

I'll wait...


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Jan 6, 2008
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That's a big negative ghost rider. Some stores carried their "house" liquid that was mixed in store, but also sold several juice lines that were mixed in labs with high levels purity and contamination prevention. Yes, there were a few juice lines in the early days mixed in some back room "lab" that was probably closer to a meth lab, but those got closed out by public awareness and vape advocacy coalitions.

Nicotine is not a carcinogen. Even high levels, though poisonous, do not cause cancer. Otherwise eggplant parmesan would be deadly (eggplant and tomatoes both contain nicotine). And sub ohm vaping without proper airflow can cause higher temps in the vapor. It would take quite a bit of heat though to damage your lungs. I personally don't like warm vapor but I use dual coil setups that ohm out to .18 to .14. On a regulated device I run it at 129 watts, on my work mod which is a straight mechanical it runs around 100 to 120 watts on a full battery. Your experience with your lungs doesn't match mine as I've been vaping subohm for 3 years now with no side effects. Last exam my doc told me my lungs were perfectly clear and I have better breathing than I did when I was in my 20's and a smoker. At least I've not woken up and coughed up lung butter in 7 years. I have tried some juice lines that cause me some discomfort, namely ones that carry citrus flavorings, though my step son and wife both could vape them with no problems. So more than likely you were sensitive to either the vg or pg and the higher vapor volume exaggerated it.

You sound like an intelligent guy. Why not just buck up and quit?


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Jun 13, 2005
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I said, and I'll repeat that I am not offering judgement, just proffering a real world scenario and not an internet link.
I don't give a crap what you do to stay high or drunk. I'm just stating a real world scenerio of those that are trying to run a business in a world of legal dispensaries in small town of 1500. You can take the information any way you want to read it. I'm just reporting the facts in this location. Your location may vary.

I'll repeat again.... you're not reporting facts.... you're reporting an anecdote at a location.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 27, 2017
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That's a big negative ghost rider. Some stores carried their "house" liquid that was mixed in store, but also sold several juice lines that were mixed in labs with high levels purity and contamination prevention. Yes, there were a few juice lines in the early days mixed in some back room "lab" that was probably closer to a meth lab, but those got closed out by public awareness and vape advocacy coalitions.

Nicotine is not a carcinogen. Even high levels, though poisonous, do not cause cancer. Otherwise eggplant parmesan would be deadly (eggplant and tomatoes both contain nicotine). And sub ohm vaping without proper airflow can cause higher temps in the vapor. It would take quite a bit of heat though to damage your lungs. I personally don't like warm vapor but I use dual coil setups that ohm out to .18 to .14. On a regulated device I run it at 129 watts, on my work mod which is a straight mechanical it runs around 100 to 120 watts on a full battery. Your experience with your lungs doesn't match mine as I've been vaping subohm for 3 years now with no side effects. Last exam my doc told me my lungs were perfectly clear and I have better breathing than I did when I was in my 20's and a smoker. At least I've not woken up and coughed up lung butter in 7 years. I have tried some juice lines that cause me some discomfort, namely ones that carry citrus flavorings, though my step son and wife both could vape them with no problems. So more than likely you were sensitive to either the vg or pg and the higher vapor volume exaggerated it.
nicotine is only present in quantifable amounts in the leaves of plants. we dont eat eggplant or tomato leaves.
Why cant you just say, yeah, "vaping is bad too, just not as bad as smoking", and leave it at that?


Gill-Gun Guru
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Aug 1, 2014
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OKC / Bristow
I agree; all that defense and logical argument for what? a lesser "bad"? A lesser bad is still bad.

Yes it is, but when someone goes from being 200lbs over weight to 100lbs overweight should they be criticized that they aren't trying hard enough because they didn't drop it all instantly? Or that they obviously don't care about their health because they are still overweight but have hit the weight loss wall and can't drop it like before?

Not everyone can just quit.. Lord knows I tried. And then when I did start again it was worse than before I tried to quit.

I don't believe in criticizing people for trying just because I personally find what works for them to be silly or less than ideal, and yet this is what society does all the time by labeling things as "gay" or "[current derogatory label of the time]".

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