Crimea votes for secession .

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Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
Dutch, I have to ask, do you agree with what Putin's goals are as stated by you?

I have no use for any religion or government on this planet. As a creation of the Creator my only interest is in living free. I'm realist enough to realize so long as governments exist, I'll never be free as the Creator intended. My loss.

Having said that, knowing what I know of Putin (which I don't glean from western media), his goals are nationalistic in scope in rebuilding an Orthodox Christian Russia. His intent is no different than that of many of the Founders of this nation who stated and wrote of a moral people who would practice Christianity without infringement by government here in the US. The problem is that as with every government in existence today, there is a group that is intent on subverting morality as mentioned in supposed holy texts (John 8:44 for the Christians on this forum) as it benefits them and their immoral ways. These immoral people are at the top levels of the USG and as such are steering this nation down a highway of destruction. Those with eyes will see. Those who don't... oh well.


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
Do you see religion as a man made perversion of what the Creator has intended?

I know I am going to regret asking this.

Who is the Creator?

Religion is man's means of controlling others via guilt. It's an extension of politics. Both are one and the same. The American Civil Religion (love of country, flag, pledge, institutions, national holidays, etc).

As for Creator... the Intelligent Designer and cause of the first cause. Whether ID is a spirit, energy, or something all together beyond human comprehension is an unknown. Humans have anthropomorphised ID to guilt people into "believing" things that contradict the evidence presented by nature. Miracles, supernatural, paranormal, etc.


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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I don't think the U.S. government has ever given isolationism a fair chance. As far as foreign entanglements go, I am of the opinion that we would all have been a lot better off if the government had stuck with the John Quincy Adams doctrine over the last Century and stayed out of Europe's bloodbaths, the Sino-Japanese war, and every other conflict since... but then it's hard to prove a negative. Of course we DO know the consequences of those particular interventions... half of the globe delivered into the grasp of a collection of the worst tyrannies in human history, probably the worst of which is still alive, well, and more powerful than ever (the Chinese Communist Party).

Fear mongering aside, it is hard for me to imagine how things could have ended up any worse if Americans had minded their own business all last Century and let the collectivists blast each other into oblivion.
Isolationism, like Marxism, works far better as an idealogical thought experiment than as a strategy for national policy. An integrated world economy does not lend itself to such notions.


Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
West OKC
So, do you believe "ID" is apart from or a part of the creation.?

Read my signature. Some truths mankind will never ascertain.

Your question has nothing to do with Crimea, Ukraine, Russia or those seeking to engulf the world in yet another world war by which they will enrich themselves at the expense of mother's sons dying needlessly. My interest in the entire subject is to dig out the truth (as opposed to the lies put forth by western governments & media). It's an arduous process but the truth becomes self evident as I continue to dig down through the myriad rabbit holes. I simply enjoy toying with the many on here who accept tired old mantras and memes as much of what they recite is nothing but parroting of the status quo put out by the USG for decades upon decades that have been inculcated in public, government operated prison day camps. No cure for stupid... except the desire for truth.


Special Hen
Mar 8, 2013
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I don't live in Crimea, nor do I have access to the raw data from which the propaganda we're presented with is crafted. I can only say that if osama is against it, it's probably a good thing. I may be blinded by my own ideology, but as long as I don't have to shoot at either side, I can live with that.

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