Sarah Palin - Again

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Special Hen
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
I wonder where the moderators are at? I have posted some political topics that have suddenly disappeared after only a few replies. I accepted that after I read that they(moderators) couldn't handle a full time political forum. This anti-Palin rant has gone on for three pages and doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon. I guess you just have to post the "right", excuse me "left" kind of thread to be not deleted or removed.

Not everyone here is bashing Palin. And to be fair, if this were a thread about Obama / Pelosi / Biden, etc then there wouldn't be any positive comments, would be at 25 pages by now, and would never get shut down.
Apr 5, 2009
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Midwest City
Sadly, it isnt the media thats responsible for attaching her to the TP. I think if you really look at some of the TP rallies, there are many GOPs that are using it as a "everyday man" campaign machine. This is why I completely abandoned it. As soon as the TP started arguing social issues, I was out. The TP is not a political party or a campaign machine. It should not be endorsing anyone. Their primary focus should be removing the filth, those with both D and R next to their title, and that alone. If they would do a complete return to the essence of TP, I will jump on board.

As far as Palin, shes a turd. However, regardless of her turddom, she is a useful tool to the GOP. She has a large following (which I dont understand), and can still energize many Republican (neo-con) voters. But the neo-con vote isnt what needs to be energized. Its the moderate republicans, paleocons and libertarians (that are in states where they have to choose either D or R, Thanks Oklahoma!) that need the energizing.

These are wise words.
Apr 5, 2009
Reaction score
Midwest City
I wonder where the moderators are at? I have posted some political topics that have suddenly disappeared after only a few replies. I accepted that after I read that they(moderators) couldn't handle a full time political forum. This anti-Palin rant has gone on for three pages and doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon. I guess you just have to post the "right", excuse me "left" kind of thread to be not deleted or removed.

You may very well have a legitimate griping point about favoritism in general being played, and/or this not supposing to be a political forum - I don't know, because I don't know which ones were deleted and why (since they were deleted), and whether it was a non-partisan reason.

But in any event, it *seems like* to me, for the most part, political discussions ARE allowed as long as they're kept civil for the most part - they usually only get shut down (I think) when people start personal attacking and getting out of hand. Are you sure that's not the reason why your threads were closed? Not a political bent, but just that someone (not you necessarily mind one) got out of hand in the thread?

[The sole and glaring exception to this is threads about LEOs and LEOAs, where everyone knows that most critical posts get removed (and the person likely banned for a time with a very vague reason stated by an anonymous moderator), even if presented in the most calm, civil, tactful, and factual way possible, whereas non-critical posts are allowed to stay. In fact, there's certainly a decent chance that I'll be banned for a day, week, or permanently, simply for typing out this truth in this paragraph you see here. Never know with the arbitrary and capricious way in which the banhammer is weilded. Chance I'm willing to take. You won't know though, because it will be deleted, I will be gone, and the message you receive when you try to PM me will be misleading because it will say "this user is not accepting PMs at this time", rather than telling you that the person has been banned, and that's why they cannot accept PMs. I have to say, this state of affairs is is truly a huge insult to our wonderful and esteemed LEO members, because it's essentially saying to them and others "Hey, we the moderators think and believe that you the LEOs, have no leg whatsoever to stand on in your arguments, so we're just gonna delete the person who is challenging or criticizing, and their arguments as well." - Very insulting to them and a huge disservice to them, because they do a fine fine job of arguing the counterpoints, when there are valid ones to be made; and they admit, for the most part, when there is a recognizable issue (particularly since everyone agrees that 99% of the time, those issues are the fault of the chiefs and the politicos who hire & fire the chief; NOT the rank & file represented here). But that's a topic for another day I guess. :) ]

In any event, I'm very glad that for political discussions, we have all types represented here: (a) the blindly-following-the-D-party-line folks, and (b) the blindly-following-the-R-party-line folks, and (c) those of us who you might term 3rd-partiers, who dislike a LOT about both major parties and the unassailable corrupt false 2-wing Replicrat Uniparty system we have in this state and this country; several of these free thinkers are represented here in this thread; and (d) perhaps a few other types who don't really fit into my a/b/c trichotomy here.

