question for the Christ believers

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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
You guys can certainly (and are free to) think what you wish, but it is always in poor taste to be insulting. I don't see what is so comedic about any of this quite frankly, but go ahead and pile on.
Nobody meant any insult. The verse popped that image into my mind and I thought maybe Saddlebum could use a little levity for a change, that's all.


Special Hen
Jul 14, 2005
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Broken Arrow
Let's be honest; much of this thread has been an insult, and imho a disgrace for okshooters. I get that there are a lot of people who are atheists, but what I really don't understand is why they always go out of their way to insult and tear down other's faith instead of just being content in their feelings/thoughts/decisions. I'm not putting all of this on you as I haven't read the entire thread to bother remembering who said what, but I think it is shame what has gone on here.

I'd like to think as Oklahoman's we have enough self class and dignity to try to treat others, especially those of us in hard situations, with the right heart. The OP asked an honest question, and I think he deserves replies that show him respect for the hardship he is facing, whether it be from other people who share his faith, or from others who don't share his faith, though, his question really only applies to those who can address it without tearing it down his faith.

One thing we do agree on, I hope saddlebum is being lifted and encouraged with some laughter somewhere.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Let's be honest; much of this thread has been an insult, and imho a disgrace for okshooters. I get that there are a lot of people who are atheists, but what I really don't understand is why they always go out of their way to insult and tear down other's faith instead of just being content in their feelings/thoughts/decisions. I'm not putting all of this on you as I haven't read the entire thread to bother remembering who said what, but I think it is shame what has gone on here.

I'd like to think as Oklahoman's we have enough self class and dignity to try to treat others, especially those of us in hard situations, with the right heart. The OP asked an honest question, and I think he deserves replies that show him respect for the hardship he is facing, whether it be from other people who share his faith, or from others who don't share his faith, though, his question really only applies to those who can address it without tearing it down his faith.

One thing we do agree on, I hope saddlebum is being lifted and encouraged with some laughter somewhere.
I'm praying for SB and his wife daily. Just thought it might give him a yuk or perhaps a yuk yuk at best.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 18, 2005
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I'm praying for SB and his wife daily. Just thought it might give him a yuk or perhaps a yuk yuk at best.
I took it as joking, no harm no foul. It saddens me that a thread I started caused conflict between members here .Everyone here I have met( there have been many) were good people ,just because we don't agree on everything doesn't make us enemies.

I asked the original question because I believe Jesus is my Lord and Savior and have always been taught it is a sin to kill yourself. Now I find myself in constant pain and sickness with the very real prospect of dying a horrible death and to be honest I'm terrified . in some ways I feel like I'm being punished for things I did in my past and it is well deserved. I have repented and ask for forgiveness,but maybe the suffering is the price I must pay


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
We continue to pray for you and your family. A recent high school graduate ended his life Wednesday evening here in OKC. He was a fine young man, with a fine family. All of us that are friends with him and his family are broken hearted. Please think of your family and friends ( and I know you have many). I only met you once, over a year ago, but I remember how good it was to meet you.

You have asked a very serious question, and I’m sorry there was so much garbage posted, but be assured that we are all praying for you.

Enjoy your evening, and keep your faith.


Special Hen
Jul 27, 2018
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in some ways I feel like I'm being punished for things I did in my past and it is well deserved. I have repented and ask for forgiveness,but maybe the suffering is the price I must pay

There are many Biblical references regarding the act of penance. Catholics have an entire season devoted to doing Penance (Lent). For Lent - Top 10 Bible Verses on Penance - Taylor Marshall

Your suffering is a great opportunity for you to further atone for your past sins. I don't say this to minimize your situation at all. Many early Saints actually sought out ways to do penance in their daily lives, whether from strict diets, prayer, or other means.

"Oh, how bitterly shall we regret at the hour of death the time we have given to pleasures, to useless conversations, to repose, instead of having employed it in mortification, in prayer, in good works, in thinking of our poor misery, in weeping over our poor sins; then we shall see that we have done nothing for Heaven. Oh, my children, how sad it is! Three-quarters of those who are Christians labor for nothing but to satisfy this body, which will soon be buried and corrupted, while they do not give a thought to their poor soul, which must be happy or miserable for all eternity." - Saint Jean Marie Vianney

I post all of this to say that you are probably on to something with the last part of your post.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
@saddlebum ,

Definitely get that leg checked. Back in 2019, I developed a knee pain and while the pain eventually went away, the swelling in my leg didn't go away. We went into an urgent care in Indiana (we were working our Summer job there) to have the swelling checked out. They did x-rays and then they sent me to the hospital to have an ultrasound done to see if I had a blood clot.

The doctor's words were, "If there is a clot, you are to be admitted to the hospital IMMEDIATELY!!!!!

In my case, not clot, but they think my issue is arthritis and possibly also a cyst on the knee.

The main thing is that blood clots are not something to mess around with by not going to see "someone," even if it is the hospital ER.

And, prayers are for you here as well.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
I took it as joking, no harm no foul. It saddens me that a thread I started caused conflict between members here .Everyone here I have met( there have been many) were good people ,just because we don't agree on everything doesn't make us enemies.

I asked the original question because I believe Jesus is my Lord and Savior and have always been taught it is a sin to kill yourself. Now I find myself in constant pain and sickness with the very real prospect of dying a horrible death and to be honest I'm terrified . in some ways I feel like I'm being punished for things I did in my past and it is well deserved. I have repented and ask for forgiveness,but maybe the suffering is the price I must pay
All we have are words to help you and honestly, words are about as useless as teats on a bull to heal what you're dealing with. That said, I'll admit that one of my worst fears is as the older I get, the more afraid of death I'll become and lose courage the closer I get to it. The Baptist church where I grew up they said that suicide would fall under blasphemy, the unpardonable sin mentioned by Jesus but as we've learned more about mental health in the past few years, a lot of those "hard" stances by different denominations have softened up, even at the Vatican. Nobody knows your suffering other than you and God. These men may be preachers or ministers of Christ's Word but they are not the gatekeepers to Heaven. So take that for what its worth.

I'm gonna part with something I rarely tell people but my wife and I lost a child during the very early weeks of her pregnancy about 11-12 yrs ago. It was very difficult and my wife and I both felt that we were being punished for the way we lived our lives in the past. She mentioned this to my Pop who is a very quiet but Godly man and he told her not to think that way because a God who loves us, who sacrificed his only Son for us doesnt mete out punishment to believers like that. He said the loss we went through may be an answer from God, it may not be the answer we want but it's not a punishment so much as it's His will and often in life, we think we know God's will but it doesn't match up with our own. He also said that once you've asked for forgiveness and it's sincere, it's given. It's done. You're right with Him. Now you need to forgive yourself. You aint that same person anymore. You're washed in the Blood of the Lamb. So let the past go.

It takes a lot of courage for you to admit these things to a group of strangers. It takes courage to face the trials and pain you're facing. It's only natural you'd be terrified of the pain and dying a horrible death but at the same time, you shouldn't fear for your soul cuz I believe it's in the right place. I also think it's natural you'd have thoughts of ending that pain and terror but I hope you stick around a while longer. I think you're still here because you realize God's not done utilizing you for His will just yet. Just being on this forum telling us what you're going through can help others who may be going through their own trials and pain. And as long as you are here, you'll have all the love and prayer and support we can muster to help you through it. Like I said earlier, these are just words but for what they're worth, their spoken out of love. Don't lose hope, man. Even in the darkest times, that's the one thing nobody can take away from us.

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