quick point of order...courtesy on the road

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Special Hen
Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
SW Oklahoma
This really chaps my ass and I know that I'm probably preaching to the choir here but just entertain my catharsis for awhile. Or ignore it. whatever.

People, all that is required when driving your land yacht down the left lane of a 3 lane interstate is that you be actively passing someone. no more. no less. I understand if you're not going as fast as I am, but are in the left lane and passing someone. that is cool. however, I cannot excuse your doo when you decide that you will just camp out in that lane. There are multiple lanes. You aren't passing anyone. Move over. In fact, it could be argued that the whole reason for multiple lanes on an interstate is so that traffic can move more efficiently at speed which includes (gasp!) passing.

It does not make you less of a man if someone passes you. . Nor is it necessary to pass and then immediately speed up to some ridiculous speed. Really, don't you think by the time you (finally!) move over, the time to increase velocity has already passed? Also, it is a really move to move over and then as they attempt to pass you to gradually increase speed and just run along side with them. What could you possibly hope to gain by sending the message to someone to pass when you move over, only to then make that as difficult as possible when they move alongside you. Are you really that insecure with your life, ego, car, and/or woman?

as previously stated, If you are passing someone yourself, then more power to you. I don't think this request is unreasonable, and in fact I think most drivers would be understanding if you allowed yourself generous margins while passing other cars. But for the sanity of all,when you literally have nothing in front of you except air, pavement,and striping for a mile at least, it would certainly be a considerate to signal, slide that puppy into the right or middle lanes and allow other traffic to pass.

No, the world does not laugh at you every time you are passed. please get over yourself. no one really cars that much about your driving habits, or you for that matter. Our singular goal when we are trying to pass you, but being unable to do so because your inattentive butt decides that it likes being as close as possible to the yellow stripe,is to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible and you are hindering that objective for no good damn reason.

I'm so glad we were able to have this talk. I hope in the future this proves helpful in your as yet non-existent quest to improve your driving skills. If you would like the TL;DR version, it is simply to stop driving like a whiny snot nosed vegan entitled hippie democrat and realize that yes, there are other cars around you who might actually be going faster than you

Until our next interstate rendezvous,


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Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
One argument I've seen made by more than one left lane camper is "the left lane is the smoothest lane". As someone with low[er than average] profile tires, I constantly scan the road for pot holes, dips, etc to avoid shattered teeth and I've never really noticed this to be the case.


Let's go Brandon
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Edmond, Ok
You cannot possible imagine how frustrating this is when you are driving a 80k pound vehicle. I really hate that. Then, when I finally give up trying to pass one of these a-holes and fall in behind them, they slow down. Please, general public realize that a semi is not the batmobile, we can not accelerate (or slow down) nearly as quickly as some people think we can. Our top speed may (or may not) be limitless but it takes awhile to get there. And, BTW, while we are at it, not all trucks are goverened at 63 mph folks. Some of us can actually get out there and run if given half a chance.

This really chaps my ass and I know that I'm probably preaching to the choir here but just entertain my catharsis for awhile. Or ignore it. whatever.

People, all that is required when driving your land yacht down the left lane of a 3 lane interstate is that you be actively passing someone. no more. no less. I understand if you're not going as fast as I am, but are in the left lane and passing someone. that is cool. however, I cannot excuse your dos when you decide that you will just camp out in that lane. There are multiple lanes. You aren't passing anyone. Move over. In fact, it could be argued that the whole reason for multiple lanes on an interstate is so that traffic can move more efficiently at speed which includes (gasp!) passing.

It does not make you less of a man if someone passes you. Nor is it necessary to pass and then immediately speed up to some ridiculous speed. Really, don't you think by the time you (finally!) move over, the time to increase velocity has already passed? Also, it is a really move to move over and then as they attempt to pass you to gradually increase speed and just run along side with them. What could you possibly hope to gain by sending the message to someone to pass when you move over, only to then make that as difficult as possible when they move alongside you. Are you really that insecure with your life, ego, car, and/or woman?

as previously stated, If you are passing someone yourself, then more power to you. I don't think this request is unreasonable, and in fact I think most drivers would be understanding if you allowed yourself generous margins while passing other cars. But for the sanity of all,when you literally have nothing in front of you except air, pavement,and striping for a mile at least, it would certainly be a considerate to signal, slide that puppy into the right or middle lanes and allow other traffic to pass.

No, the world does not laugh at you every time you are passed. please get over yourself. no one really cars that much about your driving habits, or you for that matter. Our singular goal when we are trying to pass you, but being unable to do so because your inattentive butt decides that it likes being as close as possible to the yellow stripe,is to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible and you are hindering that objective for no good damn reason.

I'm so glad we were able to have this talk. I hope in the future this proves helpful in your as yet non-existent quest to improve your driving skills. If you would like the TL;DR version, it is simply to stop driving like a whiny snot nosed vegan entitled hippie democrat and realize that yes, there are other cars around you who might actually be going faster than you

Until our next interstate rendezvous,


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Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
hahahaha i've had this ***** ever since i moved to okc

The concept of slow lane and fast lane seems to be lost these days

OKC is particularly frustrating. "Lane discipline appears to be an afterthought here" -- English coworker
Commuting hours are much better to drive in. From 9-12 and 1-3 you have all the bluehairs going 40mph and cutting across four lanes of highway to exit.

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