Anyone else have a SHTF Bag or Bug Out Bag?

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Special Hen
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
It's one thing if you live out in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. But if you live in OKC, you're best bet is to bug in. Sure you want to have a bag if you absolutely need to get away (fire, ect.)... but most people aren't going to survive in the woods. This is where being a part of your community and being friends with your neighbors and helping them to prepare is vital. If in a scenario where SHTF does happen in a zombie apocalypse sort of way, then neighborhoods who organize are going to be the ones that survive and be around.

Most things happen to people who are caught outside of their homes out in the mob. You prep so when things go bad, you don't have to go out and brave the mobs to get immediate food and resources. Some would disagree, but in my opinion most who bug out into the woods with a truck full of guns, ammo and dried foods are going to end up dead. Now if you actually have a country home or cabin to go to, then that's a little different. Even still, in a Book of Eli type situation, strong communities and neighborhoods are going to be what survives and it doesn't matter if it's in a suburb, city, or out in the country. Lone wolfing out in the wilderness or even a cabin and you're going to find yourself in dire straights really fast.

It's also a bit comical to think that you're going to be the only one trying to "bug out" and leave the city. Chances are, you and tens of thousands of other are doing the same and chances are some of those people are heading to generally the same area you are going to.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I would tend to disagree... IF you are prepared. Having camping gear and supplies and knowing how to use them, I think your odds in the boonies are better, personally. GETTING there may be a challenge, I do agree. Many others may have the same idea. Which is where preparedness and being situationally aware helps. See the signs, get out while unprepared folks are still freaking out and trying to decide what to do. Of course, bugging out when you have a bunch of equipment you have no idea how to use, or no equipment and nowhere to go is a bad idea.

But it's all personally dependent.


Special Hen
Oct 3, 2009
Reaction score
My bail out bag is just that: A bail out bag. if I have to go out on an active shooter/ suspect search/ building clearing etc where I might need a few more items like extra cuffs, Magazines for rifle and pistol, first aid gear, door chocks etc I have a bag for that in my car while I am working.

As far as EOTW bags....just essentials for kids hygene and womens hygene mostly with changes of clothes. Yeah food is there but in broke down MRE form. All the extra BS....not so much


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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It's one thing if you live out in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. But if you live in OKC, you're best bet is to bug in. .

Those roving bands of illegal aliens are just gonna pass by your house cause you bugged in. Good strategy. What have you done to fortify and reinforce the outside of you castle? Bulletproof windows? Concrete reinforced walls? A moat or a mine field? If I lived in SW or NE OKC I'd be in the first wave of people bugging out quick.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Those roving bands of illegal aliens are just gonna pass by your house cause you bugged in. Good strategy. What have you done to fortify and reinforce the outside of you castle? Bulletproof windows? Concrete reinforced walls? A moat or a mine field? If I lived in SW or NE OKC I'd be in the first wave of people bugging out quick.

I think you missed the part about they key to survival being organized neighborhoods. Being a lone wolf anywhere in the city, out in the woods, bugging in or out, is going to get you killed in the long run. If roving gangs of zombies are raiding your neighborhood and you neighborhood doesn't have watches set up, doesn't organize and have a system or a plan set up and pretty much lie down and take it, then yes you may want to relocate to a family or friends house elsewhere. Again this is about being prepared and part of that is talking to your neighbors NOW about it. If they seem indifferent or just seem like the type that will "lie down and take it" then that's your cue to make other preparations to go to a friend or family's house in a community that will take steps to organize if such an event is to happen.

What's extremely hilarious is that the people who need to prep and possibly bug out the most are the ones who aren't but people who live out in Apache, OK are fortifying for zombies.

Even with proper camping gear, most people cannot survive out in the wilderness for months at a time. Even hardcore survivalists will tell you that surviving off the land long term on your own will end up making you sick and malnurished. Again I'm talking lone wolfing out instead of perhaps a small community or group out in the wilderness that all work together for survival. Work can be separated and delegated out.

