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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Farmer and HMCS...........the children dying part. Remember this is taken from my belief and perspective. The answer is there is no explainable answer that we can understand as humans. I'm ok with being in the dark on something and just trusting. As SoonerATC stated there is a plan, can we understand it and make sense of it? Not always..........especially if you don't have faith in Him. I've been on several scenes where young people have lost their lives, and even though I have the faith that somehow, somewhere down the line there's a further purpose, I still ask myself why...... it's human nature. That's the best way I can attempt to not fully answer your question lol.


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Norman, Oklahoma
Farmer and HMCS...........the children dying part. Remember this is taken from my belief and perspective. The answer is there is no explainable answer that we can understand as humans. I'm ok with being in the dark on something and just trusting. As SoonerATC stated there is a plan, can we understand it and make sense of it? Not always..........especially if you don't have faith in Him. I've been on several scenes where young people have lost their lives, and even though I have the faith that somehow, somewhere down the line there's a further purpose, I still ask myself why...... it's human nature. That's the best way I can attempt to not fully answer your question lol.

See that's my problem. I've always made excuses for God. I've just come to the point in my life that I can't do it anymore. Then I see religious people that are so full of hatred. They supposedly believe in love, but they use religion to spread intolerance. Religion and love just don't seem to go hand-in-hand at all. Even the bible seems to be full of hate to me. What if your wife doesn't believe in God. Would she go to hell? How could anyone want to go to heaven?


Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
No, these are genuine questions, and are not "religion bashing". Feel free to not participate if you so desire.

Read post number 1 and tell me again that these are "genuine" questions, not just attempts to stir the pot. He asks people to tell why their religion/God is superior. Thats nothing more than an attempt to get people fighting with each other. The fact that its condoned by a moderator further makes me realize why this forum no longer has the appeal to me it once did. If you have the ability, feel free to delete my account and ill leave this board to its trolls and the moderators who condone them.

Why are you so completely hateful? I haven't said anything to bash anyone other than to ask honest questions. Are you really that sensitive? If you are, you shouldn't come to this thread. I'm asking real honest questions in an attempt to get real honest responses. You say you're completely rational, but that's not true. You give a completely made-up reason of why an 18 month old should die a horrible death, and somehow it's justifiable to be for the greater good? You don't know that and you have absolutely no basis to even come to that conclusion. You say you have proof of God's existence? Then tell me. You then say you don't think the Pope is Catholic? Really? It sounds like you're sensitive because YOU don't believe what you're saying. That has nothing to do with me. I'm honestly just trying to have a true religious discussion without hate. If you can't do that, then leave the thread.

Nothing i said was hateful. You asked a question. I gave you an answer you didn't like. You asked why a loving God would allow a child to die and i gave you one possible reason. I never claimed to know why babies die nor will i ever be able to prove why they do. I just know there are reasons why and i gave you one possible example. Im not going to give you proof for Gods existance because you arent seeking proof. You and i both know that i could provide you all the proof in the world, but if you dont want to believe it you wont. And i dont believe you are truly seeking proof. You are just trolling.

Okie - i dont even know where your post came from, because what you highlighted was spot on. Maybe you need to go back and read his original post as well. I know yukonjack saw through the intent of his opening post same as i did.


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Norman, Oklahoma
Read post number 1 and tell me again that these are "genuine" questions, not just attempts to stir the pot. He asks people to tell why their religion/God is superior. Thats nothing more than an attempt to get people fighting with each other. The fact that its condoned by a moderator further makes me realize why this forum no longer has the appeal to me it once did. If you have the ability, feel free to delete my account and ill leave this board to its trolls and the moderators who condone them.

Nothing i said was hateful. You asked a question. I gave you an answer you didn't like. You asked why a loving God would allow a child to die and i gave you one possible reason. I never claimed to know why babies die nor will i ever be able to prove why they do. I just know there are reasons why and i gave you one possible example. Im not going to give you proof for Gods existance because you arent seeking proof. You and i both know that i could provide you all the proof in the world, but if you dont want to believe it you wont. And i dont believe you are truly seeking proof. You are just trolling.

Okie - i dont even know where your post came from, because what you highlighted was spot on. Maybe you need to go back and read his original post as well. I know yukonjack saw through the intent of his opening post same as i did.

