Getting healthy

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Special Hen
Oct 14, 2010
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If you smoke, quitting is the single most important thing you can do to not only improve your health but to save your health. I quit a 40+ year habit 3 years ago and now my past is starting to catch up with me. In my early 30's I ran 10 to 15 miles a day, ran a couple of marathons a year and smoked more than a pack a day. No big deal. I used to run 15 miles in the morning and as soon as I walked in the front door after the run I'd light one up. A couple of weeks ago I found out I have PAD, likely caused by smoking, need bypass surgery on both legs, which I'll need redone every 10 years, and may lose my legs in 15 to 20 years. If you smoke, grow a set of balls and quit. No matter what you think now you will pay for it in the future some way or another.


Special Hen
Mar 15, 2011
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I am in pretty good shape workout wise. I workout at least 3 days a week and most of the time more. I have a pretty good diet. Occasionly I'll splurge but not very often. I pass my PT test every 6 months and usually get in the mid 80s, out of 100.

But after I turned 45 my middle section keeps getting wider every year. I have another PT test on the 31st and have been training harder for that. But I have made the decision that I will work hard on getting this excess off.

Luckily, they put in a gym 100 feet from my office while I was deployed.

Shoot Summ

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 24, 2006
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Bringing this one back from the dead, anyone working out? What are you doing? Have good results?

I'm on my second month of being back on the programs, started with Insanity, got back into the groove pretty quickly. The last two weeks I have been doing 'two a days", most days I am doing a P90X workout in the morning, and one of the MAX Insanity programs in the evening with my wife. Pleased with the results so far, feel tons better, have lost some weight(12lbs), need to get my diet in order.

PS, I track all of my workouts, this month will get me back into the groove of burning 10000+ calories a month working out.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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My wife is not a big fitness freak, so I have to be careful with how I approach things. Lately we have been walking 5 days a week. She carries my daughter in a wrap and I tow my son in the Radio Flyer. We usually get in a couple miles each time. This gives her some exercise, but conceals it as family time so she doesn't get all bent out of shape and awkward about it.

We don't calorie count, but since moving back to Tulsa last year we have have been able to eat more at home. Simply preparing your own food makes things mucho healthier, especially with you live off the grill for 10 months of the year. Chicken breast, lean pork (like loin and tenderloin), fish, occasional lean beef (like sirloin) and lots of fresh vegetables actually trim your calories pretty well on their own. Got rid of all cream-based salad dressings as well as they are just liquid fat calories.

I worked from home which coworkers thought would cause me to snack constantly. In fact, I ate healthier at home and lost 15 pounds last year. I am still around 190 (at 5'10") but this summer I plan to drop a pound a week (May through September) to get down to 165-170. That should be a good weight for my height.

The thread has inspired me to make a small change today. I drink an occasional soda (3-5 a week) but also iced coffee (McDonald's over-sugared and delicious!) and sweet tea. Going forward, nothing more than water and black coffee for me. Period. Beer and liquor only on the weekends/holidays/vacations :)

I forgot about this thread. I weighed in at 166 this AM. I had to buy all new shirts and pants last month (from a L down to M, from 34 down to 32/31). In October 2007, I was 212 and even my 36 inch pants were snug. Now some of 32s need a good belt,

I haven't exercised, just been way more active with my family. Portion size, portion size, portion size. Chicken and pork, not too much beef. Lots of vegetables. LOTS of vegetables. Nary a carb to be seen. Black coffee and water.


Special Hen
Aug 21, 2010
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I'm still chugging along;

Since November, I am down 32ish lbs (see my ticker in my signature). About 11 lbs till my first goal. After that, I'll probably try to drop another 10 lbs then start weight training to build.

I dropped from a 38/40" waist to 34" at the moment. I have a pair of 32" jeans I bought and they fit too snug to wear, but I am approaching the comfort zone with them.

I've been doing a thorough mix circuit training via Bob/Jullian videos from biggest loser along with some kettle bell exercises along with the Couch-2-5K program. I am on my last week C25K and can solidly run a 11 minute/mile pace for 30 minutes. I am still working up my endurance though as my target is a <30 minute 5k.


Special Hen
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
Bringing this one back from the dead, anyone working out? What are you doing? Have good results?

I'm on my second month of being back on the programs, started with Insanity, got back into the groove pretty quickly. The last two weeks I have been doing 'two a days", most days I am doing a P90X workout in the morning, and one of the MAX Insanity programs in the evening with my wife. Pleased with the results so far, feel tons better, have lost some weight(12lbs), need to get my diet in order.

PS, I track all of my workouts, this month will get me back into the groove of burning 10000+ calories a month working out.

Awesome. Great job!

I still work out, but all of my workouts come in form of cycling. Haven't done Insanity in a while. I probably should have done some during the 'winter' to mix it up, but we had such a mild winter that I was able to just keep riding outdoors. I'm recovering from a vasectomy but hope to race this weekend in Northwest Arkansas. I'm sure I put a couple pounds on in the last 1.5wks of not riding, but that should come off relatively quickly w/ a few hundred miles. We shall see!

Keep up the good work!


Special Hen
Aug 21, 2012
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oklahoma city
I need to get into way better shape. I've always been a big guy, 6'5" ~350#. My joints hurt and I get winded easily. Things seem to have gotten worse since I hit 40. I'll be 47 in two weeks...

I'd like to stay around and annoy as many people as I can before I kick the bucket...

I've got arthritis in most of my joints so walking is about all I'm going to be able to get away with. At least for now.

Thanks for all of you posting in this thread. It's a little bit of a nudge I need to get started.

track down a supplement called animal flex, take a whole pack every single day with food, and you will see improvement in your joints within 3-4 months. My knee used to prevent any chance of working out legs, and its completely fine now.

If you smoke, quitting is the single most important thing you can do to not only improve your health but to save your health. I quit a 40+ year habit 3 years ago and now my past is starting to catch up with me. In my early 30's I ran 10 to 15 miles a day, ran a couple of marathons a year and smoked more than a pack a day. No big deal. I used to run 15 miles in the morning and as soon as I walked in the front door after the run I'd light one up. A couple of weeks ago I found out I have PAD, likely caused by smoking, need bypass surgery on both legs, which I'll need redone every 10 years, and may lose my legs in 15 to 20 years. If you smoke, grow a set of balls and quit. No matter what you think now you will pay for it in the future some way or another.

just remember if you smoked for 40+ years your body is going to take time to learn how to manage cortisol again, you could try something like Lean Xtreme from driven sports which is a non-stimulant and stimulates lots of good things back into work, but try not to take it for more than 30 days the first time so that your body learns to do it on its own.

watch what you eat, and just start slow with interval high intensity cardio, you will see a change quickly

pm me if you want and I can reccomend someone that is pretty cheap in the okc area that can get you on the right track

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