3 states have defunded planned parenthood.

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Alabama, Louisiana and New Hampshire have withdrawn state funds. Will Oklahoma join them?

(CNN)Alabama became the third state in a week to pull state funding for Planned Parenthood on Thursday.

Gov. Robert Bentley, a medical doctor, tweeted that life from "conception to birth and beyond" is important to him.

"I respect human life, and I do not want Alabama to be associated with an organization that does not," the two-term Republican tweeted.

The governor's office released a statement saying that the Alabama Medicaid Agency will terminate its provider contract with Planned Parenthood with a 15-day notice. If Planned Parenthood opposes the decision, the nonprofit has 60 days to apply for a fair hearing.

"The deplorable practices at Planned Parenthood have been exposed to Americans. I've terminated any association with the organization in AL," Bentley said in a follow-up tweet.

Bentley's announcement comes after Louisiana and New Hampshire ended relationships with the controversial women's health organization this week in the wake of several sting videos that an anti-abortion group claims show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal tissue.

Staci Fox, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Southeast, said Bentley's announcement will deprive thousands of low-income ad uninsured men and women of needed services.

"The courts have been clear that the federal law prohibits states from excluding abortion providers from Medicaid," she said. "Planned Parenthood's doors remain open and we will continue to provide high-quality, compassionate care to the women and men who rely on us."

The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals pulled Medicaid funding from the organization.

"Planned Parenthood does not represent the values of the people of Louisiana and shows a fundamental disrespect for human life. It has become clear that this is not an organization that is worthy of receiving public assistance from the state," said Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a Republican presidential candidate.

And New Hampshire's Republican-led Executive Council decided to end contracts with Planned Parenthood earlier this month when the state denied $639,000 in state funding to the organization.

"To say there is a direct correlation between the number of dollars and number of people served is disingenuous," said Executive Councilor, Chris Sununu, according to the New Hampshire Union Leader. "The organization has done good work, but I have serious questions about it, especially at the national level."

Republican presidential candidates, lawmakers and several governors have called for investigations into Planned Parenthood following the release of five undercover videos by anti-abortion group The Center for Medical Progress that accuse the group of illegally selling organs and tissue from aborted fetuses.

Planned Parenthood officials deny breaking any laws and accuse the group of heavily editing the videos. David Daleiden, head of The Center for Medical Progress, has released several videos that he says are unedited and plans to release more.


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Oct 27, 2012
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And well they should defund Planned Parenthood! Taxpayers are funding them and they are contributing hundreds of thousands of dollars to political campaigns. Th4e democrats want this program because they think it is going to bring more voters out for them but they are so stupid they outfoxed themselves, they are killing off the little Democrats of the future-harsh as it seems.


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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Is it the 3% of Planned Parenthood services that are actually abortions--for which no federal/state money goes to--that's the problem? Or the 42% of the services for STI/STD testing/treatments (about 4.5 million people, including men), or the 34% of services for contraception (about 3.5 million people, including men), or the 9% for cancer screening/prevention (about 1 million people, including men)?

* all numbers from services Planned Parenthood performed last year


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Before anyone defends Planned Parenthood I suggest you watch all the videos about them selling baby parts. The full unedited versions are on U-Tube and say the exact same things as those Planned Parenthood claims were edited to make them look bad. As for the founders views, 79% of Planned Parenthood offices are in minority neighborhoods and the plan seems to be working, in 2013 more black babies were aborted in NYC then were born. Old Margaret Sanger would be so proud.

It should also be noted there are other women's health groups out there. Most of whom do not get $500 million a year in taxpayer funds and are not dedicated to abortion or try to push women into having one.


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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Before anyone defends Planned Parenthood I suggest you watch all the videos about them selling baby parts. The full unedited versions are on U-Tube and say the exact same things as those Planned Parenthood claims were edited to make them look bad. As for the founders views, 79% of Planned Parenthood offices are in minority neighborhoods and the plan seems to be working, in 2013 more black babies were aborted in NYC then were born. Old Margaret Sanger would be so proud.

It should also be noted there are other women's health groups out there. Most of whom do not get $500 million a year in taxpayer funds and are not dedicated to abortion or try to push women into having one.

I love it when this propaganda is used. Yes, Sanger aligned her organization with the eugenics movement during that time, just as many scientists of the time did. There were specific reasons for her doing this, but they weren't for the reasons you are purporting. That being said, we've also learned a great deal about eugenics since that time, and nearly everyone has changed their minds about it. Unpacking "context" here, which is critical in understanding the historical and current events surrounding Planned Parenthood. The problem is asserting that because Sanger said/did some s$hit nearly 100 years ago, that today's Planned Parenthood believes/follows/promotes/etc. the same s$hit. It doesn't.

The "baby parts" videos have now been debunked by several independent organizations. Good luck perpetuating that one.

If Planned Parenthood is "dedicated to abortion", why do abortions account for only 3% of their services?


