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Special Hen
Mar 19, 2011
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I am personally glad to see it come about. The sequester was designed to get these politicians and agencies to act, and they did nothing. Planned spending? How can you plan on what you're going to spend if you don't have a budget? This is a 2% cut overall. That's the same hit we all took at the beginning of this year. The elitists in Washington do not know how to live within their means, and they believe it's okay to take more from the makers in this country who are becoming fewer and fewer.

The company I work for just got hit with budget cuts, and they laid off a percentage of the workforce. It's a hazard at any job that we all have to deal with. If we don't like it, we have to look elsewhere. Government jobs are no more sacred than those in private industry, and there are layoffs, hour reductions, and furloughs going on all around you every day. Look at the unemployment rate and you can see it. It's only because it's been so long coming that it will be this drastic, and the powers that be want to insight panic.

There needs not be a furlough, but with the inherent inability to manage money within Washington that's what you get. Instead of cutting spending in other places, they cut hours. I'm personally glad I left the government sector when I had the chance.

For those of you who do get furloughed, or worse fired, I empathize. I hope that this is something you feel strongly enough about that it causes you to talk to your bosses and the powers that be about fixing. Also remember this at the polls. If you don't like what your reps are doing vote them out, but if you do like them, support them. Better yet, get involved and affect change.

100% correct. Especially how it sucks but public funded jobs are no more sacred than any other when the money isn't there it simply isn't there.

Also I was misunderstood earlier. I have no problem with someone takingan gov job. Just a problem with taking the job then complaining about the benefits.

As for the layoffs and furloughs go, they suck for those effected but doesn't mean the cuts aren't needed. Problem is that the employees are being used as a pawn. Instead of making responsible cuts the leaders are spreading the hurt unnecessarily so they can cause a bigger stir, you will despise the buget cuts, call your congressman and they cave. Govt employees are being used as pawns and falling for it.

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
If private companies have waste the public isn'tforced to pay for it. That's a HUGE difference

Study economics much? The cost of waste and sloth is most certainly passed on to the public...especially in the private sector.

Nobody, at least not me, is complaining about the benefits....simply responding to the mischaracterization of our benefits as some sort of golden parachute worthy of class envy and derision. That red herring has been offered up many times, and people are falling for it. Whatever benefits we earn through our labor is irrelevant to the discussion of the furlough and the damage that may or may not cause.

I, for one, actually believe that the majority of my agency, the FAA, should be privatized. I think the cost of operation should be shifted to the airline industry, the public and private airport operators, and the flying public.....but that discussion, just like the benefits discussion is not germaine to the topic of sequestration, mid-fiscal year budget shenanigans, and political theater.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
The difference between the private and gov't sectors is that for one of them, people get sent to prison of they try to finance their payroll with money extorted from other people by threat of force.

Clearly we cannot get out of this little predicament by passing laws cutting government... Way too many people depend on the monstrosity for their livelihood. You can see how much furor even this tiny cut is causing, even from limited government conservatives.

But have no fear... justice will prevail. You cannot defy the laws that govern reality. If something can't go on forever, it won't. And thankfully, this whole wretched system will be coming to a halt before too long.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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As a .gov employee, I can't stand the waste I see. I've been asked if we need tons of items and my answer is usually "no, we don't". I've turned money in my budget back every year since 2005. The problem is that the money isn't returned to the general fund. It's redistributed to offices that spent too much or that purchase unnecessary crap. In that system, does it really do that much good to turn it back?

I do work a lot. If I don't have a lot of work to do (pretty rare), I find something to do. We probably don't need every person in my office, but based on how they set up the rules on our mission it's pretty much required. I didn't make those rules and I'd change them if I had a say. I don't. WAY too much of my time is wasted on meaningless administrative documentation that's expressly designed to keep congressional staffers and bean counters off our backs. I realize that we have to have accountability, but the level and frequency and detail of it has become agonizing over the past few years. It's gotten to the point that I think it interferes with the mission. Worse than that, it's become degrading as a professional and it's negatively affecting morale, which in turn causes the work product to suffer. I sure wish someone would put Congress' feet to the fire for their abject failure to do their own jobs over the past four years. They certainly don't seem to be feeling any ill effects!

I'm to the point that I really don't care if I'm furloughed or not. I manage my money well and I can survive it. However, most cannot. It will further degrade an already low morale and more lost productivity will result. I'd like to see our citizens up on capital hill with pitchforks and other unpleasant items to greet our "legislators" every day when they arrive to and leave from work. Sadly, our apathetic citizenry will probably not rise to the occasion. I'm truly beginning to wonder what it's going to take. :(


Special Hen
Jan 18, 2013
Reaction score
Honestly, I don't really care. The Goverment is spending way too much, and the amount of waste is outrageous.
I do feel for the people that's getting furloughed, but as a STATE employee myself, I understand I may be furloughed at some time in the future.
I'm lucky that my job is classified as 'Essential", so I can't be furloughed.

I think we need to have some "Usterity" cuts on welfare and other non essential programs that people are leeching off of.
It's time to take the Tit back from the welfare scum.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2011
Reaction score
As a .gov employee, I can't stand the waste I see. I've been asked if we need tons of items and my answer is usually "no, we don't". I've turned money in my budget back every year since 2005. The problem is that the money isn't returned to the general fund. It's redistributed to offices that spent too much or that purchase unnecessary crap. In that system, does it really do that much good to turn it back?

I do work a lot. If I don't have a lot of work to do (pretty rare), I find something to do. We probably don't need every person in my office, but based on how they set up the rules on our mission it's pretty much required. I didn't make those rules and I'd change them if I had a say. I don't. WAY too much of my time is wasted on meaningless administrative documentation that's expressly designed to keep congressional staffers and bean counters off our backs. I realize that we have to have accountability, but the level and frequency and detail of it has become agonizing over the past few years. It's gotten to the point that I think it interferes with the mission. Worse than that, it's become degrading as a professional and it's negatively affecting morale, which in turn causes the work product to suffer. I sure wish someone would put Congress' feet to the fire for their abject failure to do their own jobs over the past four years. They certainly don't seem to be feeling any ill effects!

I'm to the point that I really don't care if I'm furloughed or not. I manage my money well and I can survive it. However, most cannot. It will further degrade an already low morale and more lost productivity will result. I'd like to see our citizens up on capital hill with pitchforks and other unpleasant items to greet our "legislators" every day when they arrive to and leave from work. Sadly, our apathetic citizenry will probably not rise to the occasion. I'm truly beginning to wonder what it's going to take. :(

Well said. We need more people like you not only working gov jobs but leading it.

Thanks for doing what you can. Maybe others will someday follow that example before that ship sinks

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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Cut and cut some more. What I'd really like to see is an end to paycheck tax removal. Let employers pay the employees exactly what they earned, and then leave it to the individual to pay his/her own taxes. Then folks would realize how much guvmint is really taking from them.

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