In my view, having this mix of all is a good thing, as we can hopefully eventually convince those here from camps (a) and (b) of the error of their ways! :P

If you're not supporting third parties, you've not paying attention, and are part of the problem! IMO, YMMV, and all that. Love or hate Nader, he's doing a great service in promoting better ballot access for third party candidates. When there's just two choices, you generally get crap (Walmart & Target). When you go from 2 to 3 or more in the oligarchy, the choices get much more palatable. But the laws of ballot access have been intentionally tightened very tight by both wings of the Uniparty (that's one thing they agree wholeheartedly on), such that we cannot even GET a CANDIDATE to vote for in the general election that is not an R or D, in most states, most of the time. This is just fundamentally improper, seems to me. There ought to be just a minimal level of petition signatures and interest to throw someone on the ballot, in my view.


Special Hen
May 11, 2009
Reaction score
You may very well have a legitimate griping point about favoritism in general being played, and/or this not supposing to be a political forum - I don't know, because I don't know which ones were deleted and why (since they were deleted), and whether it was a non-partisan reason.

But in any event, it *seems like* to me, for the most part, political discussions ARE allowed as long as they're kept civil for the most part - they usually only get shut down (I think) when people start personal attacking and getting out of hand. Are you sure that's not the reason why your threads were closed? Not a political bent, but just that someone (not you necessarily mind one) got out of hand in the thread?

You mean like calling people "the left" just because they dont like Palin? lol

This anti-Palin rant has gone on for three pages and doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon. I guess you just have to post the "right", excuse me "left" kind of thread to be not deleted or removed.

Funny how what was once left and now calls themselve right is calling the real right left, thats just not right, or is it left?


Special Hen
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
Bentonville, AR
Whitey, I'll agree with you. It probably goes without saying that the majority of recent deleted threads dealt specifically with Quran burning and the Park51 mosque. I should know, because there were many, many times that I doubted the continued existence of my wonderful OSA account.

But what RugersGR8 is missing is that the source of argument and debate in that thread came from the "left," not the "right." I use quotations because I think that Constitutional rights as simple as the freedom of speech and freedom of religion are apolitical, but your logic that "left" topics are less likely to be shut down falls through on this one. Those threads were all shut down because of personal attacks, or maybe just lack of sensitivity.


Jun 29, 2007
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Broken Arrow
Got up this morning, turned on the news, and here is all of the hubub about the Tea Party-backed candidates winning in the primaries, and it's led off with "big wins for the Tea Party and Sarah Palin". Exactly WTF does she have to do with anything? She's not running, her endorsements mean jack, and the people are basically voting out the turdage that has been stinking up Congress because they're tired of the RHINOs as well as the Democrats. I'm so sick of the worthless media hitching the Tea Party wagon to Sarah Palin, who is a giant non-factor. Heard the same tripe on KRMG radio on the way to work. Enough about that hag already, and quit giving her credit....and credibility. Can't the voters just make a statement? Jeebus.

How do you really feel?


Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Okla. City
The media doesn't love her, they hate her! They think she is stupid and so are all the teaparty members. They hope to paint all of us as stupid,ignorant peasants. They are the ones who know what's good for us because we obviously can't think for ourselves since we don't agree with their worldview.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
I guess you just have to post the "right", excuse me "left" kind of thread to be not deleted or removed.

I've got news for you Mr. Hannity; I started this thread, and I'm no where near left wing. If you knew me, you'd know that for a solid fact. I referred to you as "Mr. Hannity" because that's his M.O.: if you disagree, you must certainly be a liberal.

And for the record, I don't hate Palin; I hate that the media has somehow crowned her queen of the Tea Party - when she is really just a leech, getting full off of the popularity of the movement. I can't claim to disagree with many of her talking points, but, like most Republicans, all it is is cheap talk. I broke with the "R"s several years ago, when they basically left me. I now consider myself a "conservative independent". Screw both parties - there isn't a nickel's worth of difference between them.

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