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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I love it when this propaganda is used. Yes, Sanger aligned her organization with the eugenics movement during that time, just as many scientists of the time did. There were specific reasons for her doing this, but they weren't for the reasons you are purporting. That being said, we've also learned a great deal about eugenics since that time, and nearly everyone has changed their minds about it. Unpacking "context" here, which is critical in understanding the historical and current events surrounding Planned Parenthood. The problem is asserting that because Sanger said/did some s$hit nearly 100 years ago, that today's Planned Parenthood believes/follows/promotes/etc. the same s$hit. It doesn't.

The "baby parts" videos have now been debunked by several independent organizations. Good luck perpetuating that one.

If Planned Parenthood is "dedicated to abortion", why do abortions account for only 3% of their services?

Sanger align with them because she was a racist ******* like a good many of the Democrats of the time. Her organization may claim to not be racist but strangely are still doing exactly what she started it to do.

And the 5 (so far) baby parts videos have not been debunked by anyone, the left has denied what the videos show but only the brain dead are buying it. Even the NYTs had to retract a hit piece on the videos.

As far as PP being dedicated to abortion, there are several undercover videos showing them trying to push women into having abortions and while they claim abortion only makes up 3% most of their other "services" are simply referring people to where they can get a mammogram, handing out condoms, etc. They perform no mammograms, etc in their offices. Kind or makes you wonder where that $500 million a year goes doesn't it?

Former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson has written that she was given an abortion quota, and was even told by her superiors to “double the number of abortions” in order to bring in more revenue. Abortion patients constitute 12 percent of Planned Parenthood clients -- 332,000 of 3 million unduplicated clients in its most current report. 37 percent of all Planned Parenthood clinic income revenue is from abortion procedures, according to conservative estimates. Planned Parenthood has issued a directive instructing that all affiliates must have at least one clinic that performs abortion by 2013. According to an NBC news report from December 2012, our of the “74 regional affiliates” a handful of those affiliates chose to leave the organization, rather than comply with the policy.


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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Sanger align with them because she was a racist ******* like a good many of the Democrats of the time...
You'll have to do better at connecting Sanger with the eugenics movement of the time, and read about why she did so. I'm not going to lay out all the history for you because it's easy to find and read if you care to give it a chance. As the case with most history, the actual events were likely much different than the way they've been presented to you.

...Her organization may claim to not be racist but strangely are still doing exactly what she started it to do...
I haven't seen them make any claim in regard to race/ethnicity...where is this? It's also easy to conflate race/ethnicity with socio-economic-status in regard to this case, and it seems like that's what you are doing.

...And the 5 (so far) baby parts videos have not been debunked by anyone, the left has denied what the videos show but only the brain dead are buying it...
So, people either agree with you, or they are brain dead. Good one.

...As far as PP being dedicated to abortion, there are several undercover videos showing them trying to push women into having abortions and while they claim abortion only makes up 3% most of their other "services" are simply referring people to where they can get a mammogram, handing out condoms, etc. They perform no mammograms, etc in their offices. Kind or makes you wonder where that $500 million a year goes doesn't it?
Oh yes, more "undercover" videos. I'm sure they are all 100% truth, and clearly demonstrate how the majority of PP offices operate...they must be if they are on video, right? Their reports clearly show what services they are providing to women and men...most of them *not* being abortions...and exactly where all the money goes, so one doesn't have to "wonder where that $500 million a year goes." Yes, those are services performed in their offices. Mammograms, at most facilities, are referrals; but that doesn't matter because breast exams (e.g., the ones performed in the PP offices) are just as effective at preventing/detecting breast cancer as mammograms are (e.g., http://www.bmj.com/content/348/bmj.g366).


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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1)In a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble in December, 19, 1939, Sanger exposited her vision for the “Negro Project,” a freshly launched collaboration between the American Birth Control League and Sanger’s Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau. The letter echoes the eugenic ideologies still visible within the corporate vein of Planned Parenthood today.

It seems to me from my experience…that while the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.

We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

2) In 1926, Sanger spoke at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1926 in Silver Lake, New Jersey. Following the invitation, Sanger describes her elation after receiving multiple speaking requests from white supremacy groups. She writes of the experience on page 366 of her book, An Autobiography:

I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan … I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses … I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak … In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.

3) “Birth control is nothing more or less than…weeding out the unfit.”

Sanger famously coined the term “birth control” with the intention of eliminating the reproduction of human beings who were considered “less fit.” In her writings from “Morality and Birth Control” and “Birth Control and the New Race,” the Planned Parenthood founder noted that the chief aim of the practice of birth control is to produce a “cleaner race.” Sanger’s vision for birth control was to prevent the birth of individuals whom she believed were unfit for mankind:

Knowledge of birth control is essentially moral. Its general, though prudent, practice must lead to a higher individuality and ultimately to a cleaner race.

Birth control is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defective.

On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization,

On sterilization & racial purification:
Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.

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