America’s Future?

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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I don't know what the future holds, but I know people hate change. We're a nation of hypocrites, and that trait doesn't spare anyone from any background. We'll sit and complain about how things are going but not lift a finger to pitch in to help steer the ship. Every single person has a belief on how others should live their lives all the while not adhering to their own principals of how they think others should live those lives. Worse yet, we all have blood on our hands for creating the world we live in. We've become a people so deeply convoluted in our own personal beliefs that we cannot and will not accept anything less than those personal beliefs. We're a nation of people who forgot how to lose gracefully and win in the same fashion. We see our fellow countrymen as adversaries when they don't share the same belief, and it leads to discussions of civil war and like. I believe it's a side effect of leading a small life. One that's only surrounded by like minded individuals, where a person is free to spout their beliefs without being challenged with a contradictory mindset, and when a different idea does make an appearance, it's far to easy to unfollow or hit the ignore button on those you don't agree with. It's not a healthy way to live. It is solely responsible for creating the mess we're in now, where neither side wants to work with the other. Politics becomes a standstill, and you, I, and all of our fellow countrymen are the ones that suffer from the gridlock we've created. No matter what horrible or bright future America becomes, only one thing remains true, we will have worked hard to create it, good or bad.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 17, 2009
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these threads always leave me wondering how many conversations like this have happened over the years. How many predictions of a great downfall have occurred in the face of uncertain change.

I've pondered this as well, however in the last decade the left has radicalized significantly. Cities are burning and being occupied which has not happened that I'm aware of in recent history. Between antifa, BLM, and like minded people the radical are turning unruly. I didn't live through the 60s and 70a, but I don't think the Panthers were as organized or funded as well as the alt left is today. Just remember that police are a reactionary force not a preventative force. They will only react after an issue has risen and probably already over. Also Medics and fire depts will not enter a scene until it is "secure". So bottom line is when push comes to shove you are on your own. Until then pray and prep.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
If any or all of those critical supply systems are disrupted or destroyed, then society will fail abruptly and we'll move into a "dark ages" scenario. Tribalism and feudalism will become the norm. Some localized enclaves will succeed and possibly even achieve happiness in a simplified way of life, but their future will always be uncertain.

We've been surprised by how well organized these events seem to be and how fast they've come up. To think that antifa or some other group aren't planning how to bring down critical systems would be unwise.
But what can be done?


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
I've pondered this as well, however in the last decade the left has radicalized significantly. Cities are burning and being occupied which has not happened that I'm aware of in recent history. Between antifa, BLM, and like minded people the radical are turning unruly. I didn't live through the 60s and 70a, but I don't think the Panthers were as organized or funded as well as the alt left is today. Just remember that police are a reactionary force not a preventative force. They will only react after an issue has risen and probably already over. Also Medics and fire depts will not enter a scene until it is "secure". So bottom line is when push comes to shove you are on your own. Until then pray and prep.

Again, i am left to wonder how many before us have made similar statements. Going from grassroots to national level takes organization, and we've seen it happen again and again. I wonder how many looked at those efforts and thought similar things to your statement.

I am not trying to be dismissive of people's feelings. But we've had many threads here over the years that predicted that the sky would fall. I'm sure it will eventually, but it always seems to be 'the worst it's ever been' and yet America adapts. Maybe not in the way that all would want it to, but it has does none the less.

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