Officer with Rifle Takes Out Alleged Police Attacker from 180+ Yards

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 25, 2014
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Nice write up.

I feel I made it clear on the "justified" aspect of the incident, in my mind this is no different that what Kyle Rittenhouse had to do.

I am only asking if as a society we shouldn't at least attempt to find another way?

Lots of the people in here have their general location on their profile. Places like Elgin or Vinita lol....I mean how in touch would someone from those kinds of places be able to interpret life in a major city?

I have watched a cop put 4 of 12 rounds into a guy that clearly deserved it in a hotel lobby. 2 years ago in Ohio. I can't help but think....maybe there could have been another way than making him leak all over the floor in the elevator.

These criminals and criminal element is getting far more desperate and deliberate with their actions. It's getting real now days. Had some kid at my son's school threaten to shoot the place up! Yet slap on the wrist and sent home to practice that behavior some more?

I travel all over for my career. I see real places with real problems...and it is happening more and more frequently is all.
You are correct, you never claimed it wasnt justifiable and I didnt properly acknowledge that in my response. Who should the burden fall on though? All on the citizens, all on law enforcement, maybe a little bit on both with the assumption that both are acting with good intentions? I have been in almost every major city "hood" west of the Mississippi as a part of my former career. I have driven in as a young white kid (in my 20s) by myself at 2am to get my work done and move on. I have met people that were real bangers that were nothing but polite to me as an individual and I have been in the presence of people that couldve popped me and left me behind a dumpster and never thought of it again.

A lot of the people I have met that grow up in these environments arent struggling due to a lack of compassion from LE as the root cause. They are growing up in an environment where there is no hope and often no interest in escaping the same plight their parents live in. I firmly believe there is a sense of pride and worth that comes from taking care of ourselves and being self sufficient. Government programs have pushed the easy button and just thrown money at it though. Increase funding for welfare, increase funding for inner city programs no one is interested in using, increase funding, increase funding, increase funding. If we raised our children (and I have seen more than a few take this path) in this same manner that creates a reliance on us as parents, our kids will never develop the drive to navigate life on their own and the confidence to strive for something we may not have been able to show them. I grew up in a small farm town and we had families that fell into that category too and the kids I graduated with still live a nomadic lifestyle bouncing from eviction to eviction with absolutely no thought toward living any other way. It is all they have known.

Can you find plenty of scenarios where there truly is a stronger response than was absolutely necessary even if it was justifiable? Sure, hell I make way better second decisions when I think back through my day before I fall asleep, why would this be any different? Would creating an environment for "at risk" kids where they get solid role models that are showing them how to navigate life without needing anything from the government avoid almost all of these scenarios? Absolutely. Our system of assistance using poor approaches to solve problems they dont really want to solve is the root cause of the failure, not the guy that has to show up and handle the situation after the person has already been broken by the system.

We also had a child get arrested over the weekend for threatening violence at my son's school. It is scary as hell and teenage years look so different now compared to when I was in HS in the late 90s early 00s even. My school was small so there wasnt any real bullying going on. Even if there was, social media wasnt a thing so you were able to escape it once you got off the bus. Now the bullying never rests and it reaches a FAR broader audience, thoroughly demolishing any hope of being part of a healthy social circle. A lot of households also have two working parents that put in far more hours into work now than they did 25 years ago. Some of that could be living in a slightly more affluent area than I grew up in or it could be a sign of the increases in cost of living outpacing wage increases. I have also seen firsthand the number of parents that see sheltering their children from adversity as being a good and protective parent. Luckily my wife agrees with me, but I believe we are doing a better job of protecting our kids by exposing them to adversity at a young age when the consequences are low and giving them the tools to work through it and cope with it. They are always reminded that some of our decisions as parents arent about what makes them happy in that moment but what provides the tools for them to be happy as adults when we cant be around every day.

So yes, I agree with you that we are at a tipping point for the success of future generations being worthwhile and capable of carrying on the torch of the American Dream. I just disagree where we should focus our attention to start implementing some dramatic changes.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
I dont have issues. I just can't understand how no one here can see that cop exited his car with the intent to kill that suspect and no one here sees that is a systemic problem within police departments.