If I remember the link, there's a guy who pretty much stayed in the entire time of Katrina (he had multiple businesses there) and he gives detailed accounts of what he had to do to and things he saw go on there. Even he made the statement that unless you were directly in the flood, the best thing to do was to bug in and fortify at the community / neighborhood level. Those who tried to bug out when the chaos hit ended up in the mercy of the mob or the police, take your pick. He gives detailed accounts about home / community fortification, what he had to barter and trade for supplies. Ice cold water was king and an ice cold coke was pretty much worth it's weight in gold and was very key in "bartering and trading" with the police and security forces there and was key letting him access parts of the city that were closed off or allowing him to transport food and medical supplies without confiscation. The police and security there at the checkpoints would confiscate anything they they themselves needed, so preppers who tried to bug out and got caught in the checkpoints were a gold mine and were "relieved" of his supplies. Especially things like batteries, flashlights, ect.

Anyways, I'll see if I can find his link and post it here. It's a good read and if not, I can just copy paste the document I have where I had saved most of his posts.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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I think you missed the part about they key to survival being organized neighborhoods. Being a lone wolf anywhere in the city, out in the woods, bugging in or out, is going to get you killed in the long run. If roving gangs of zombies are raiding your neighborhood and you neighborhood doesn't have watches set up, doesn't organize and have a system or a plan set up and pretty much lie down and take it, then yes you may want to relocate to a family or friends house elsewhere. Again this is about being prepared and part of that is talking to your neighbors NOW about it. If they seem indifferent or just seem like the type that will "lie down and take it" then that's your cue to make other preparations to go to a friend or family's house in a community that will take steps to organize if such an event is to happen.

What's extremely hilarious is that the people who need to prep and possibly bug out the most are the ones who aren't but people who live out in Apache, OK are fortifying for zombies.

Even with proper camping gear, most people cannot survive out in the wilderness for months at a time. Even hardcore survivalists will tell you that surviving off the land long term on your own will end up making you sick and malnurished. Again I'm talking lone wolfing out instead of perhaps a small community or group out in the wilderness that all work together for survival. Work can be separated and delegated out.

If I remember the link, there's a guy who pretty much stayed in the entire time of Katrina (he had multiple businesses there) and he gives detailed accounts of what he had to do to and things he saw go on there. Even he made the statement that unless you were directly in the flood, the best thing to do was to bug in and fortify at the community / neighborhood level. Those who tried to bug out when the chaos hit ended up in the mercy of the mob or the police, take your pick. He gives detailed accounts about home / community fortification, what he had to barter and trade for supplies. Ice cold water was king and an ice cold coke was pretty much worth it's weight in gold and was very key in "bartering and trading" with the police and security forces there and was key letting him access parts of the city that were closed off or allowing him to transport food and medical supplies without confiscation. The police and security there at the checkpoints would confiscate anything they they themselves needed, so preppers who tried to bug out and got caught in the checkpoints were a gold mine and were "relieved" of his supplies. Especially things like batteries, flashlights, ect.

Anyways, I'll see if I can find his link and post it here. It's a good read and if not, I can just copy paste the document I have where I had saved most of his posts.

Good luck with that buddy. Most neighbors won't even take an active part in a neighborhood watch program. I wish you well.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Good luck with that buddy. Most neighbors won't even take an active part in a neighborhood watch program. I wish you well.

Why is that? I live near downtown. Guess what, most of my neighbors have their own organic gardens and very active in the DIY way of life and make everything by hand if possible. I even know people in the inner city that have solar panels and water collect systems in order to be more "green" and independent. They are armed to the teeth and guess what, this is in the "hippy" part of town too. I would bet my life's fortune on these people surviving over some suburbanite with a pack full of guns and food that thinks he's going to ninja out in the forest somewhere.


Special Hen
Oct 2, 2008
Reaction score
I have some prep for the fans of the bug out scenario. Buy high quality boots, socks, underwear and a pack put 80ish pounds of weight in it and hit the trails. If your not prepping your body to handle the stress of hiking your wasting your time.

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