Oklahoma Teens shoot Australian Baseball player "because they were bored"

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Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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Pretty ironic, huh? And yep, a vocal if not actual majority of OSA posters have had wet dreams about this exact scenario since the Good Friday shootings and/or Zimmerman.

If a person can't wait to compare any black-on-white crime to Zimmerman or the North Tulsa shooters or any such crap, not only are they racist, they're delusional and/or stupid. I'd say they're intellectually dishonest, but that implies they are intellectuals. The North Tulsa good Friday shootings brought out more racist idiots than I'd ever seen in my life. People were "upset" that those shootings made national headlines and kept dragging up crime-related shootings of whites by blacks and saying "where's the outrage, Jesse?" and other cute ****. Those shootings made headlines because random shootings of innocent people by strangers for no tangible reason other than ill will make headlines. Random crime makes headlines. That's why their are books about every serial killer since Jack the Ripper sliced up whores in Whitechapel.

Here you have it, assclowns. A random shooting of a white by blacks that made headlines nationally. Just like the North Tulsa shootings. HERE YOU HAVE IT. And you're still not fawking happy. Of course you're not happy. You're not happy with you looks, your dick, your woman, your job, your car, your mother or god knows what else. That's what makes a person a spiteful internet criminologist. Please, tell me more about crime and incarceration rates and their correlation with race and socioeconomic environments, you drooling morons.

Oh, the media hides black on white crime, and spotlights white on black? Remember Natalie Holloway? What about LaToyia Figueroa? Remember Kaylee Anthony? How about Erica Green? Jessica Lunsford? Jonbenet Ramsey? Show me a murdered black girl in modern history whose name is as recognizable as those two girls and I'll give you a nickel. Missing White Woman Syndrome. Fawk you and the lame hooded horses you idiots rode in on. It's a shame that this guy and this guy never made headlines.

And guess how little I care how many "non-white friends" you have. I don't care if you yourself are black. I'm judging you idiots on your words, not how many black guys at work you shake hands with. But nice defense.

And good on you guys for being patient enough to argue race/crime issues with a guy whose screenname is "rebel-son". LAWL.

Of course this is the forum that collectively got on their knees for a disturbed opiate addict that shot an incapacitated kid on the floor and lied about his nigh-nonexistent military service. What else can we expect.


Thank God you're here, I was running out of ways to make fun of these two.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
Have I made one personal attack on a fellow member? Maybe when some buck has your wife bent over saying this is for all those years of slavery white boy and makes you watch ( knoxville horror ) you will see the light.

and for that last comment if you are talking about that pharmacist that took out the trash I will say you need to seriously have your head examine and that is the only time I will insult a member.

lol...."I'm not racist"...lofl


Mar 20, 2013
Reaction score
New Castle
lol...."I'm not racist"...lofl

Ok maybe I am racist. I hate (insert N word here), but I love black people and other races of people who happen to be conservative. Sadly if we look at various things too many act like the former than the later. Maybe not the majority but enough and sorry an animal would be raping a woman not a man hence buck.
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