Idolizing this type of behavior is how we got Ferguson, Minneapolis, Kenosha, Baltimore, and countless others. Perhaps and maybe I am crazy for suggesting it....we stop and as a society say enough is enough?

I dont hate the cop for doing what he had to do, I completely understand that suspect had to be killed to stop him, however is it not possible that we could as a society stopped the suspect from feeling they needed to go that route?

Your concern is misplaced and unwarranted as I am no threat to anything, except mazzios ranch dressing. And the occasional sale of 17hmr ammo.
" I just can't understand how no one here can see that cop exited his car with the intent to kill that suspect "

I am not asking in order to debate, nor condemn, but simply out of curiosity. How and why did you come to your conclusion that this cops' intention from the outset was to kill the subject?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
That was an interesting response... Maybe he wasn't Army. I wasn't Army and I knew what you were talking about, though.
I spent 13 years active Army ('69-'82) and didn't connect the dots at first. I was thinking more along the lines of 'ferrets' DD-214 discharge codes :anyone:


Special Hen Banned
Jul 1, 2021
Reaction score
Del City
CCT or TACP? Or WARCOM or SWCC? There's not much after that where you could do "horrors" that would justify VA care for PTSD in which you now are equating killing to murder.

👇 👇 👇 👇

You brought up all this aversion to killing and calling it murder because of all of it you have done to humanity in some kind of service and how the VA only gave you pills to cope.

I don't believe you at all. I think you're making it up to make you look empathetic and have justification for your idiot-speak. If you were prior service, you were probably a fcking Fobbit who sh*t his pants anytime a mortar came swinging to the culvert and sh*t your pants until all-clear was announced.
You're just making sh*t up just like the Chicago story is probably made up. There's nothing I can find, and I'm still looking, on a Chicago police station being shot up in a drive by in the last ever. But you were present for it?...Mkay
Hold have made up your mind, and still demand answers of me. Lol

Best part here is how you think you can find everything? See if you can find the drop off for brinks in Philadelphia. I mean it is out can find it?

You got so much anger...just so much and for exactly what?
You are correct, you never claimed it wasnt justifiable and I didnt properly acknowledge that in my response. Who should the burden fall on though? All on the citizens, all on law enforcement, maybe a little bit on both with the assumption that both are acting with good intentions? I have been in almost every major city "hood" west of the Mississippi as a part of my former career. I have driven in as a young white kid (in my 20s) by myself at 2am to get my work done and move on. I have met people that were real bangers that were nothing but polite to me as an individual and I have been in the presence of people that couldve popped me and left me behind a dumpster and never thought of it again.

A lot of the people I have met that grow up in these environments arent struggling due to a lack of compassion from LE as the root cause. They are growing up in an environment where there is no hope and often no interest in escaping the same plight their parents live in. I firmly believe there is a sense of pride and worth that comes from taking care of ourselves and being self sufficient. Government programs have pushed the easy button and just thrown money at it though. Increase funding for welfare, increase funding for inner city programs no one is interested in using, increase funding, increase funding, increase funding. If we raised our children (and I have seen more than a few take this path) in this same manner that creates a reliance on us as parents, our kids will never develop the drive to navigate life on their own and the confidence to strive for something we may not have been able to show them. I grew up in a small farm town and we had families that fell into that category too and the kids I graduated with still live a nomadic lifestyle bouncing from eviction to eviction with absolutely no thought toward living any other way. It is all they have known.

Can you find plenty of scenarios where there truly is a stronger response than was absolutely necessary even if it was justifiable? Sure, hell I make way better second decisions when I think back through my day before I fall asleep, why would this be any different? Would creating an environment for "at risk" kids where they get solid role models that are showing them how to navigate life without needing anything from the government avoid almost all of these scenarios? Absolutely. Our system of assistance using poor approaches to solve problems they dont really want to solve is the root cause of the failure, not the guy that has to show up and handle the situation after the person has already been broken by the system.

