A feel-good thread... weight loss seems to be going well. Anyone else?

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I finally broke the 220 lb mark... hopped on my scale tonight and saw 219 (was 222 earlier today before I uhhh.... shed some weight, if you know what I mean ;) ).

I've been losing rather slowly the last 18 months or so, down about 40 lbs from what was my steady weight for a couple of years. Actually at my peak I was around 295 (wow, hard for me to admit that!), so I've come down over 75 lbs since that point, which was a number of years ago.

Not really doing anything specific in terms of exercise or dieting, really. I probably walk more at work these days, hustling back and forth between rooms. Also, with the more frantic pace in the ER, I don't eat as regularly. Usually one meal per shift. I work away from home, so I have a 2nd dwelling, but it's really just a shower and sleep place, don't really eat there much, so... when I'm on duty, one meal a day is more the norm.

The last month or two I've been paying more attention and trying to avoid alot of snacking, which has probably helped, and I think my weight loss has probably accelerated slightly. Spending alot of money on clothes. :( I don't buy expensive stuff, really, but I've got essentially 2 whole sizes of wardrobes I can't wear anymore. Sucks, because I really like a lot of those clothes. Pants at work are $65 per pair, just bought 4 new pair a couple of months ago... I expect if this keeps up, I'll be buying some more in the spring. <sigh> Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining....

I'm sure I'll get my share of folks saying, "I hate you," and I guess that's ok. Believe me... it's not all great. There are some definite down sides which I am having to deal with, but that is a whole different story.

I don't know why I wrote this... not bragging, definitely, for 5' 10", even with a relatively large-boned semi-muscular build, I'm still well over what is considered ideal, or even attractive weight. But... with everyone pissed about the firearms industry looking so down at the moment, the price-gouging, the liberals and politicians screaming to take away our semi-automatic guns, etc... I guess I wanted to put something positive out there. I am not usually a very positive person, and certainly not positive about myself, EVER. I am happy I am losing weight, but wish I had the willpower to exercise and build muscle to replace it. And personal strength to deal with other issues as well. But I'm really just afraid I'm gonna go back the other way again. I don't WANT to, but I have to face it... I'm a FOODIE. Not much in my life really makes me happy the way food always has, and while I have had remarkable success in the last few months improving my habits where junk food is concerned, I just don't want my pendulum to swing back the other way and end up being Jackie Gleason my whole life. :(

Some guy walked into Cold Stone in OKC the other day while I was there with family and friends (I had only a Diet Coke, you'll be happy to know!) and saw me and said, "Hey, Mr. Clean got BUFF!" I really had no idea what he was talking about until I noticed everyone looking at me. I was like WTF???? I mean, sure I have a shaved head and gold hoop earrings, but #1. Mr Clean was ALWAYS buff, and #2. I'm NOT.

Anyways... I get a lot of comments from people who haven't seen me in a while about how much weight I've lost, but I don't take that kind of thing well and usually just say, "I don't really know, I don't pay attention." But lately I have been paying attention, I guess in part because of everyone pointing it out. Really, for the first 20-25 lbs, I didn't. But now it seems I'm on a roll, and I want to keep it that way!

So... anybody else having something going good right now? Honestly, this is about the only thing I am taking any satisfaction in these days, so I want to kind of keep it up, I suppose. <sigh>'

And for all you diet soda haters, I go through probably 6-10 Diet Mt. Dews a day and it doesn't seem to be hurting my weight loss OR appetite!!! In fact, I went 4 straight days without so much as a cracker a couple of weeks ago, without a thought of food. And only ate one meal from Friday night till Wednesday night, I think. So no... diet soda doesn't seem to be making me HUNGRIER!!! So stick that one in your cap! ;) :P


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Broken Arrow
Hi tRdoc,

I've been slowly and steadily losing weight. I was at 194 pounds in the summer and am now down to 177 pounds. I'd really like to get to 165 if possible.

What I've done so far:

Cut back on too big of portion sizes
Drink more water and less soda
Added more fruits and veggies
Less eating out
Cut excessive snacking
Cut snacking after dinner
Somewhat more active

With that said, is isn't like I'm really hurting myself, I still eat out if I want and eat what I want when I want.

What I'd still like to do is get an exercise program going. I've got a treadmill and I need to make myself get back on it 3 times a week to start.

Good luck,



Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I know where it went. My waist.
Ha... well, yes, I've felt it should be more of a lifestyle change than a diet, to help keep it off. So no quick loss, quick rebound kinda stuff. Plus, if you drop a lot, you end up with a lot of loose skin hanging everywhere, which doesn't look good. I have not wanted to take my shirt off or go swimming in public in years. Even now, I still wouldn't... I think I get more shy as I get older. Anyways...


Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
Reaction score
168 This morning, down from 202 but i've put 3 pounds on in the last 2 weeks, got to get through the holidays with less food.
Sunday I ran 3 miles. Average pace 13:15 per mile, longest distance I have ever run heart rate never got over 150 either.
Smoke free for 1.5 months now started running 2 months ago.

Doc you gotta keep eating 5 or 6 times a day a couple of hundred calories each time or your weight loss will be superficial and short lived... you ought to know this.

Diet soda is crap, dump it water, water, water and more water yeah it's tasteless and caffeine free but it's good for you. That crap does a number on fat retention and is not good for your kidneys. Have a stone and it'll change your mind.


Special Hen
May 28, 2011
Reaction score
Midwest City
I havnt checked my weight in awhile. Last time I checked i weighed 155. Im pretty sure iv lost quite a bit since June. The only problem is i havnt lost weight due to proper dieting. Iv lost it because of lack of appetite.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, TX
168 This morning, down from 202 but i've put 3 pounds on in the last 2 weeks, got to get through the holidays with less food.
Sunday I ran 3 miles. Average pace 13:15 per mile, longest distance I have ever run heart rate never got over 150 either.
Smoke free for 1.5 months now started running 2 months ago.

Good for you man. I probably couldn't run 3 miles, and I'm 150 after a big meal.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
168 This morning, down from 202 but i've put 3 pounds on in the last 2 weeks, got to get through the holidays with less food.
Sunday I ran 3 miles. Average pace 13:15 per mile, longest distance I have ever run heart rate never got over 150 either.
Smoke free for 1.5 months now started running 2 months ago.

Doc you gotta keep eating 5 or 6 times a day a couple of hundred calories each time or your weight loss will be superficial and short lived... you ought to know this.

Diet soda is crap, dump it water, water, water and more water yeah it's tasteless and caffeine free but it's good for you. That crap does a number on fat retention and is not good for your kidneys. Have a stone and it'll change your mind.

Eh... I know about the frequent meals thing. But it's just not gonna happen with me. Ever. Lifestyle does not allow it. It does help by keeping metabolism up, but that does NOT equate to it being short-lived. Sorry. The simple formula is, "Eat less, move more." Some things make that more efficient, some less, but as long as I don't go back to the old lifestyle of being sedentary and eating like crap, I will not end up where I was.

As for the diet soda stuff, sorry, I don't buy it. Yes, water is great, and yes, soda has lots of phosphates, and yes, I have had a few stones. But water will not keep me running in the ER. I do drink plenty of water as well, but I do NOT buy into the hype about diet soda.

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