2016 Presidential

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Sep 7, 2009
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Guys, I just expressed my opinion as to who I think I like in this just-beginning race. If you disagree, which I expect most of you will do, just say so. No need to go after each other's throats.


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May 24, 2008
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CHenry ...

Getting you to reply like a fifth grader was easier than I expected.

“Your (sic) an idiot”.

That was brilliant. Almost as good as “sorporate (sic) taxes” and high “proiffits (sic)”. Since I can’t be sure you have “special needs”, I would like to make a suggestion to you. If you want to whine and use puerile debate tactics with me you should at least try to spell at a fifth grade level. If you are unable to do that, you might want to find a reasonably sober adult in your zip code that can either proof read what you post or possibly show you how “Spell Check” works. At the least, go back and edit your posts so you don’t sound like a "dopout" or an “idiot”.

Better yet, why don’t you continue to demean your integrity and intellect by unpacking what you said about “sorporate (sic) taxes”? If what you say is a “fact” why don’t you use your best fifth grade prose to prove it? Should you find that reasonably sober adult, see if he or she will read the links I posted for you. If not, I would enjoy helping you with this “teaching moment”. Maybe I can get a tax break for this “special ed” moment we are having?

Next … Since you opened the door, why don’t you explain your comments comparing wages from the 1950’s and 1960’s to current (feel free to parrot that “strong union” nonsense that most liberals attempt with this)? Drill down to the compare wage growth to historical averages and define what model for inflation you are using to try to sound smarter than you are. Since productivity growth is what drives wage growth (of course you knew that, right?), why don’t you chart the periods for comparison … and to see why parroting liberal coloring books makes one sound like an “idiot”.

Oh? Is there where you realize that your mother dropped a deuce in the shallow end of the gene pool? Trying to sound smarter than you are is not working so well, eh? You get called on your nonsense and all you can do is whine like a veterinary term for a female dog. Tissue? Let me guess. You are going to post a meme? Might be a safe bet for you. Most memes are written at a higher grade level than you ever completed.

haha...we have another PHD candidate on board. THIS IS A GUN BLOG!!!!:screwy:


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Oct 9, 2012
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Thanks... I just spit up on my keyboard.

Wait... That didn't sound right.

No, it didn't.

I do believe Mr.Henry's statements are, in fact, true.
Manufacturing and higher wages during the 50s and 60s, trade agreements that favored the United States, these things created the best living standard the world has ever seen.
Neocons refuse to admit that global competition for wages, and offshore manufacturing by U.S. companies is driving our economy down.
If you look at the economy from a global perspective, what we're doing is great. If you're a nationalist, what we're doing is suicide.
We've gone from leading exporter to leading importer, and are devolving into a "service" industry country. We tax ourselves at an ever increasing rate, spend the money on those who don't produce anything, and fight wars for "freedom". (Israel's freedom, mostly)
It'll take someone running this country who cares about the working-class guy, the stands for American Excellence - more than he cares about lining his pockets and currying favor with corporations and foreign governments.
I doubt we have many citizens willing to embrace that change. Too many mouths, not enough tits.


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Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
No, it didn't.

I do believe Mr.Henry's statements are, in fact, true.
Manufacturing and higher wages during the 50s and 60s, trade agreements that favored the United States, these things created the best living standard the world has ever seen.
Neocons refuse to admit that global competition for wages, and offshore manufacturing by U.S. companies is driving our economy down.
If you look at the economy from a global perspective, what we're doing is great. If you're a nationalist, what we're doing is suicide.
We've gone from leading exporter to leading importer, and are devolving into a "service" industry country. We tax ourselves at an ever increasing rate, spend the money on those who don't produce anything, and fight wars for "freedom". (Israel's freedom, mostly)
It'll take someone running this country who cares about the working-class guy, the stands for American Excellence - more than he cares about lining his pockets and currying favor with corporations and foreign governments.
I doubt we have many citizens willing to embrace that change. Too many mouths, not enough tits.
Well I guess there are 2 of us too stupid to pass the 5th grade. lol
Man I miss the good ol days.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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No, it didn't.

I do believe Mr.Henry's statements are, in fact, true.
Manufacturing and higher wages during the 50s and 60s, trade agreements that favored the United States, these things created the best living standard the world has ever seen.
Neocons refuse to admit that global competition for wages, and offshore manufacturing by U.S. companies is driving our economy down.
If you look at the economy from a global perspective, what we're doing is great. If you're a nationalist, what we're doing is suicide.
We've gone from leading exporter to leading importer, and are devolving into a "service" industry country. We tax ourselves at an ever increasing rate, spend the money on those who don't produce anything, and fight wars for "freedom". (Israel's freedom, mostly)
It'll take someone running this country who cares about the working-class guy, the stands for American Excellence - more than he cares about lining his pockets and currying favor with corporations and foreign governments.
I doubt we have many citizens willing to embrace that change. Too many mouths, not enough tits.

Do you really believe that the 1950-60s had a higher standard of living than we have now? Remember a/c was a luxury and healthcare was a far cry from what it is now, widespread availability of cell phones. Amongst other things.

Pining for the large manufacturing based economy is a waste of time. With the high cost of labor, automation rules the day and now people have the mindset that work like that is beneath them. Everyone wants to be a white collar guy selling insurance or working on a computer when the real money that is going to be made is for those that learn a trade. When no one has the knowledge or desire to DIY, you can name your own price.

You guys are also neglecting the rapid expansion of welfare programs in the 60s and beyond that dis incentivized low level employment. Certainly a factor in the transitioning of our economy.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Do you really believe that the 1950-60s had a higher standard of living than we have now?
The standard of living was indeed better I think. Most every family made it on one income. Now both parents have to work unless your living pretty slim. We had only 1 car but dad paid for a new house and it wasnt huge but it was plenty. Dad didnt make a ton of money but we ate every night and took a vacation every summer. Wages were good for that time. People lived within their means also.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Do you really believe that the 1950-60s had a higher standard of living than we have now? Remember a/c was a luxury and healthcare was a far cry from what it is now, widespread availability of cell phones. Amongst other things.

Pining for the large manufacturing based economy is a waste of time. With the high cost of labor, automation rules the day and now people have the mindset that work like that is beneath them. Everyone wants to be a white collar guy selling insurance or working on a computer when the real money that is going to be made is for those that learn a trade. When no one has the knowledge or desire to DIY, you can name your own price.

You guys are also neglecting the rapid expansion of welfare programs in the 60s and beyond that dis incentivized low level employment. Certainly a factor in the transitioning of our economy.

How many tax cattle are required to work today, in order to maintain our current lifestyle? The welfare programs go hand in hand with our decline.
Two folks working to maintain today's standard of living, compared to one maintaining 1955 standard, and keeping the family unit together is comparing apples to oranges.
It may be - just maybe, that going back to what was successful before, could prove to be successful again.

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