You have done nothing but prove my point. You have my permission to leave this thread. I'm not trolling, and you obviously have no ability to have a serious discussion.


Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
See that's my problem. I've always made excuses for God. I've just come to the point in my life that I can't do it anymore. Then I see religious people that are so full of hatred. They supposedly believe in love, but they use religion to spread intolerance. Religion and love just don't seem to go hand-in-hand at all. Even the bible seems to be full of hate to me. What if your wife doesn't believe in God. Would she go to hell? How could anyone want to go to heaven?

Youve been brainwashed to think that if you dont believe everything is acceptable, youre evil. Intolerance is not a bad thing. We are intolerant to people committing murder. You are intolerant to people stealing your property.


Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
You have done nothing but prove my point. You have my permission to leave this thread. You obviously have no ability to have a serious discussion.

Proved what point? That im hateful? Ill be happy to have a serious discussion with you, but you did not start this thread with a serious question. Is that what you want now?

If you want a serious, genuine discussion, try starting with something other than "why is your God/religion better than everyone elses", because a serious man would know that leads no where.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
See that's my problem. I've always made excuses for God. I've just come to the point in my life that I can't do it anymore. Then I see religious people that are so full of hatred. They supposedly believe in love, but they use religion to spread intolerance. Religion and love just don't seem to go hand-in-hand at all. Even the bible seems to be full of hate to me. What if your wife doesn't believe in God. Would she go to hell? How could anyone want to go to heaven?

Your whole response above is so valid and seeing your age in your avitar, here's why, IMO. I grew up in a Southern Baptist Church...............what were the majority of SB churches (as well as other denominations) like in the 60's, 70's, and 80's? Fire and brimstone, smoke you go to hell, dance, drink or gamble you've just fallen out of God's favor.........fix your ways or you can't belong to the church. Want to be a deacon in a SB church during that time period? You'd better be there Sunday morning, Sunday evening, Wednesday visitation, Wednesday night service...........no drinking, smoking, smoking AND you couldn't have been previously divorced, for any reason. I can remember during the 80's listening to sermon after sermon, about why passing liquor by the drink, and horse racing coming to Oklahoma, was going to "light the fires of hell under Oklahoma". WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO BE A PART OF THAT ORGANIZATION!

Everything I described above, is "religion". Scare tactics to "convert" you to Christ.....and to give more $$ when the offering plate was passed. "Religion" sucks......it's a farce, it's not livable or practical........it's a set of rules developed by man, that if you follow....will lead you to God's/Christ's favor.

What about living under God's grace? Now that is practical and simple. We're human....we WILL mess up, again, and again, and again until we die. Jesus didn't go around seeking other Christians, he wen't to those who weren't. As are we to do also.

Brings us to some of today's churches............. some claim that they go to the other of extreme with grace........just go do whatever sinning you want, and you're still covered under grace. If you truly understand the gift of grace, you're taking advantage of it......you're enjoying the freedom of it, because you're not tied down with "rules of religion". There's no urge to go screw up on purpose just because.

As far as the Bible full of hate? Depends on your definition of hate. Evil things, murder, stealing, suicide, betrayal, incest, you name it, it's in there..........but so are the incredible things that give Christians hope.

The wife question? I wouldn't have married a woman who wasn't a Christian.


Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
God teaches there are acceptable behaviors and there are unacceptable behaviors. If you want to call the unacceptable behaviors intolerance, then yes. I am intolerant to behaviors, not individuals.


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Norman, Oklahoma
Proved what point? That im hateful? Ill be happy to have a serious discussion with you, but you did not start this thread with a serious question. Is that what you want now?

If you want a serious, genuine discussion, try starting with something other than "why is your God/religion better than everyone elses", because a serious man would know that leads no where.

It's an honest question. Why would you think your religion is better than another. Have you ever researched another religion? If so, why is your religion better than another? Simple question. Why not believe in another God? Why is your God better than any other religions God. I doubt everyone in this forum is a Christian. Why is it so horrible to ask questions. Maybe I'll learn something. Heck, maybe you'll learn something. And stop this woe is me baloney. I haven't said anything other than ask real questions and you keep acting like victim. I keep telling you, don't come to this thread if you can't have an honest discussion.

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