We also had a child get arrested over the weekend for threatening violence at my son's school. It is scary as hell and teenage years look so different now compared to when I was in HS in the late 90s early 00s even. My school was small so there wasnt any real bullying going on. Even if there was, social media wasnt a thing so you were able to escape it once you got off the bus. Now the bullying never rests and it reaches a FAR broader audience, thoroughly demolishing any hope of being part of a healthy social circle. A lot of households also have two working parents that put in far more hours into work now than they did 25 years ago. Some of that could be living in a slightly more affluent area than I grew up in or it could be a sign of the increases in cost of living outpacing wage increases. I have also seen firsthand the number of parents that see sheltering their children from adversity as being a good and protective parent. Luckily my wife agrees with me, but I believe we are doing a better job of protecting our kids by exposing them to adversity at a young age when the consequences are low and giving them the tools to work through it and cope with it. They are always reminded that some of our decisions as parents arent about what makes them happy in that moment but what provides the tools for them to be happy as adults when we cant be around every day.

So yes, I agree with you that we are at a tipping point for the success of future generations being worthwhile and capable of carrying on the torch of the American Dream. I just disagree where we should focus our attention to start implementing some dramatic changes.
Very clear discussion...must say I am happy you commented.

There isn't a burden with early retiring of cops that kill someone. The defund the police and these campaigns we have seen recently dont explain what the movement wants....they go with the catchment title to get everyone talking.

Like defund the was about their expansive budgets for a fleet of mRap or swat team for a town of 1000....Miami has a tank you know?

I can tell you those place you remember being less than desirable are worse off now. Many cities are still housing people in extended stay hotels.

Far as what changes? Hell I don't know, but I do know we need to change something?

We been doing it so long one way that it is clear this aint working....over 1000 people shot and killed this year in USA that have been reported as cop killing someone.

That is absurd the numbers stay so there really no other way to keep the peace? Sure some bad stuff gonna happen, and it sucks.

This past year I seen some of the most militaristic looking cops just everywhere, they look like soldiers. Granted it ain't like that everywhere like these tiny ass towns many here live in.

With their 150g propane tank and well water. Places like Memphis are freaking crazy...Chicago just because it is Chicago.


Special Hen Banned
Jul 1, 2021
Reaction score
Del City
" I just can't understand how no one here can see that cop exited his car with the intent to kill that suspect "

I am not asking in order to debate, nor condemn, but simply out of curiosity. How and why did you come to your conclusion that this cops' intention from the outset was to kill the subject?
The quickness that he illustrated.

His clear intent was to end that dudes life, and from what I saw....dude had it coming, however as a society we all have that right to a trial.

Seems cops are more and more just shooting people when they mean it and even when they don't, because they were afraid for their life.


Special Hen Banned
Jul 1, 2021
Reaction score
Del City
I spent 13 years active Army ('69-'82) and didn't connect the dots at first. I was thinking more along the lines of 'ferrets' DD-214 discharge codes :anyone:
I dont get how any of that is relevant to this discussion.

It is measly a means to dehumanize or focus attention away from what is the topic.


Special Hen Banned
Jul 1, 2021
Reaction score
Del City
Actually, only two others that wield death and destruction. CCT or TACP? Or WARCOM or SWCC? There's not much after that where you could do "horrors" that would justify VA care for PTSD in which you now are equating killing to murder.

👇 👇 👇 👇

You brought up all this aversion to killing and calling it murder because of all of it you have done to humanity in some kind of service and how the VA only gave you pills to cope.

I don't believe you at all. I think you're making it up to make you look empathetic and have justification for your idiot-speak. If you were prior service, you were probably a fcking Fobbit who sh*t his pants anytime a mortar came swinging to the culvert and sh*t your pants until all-clear was announced.
You're just making sh*t up just like the Chicago story is probably made up. There's nothing I can find, and I'm still looking, on a Chicago police station being shot up in a drive by in the last ever. But you were present for it?...Mkay
Dude what you belive and what is are two different things. You are simply here to be a proponent for animosity and divergence.

I get it...used to be similar save I never called people a liar, as I had the awareness to realize that I wouldn't ever meet those people, never be a weight on their day to day with anything I had going on.

You want to have that narcissism within you for a stranger to prove anything at all seems a bit like social engineering to gain information to harass them...

Is that what you want to do? Seems foolish to me, in this day and age it really does.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
Reaction score
Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
The quickness that he illustrated.

His clear intent was to end that dudes life, and from what I saw....dude had it coming, however as a society we all have that right to a trial.

Seems cops are more and more just shooting people when they mean it and even when they don't, because they were afraid for their life.
Thank you for your reply.

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