making one American pay for the health insurance of another citizen because they have failed to make responsible decisions is not anywhere in our compact with each other. The AFCA is un-American, which equals eventual loss of our liberty.
If you want to ague your Rights away because you are inherently scared to be a man and do the way the rest of have, go for it.
Making an American pay for another is un American.
I'm open to shutting down Medicare, social security, Medicaid, the federal highway system, repealing the 1986 emergency Care act and other aid programs. Why should my taxes pay loans to students in college? Why should I have to pay for food stamps for some chicks baby?
****ing un American, I tell you.
Those poor oppressed Canadians and brits. We should have invaded them instead of Iraq to save them from the evil oppression of socialized medicine.
All true men would throw an elderly person, an unemployed person and babies under the bus. They should have made better decisions in life. like not being born with diabetes or heart failure.