Why Do Christians Celebrate Halloween?

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Special Hen
Mar 19, 2011
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Well, as a Christian I choose to celebrate every day... because nobody knows when the end is coming so you should live every day as if it is your last. As for a day being satanic...horse pucky...I believe Satan only has the power you give him over you. So if you celebrate Halloween with the worship of God in your heart and on you lips It's not any more satanic than a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich.

So I can do whatever I want and as long as I do it under the guise of worship it's okay? I don't buy it. Or, we can host a celebration of a bagan holiday at church and it's okay because it brings in people who wouldn't normally come into the church. Don't buy that either. Why not have strippers on Thursday nights? It'd bring in people who wouldn't normally go to church.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Yep. God Forbid (no pun intended), church people actually imitate Christ and go among the sinners (the very people who need His help). We can't have that. It wouldn't be proper or dignified.


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2008
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So I can do whatever I want and as long as I do it under the guise of worship it's okay? I don't buy it. Or, we can host a celebration of a bagan holiday at church and it's okay because it brings in people who wouldn't normally come into the church. Don't buy that either. Why not have strippers on Thursday nights? It'd bring in people who wouldn't normally go to church.

By God, that is his commandment.

13 And he went forth again by the sea side; and all the multitude resorted unto him, and he taught them. 14 And as he passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the receipt of custom, and said unto him, Follow me. And he arose and followed him.

15 And it came to pass, that, as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat also together with Jesus and his disciples: for there were many, and they followed him. 16 And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with publicans and sinners, they said unto his disciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners? 17 When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Compare: Matthew 9:9-13; Luke 5:27-32

And to through things out of the loop is October 31st really Halloween?



Special Hen
Mar 20, 2009
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Moore, OK
So I can do whatever I want and as long as I do it under the guise of worship it's okay? I don't buy it. Or, we can host a celebration of a bagan holiday at church and it's okay because it brings in people who wouldn't normally come into the church. Don't buy that either. Why not have strippers on Thursday nights? It'd bring in people who wouldn't normally go to church.

Thursday Night Strippers?!?! I'm there! Its an excellent way support single mothers...albiet $1 at a time though


Special Hen
Jun 21, 2011
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Caving to the 1% is not worth robbing my children of the excitement and imagination-stimulating activities associated with Halloween. The dark side of Halloween is real, but has nothing to do with what we celebrate in modern Halloween. Some people make a stand on the silliest of stances, just to look good in front of other adults. All the while the child just wants to be a child. Manufactured outrage or stances are just that, manufactured. Everyone is free to have their own opinions and stances; mine is that my children will enjoy all there is to with modern day Halloween, while we explain to them what a very small portion of the world chooses to use Halloween for (aka the "dark side"). Just as I will not steal the joy of my children when it comes to believing in Santa Claus. Sometimes we just need to let our kids be kids - they have the rest of their lives to deal with the dark side of society

+1. I set standards and limits for my kids too when they were little; I just chose my battles - and Halloween simply wasn't one. CSI was one, however. They're adults now, and if they watch CSI today they wouldn't admit it to me - I never allowed that show on any TV in my house while they were growing up.

Jujen Kai

Special Hen
Aug 21, 2008
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Del City
Every year this gets brought up again...

Do you hear the outcry from those whose sacred days were paved over by a Church so bent on adding to its numbers that they just decided arbitrarily to place their own holidays at the same time as those they wished to convert? No. You know why? Because maybe just maybe - in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter. If you want to believe Christ was born on December 25 instead of accepting that the day was placed such to coincide with a Solstice (thereby bringing in the pagans and heathens who would - as with the stripper example above - not otherwise come into the church), then great! Enjoy your holiday!


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
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Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
Halloween didn't have evil beginnings, just different, non-Christian, beginnings.

In all due respect to our Charismatic and Fundamentalist membership here....don't you think some things are carried just a little too far? Do you really believe that by letting your kids dress up and Trick or Treat, you are somehow encouraging them to honor Satan? I mean, do you really believe that, or has some huckster who wants to sell you more books and dvds told you that? My sister in law is anti-Halloween, and a couple of years ago I asked one of my nephews what he was going to be, he responded, "We can't dress up for Halloween, Jesus will be mad at us." It was sad and disgusting.

Kids should be allowed to be kids, Halloween, Christmas, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, all of it. Why destroy the magic and wonder of childhood? They'll lose that soon enough when they grow up and face all the misery and pain life dishes out.

Do you all really think God is so small minded and petty that He would get pissed off at little kids enjoying themselves? Common sense, folks, it's one of His gifts.

^^^^^^^ very smart man right there folks ^^^^^^^


Special Hen
May 14, 2009
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Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
(Philippians 4:8)

I don't see any of the attributes mentioned in the passage above in the celebration of Halloween.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Halloween didn't have evil beginnings, just different, non-Christian, beginnings.

In all due respect to our Charismatic and Fundamentalist membership here....don't you think some things are carried just a little too far? Do you really believe that by letting your kids dress up and Trick or Treat, you are somehow encouraging them to honor Satan? I mean, do you really believe that, or has some huckster who wants to sell you more books and dvds told you that? My sister in law is anti-Halloween, and a couple of years ago I asked one of my nephews what he was going to be, he responded, "We can't dress up for Halloween, Jesus will be mad at us." It was sad and disgusting.

Kids should be allowed to be kids, Halloween, Christmas, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, all of it. Why destroy the magic and wonder of childhood? They'll lose that soon enough when they grow up and face all the misery and pain life dishes out.

Do you all really think God is so small minded and petty that He would get pissed off at little kids enjoying themselves? Common sense, folks, it's one of His gifts.

I have to agree with JB on this one, especially the part I put in bold. God is better then that.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area
Halloween didn't have evil beginnings, just different, non-Christian, beginnings.

In all due respect to our Charismatic and Fundamentalist membership here....don't you think some things are carried just a little too far? Do you really believe that by letting your kids dress up and Trick or Treat, you are somehow encouraging them to honor Satan? I mean, do you really believe that, or has some huckster who wants to sell you more books and dvds told you that? My sister in law is anti-Halloween, and a couple of years ago I asked one of my nephews what he was going to be, he responded, "We can't dress up for Halloween, Jesus will be mad at us." It was sad and disgusting.

Kids should be allowed to be kids, Halloween, Christmas, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, all of it. Why destroy the magic and wonder of childhood? They'll lose that soon enough when they grow up and face all the misery and pain life dishes out.

Do you all really think God is so small minded and petty that He would get pissed off at little kids enjoying themselves? Common sense, folks, it's one of His gifts.

If you're an evangelical, don't you believe that God gets pissed off at anyone for having fun? Isn't that why they keep adding new sins to the list (which sort of directly goes against the bible - adding to / removing from, etc.)?

This is what real Christians celebrate on the 31st (and we drink beer while celebrating):


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