With utmost respect

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 22, 2009
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Green Country
Familiarity breeds contempt. Couple this with the ability to throw bombs from the comfortable anonymity of a computer and I think this type of cycle is bound to happen. Hopefully things are on the up-swing and the forum will be even better than it was in the "good old days".

There seems to be a group which likes guns just because they like guns; from what I've seen these tend to be the one issue voter crowd. That issue, of course, is 2A...but it doesn't go much deeper than "I like guns just because". Then there is another group which likes guns but also incorporates that affinity into something larger and more comprehensive. That's where I am. For instance, how a person could extol the virtues of Obama and then in the next breath gripe about excessive firearms regulation is incomprehensible to me...but that type of incongruity used to be pretty common around here. It's kind of like Nancy Pelosi going on about how devoutly Catholic she is and then praising Planned Parenthood.

Then there are topics like open carry vs. concealed carry. Holy ****...regardless of which side they were on, I couldn't believe how many folks wanted to fight about something so trivial. IDGAF what you do as long as you don't try to dictate to me, but that type of in-fighting harshes the mellow pretty quick.

Like I said, hopefully it's a cycle and OSA just gets better from here on out.


Special Hen
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
Moore, home of the F5 Tornado!
Back in the day, many of us thought that the 'drama' was actually fabricated by some members that had several accounts with different user names, or by 'internet bullies' that received great enjoyment out of getting something going. I have seen owners, mods, administrators come and go and the flavor of the forum change each time.

We need to understand that what makes a good forum is the different ideas, and beliefs that each member has and contributes to each discussion. If someone is afraid to contribute because they may be made fun of, then we are not getting a true sampling of the many ideas out there.

The change of our countries administration effected this form, just like the purchase of AR15's increased so did the contributing membership. Now because there is no fear of loosing the right to own an AR15, sales have decreased and the contributing members have decreased. Its all relative.

I have felt from the beginning that this forum has many members that are really good people, and that this is a great place to share ideas. As we all know in every forum there will always be some bad apples, people that join just to cause problems. We as members need to ignore the comments of those people and see the good in the majority.


Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
Meh, it's the same old song and dance just with different performers. Everyone knows better than everyone else. Those that dress to the left want to dictate morals and values to those that dress to the righ and vice versa. Both heathens and Faithful feel persecuted. Kaepernick is worse than Mixon, and inconsistent mods can't be questioned or criticized.
None of this is new


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
West OKC
Meh, it's the same old song and dance just with different performers. Everyone knows better than everyone else. Those that dress to the left want to dictate morals and values to those that dress to the righ and vice versa. Both heathens and Faithful feel persecuted. Kaepernick is worse than Mixon, and inconsistent mods can't be questioned or criticized.
None of this is new
You may be right, but 9 mm will always be better than 45. :blush:

D. Hargrove

Jan 9, 2017
Reaction score
I came here from another forum last February and have enjoyed many conversations and learned plenty. There is a wealth of experience on OSA and sometimes it is even shared, never have I been chastised for a question of comment on the forum. I find that if there are topics I do not care for or cannot understand the thought processes behind, then I run far away to the classifieds. The OSA forum may have been better years ago in some opinions, but then again America was better under Reagan, Chrysler used to make great cars and Harley Davidson is not the same anymore. My jeans, cars, guns and table settings used to last longer, my boat has a fiberglass hull not wood but still floats. Evolution is inevitable in all societies, OSA is the same. I enjoy the discussions and at the very least the forum keeps me off the streets at night and from playing pool in the strip club.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 21, 2015
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I haven't been a member that long so I don't really have much to compare it to. I do know I've bought a ton of stuff off the classifieds and have had good experiences with everyone I've dealt with and all the times I've asked for advice. There's always a snide comment or two on some of my post but that's to be expected as we all know there's always "That" guy.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Things change. Fact of life!

I have a long time friend. We used to hunt and shoot and enjoy any number of activities together. Two years ago, he was hit broadside by a drunk driver. That left him totally paralyzed. We don't get to do most of the things we used to, but his attitude toward life is even better than before his accident. We still enjoy the times together.

Sure, some things on here have changed. Lots of things have changed in your life and so far there is no way to go back in time and do those things over again, so get over it. Be adults, enjoy life and the changes it brings.

There are a great many really enjoyable folks on here, and still lots of information to be shared.

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