So I woke up on the floor this morning...

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Special Hen
Mar 11, 2018
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Oologah, Oklahoma
12 years sober, no alcohol or drugs, I went through horrible withdrawals after drinking a quart or more straight whiskey 7 days a week for over 25 years, also quit smoking at the same time. Every minute, every hour, every day that I got through made me stronger, in a week I knew I good stay straight and nothing, absolutely nothing could happen that would cause me to go back. Being sober was giving me the strength to stay sober, it didn't come from any program or organization, it came from within and its within each and every person, they just have to make the commitment and do the work, no one will do it for you


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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12 years sober, no alcohol or drugs, I went through horrible withdrawals after drinking a quart or more straight whiskey 7 days a week for over 25 years, also quit smoking at the same time. Every minute, every hour, every day that I got through made me stronger, in a week I knew I good stay straight and nothing, absolutely nothing could happen that would cause me to go back. Being sober was giving me the strength to stay sober, it didn't come from any program or organization, it came from within and its within each and every person, they just have to make the commitment and do the work, no one will do it for you

Ultimately it is up to the individual.

I found it much easier to take advice from guys that had already been down that road. It also helped to go to a place full of people with the goal of sobriety.

Changing friends/acquaintances was a big help. Hard to stay clean if everyone you associate with is a drunk or doper.

32 years for me tomorrow!


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
Yukon Ok.
Not the same but possibly helpful. I gave up tobacco awhile back. After making it thru the first day I decided I didn’t live thru that for nothing and I reflected on it every time I thought about giving in. Thought about my grandson picking it up after imitating me. Any tool i could use to help me succeed I used. Hope any of this is helpful.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 16, 2021
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Tulsa, OK
Week 3, time for another update. Still going sober strong! Once I got past the physical aspects of withdrawal, the psych parts haven't been as bad as I anticipated. The cravings are becoming more and more rare. I still haven't returned to another AA meeting, but rather just spent my extra time in church and returning to a relationship with God. It hasn't been easy, but thanks to him, I'm on a 100% better path for myself and others around me. I feel better than I have in many years.

Haven't quite quit smoking yet, but I've about cut it in half at this point, using vape pens. Yeah yeah...their terrible I know, but not as bad as cigarettes. I'm on course to drop nicotine levels on said vape pens to 0 beginning of next year before shaking them off entirely.

All-in-all, the effects I'm seeing are most pronounced in the way I'm treating others. That in itself is a miracle. I've been so hateful and disrespectful for so long, that turning this corner has brought me a new appreciation for life. It isn't just about me anymore.


Gill-Gun Guru
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 1, 2014
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OKC / Bristow
Week 3, time for another update. Still going sober strong! Once I got past the physical aspects of withdrawal, the psych parts haven't been as bad as I anticipated. The cravings are becoming more and more rare. I still haven't returned to another AA meeting, but rather just spent my extra time in church and returning to a relationship with God. It hasn't been easy, but thanks to him, I'm on a 100% better path for myself and others around me. I feel better than I have in many years.

Haven't quite quit smoking yet, but I've about cut it in half at this point, using vape pens. Yeah yeah...their terrible I know, but not as bad as cigarettes. I'm on course to drop nicotine levels on said vape pens to 0 beginning of next year before shaking them off entirely.

All-in-all, the effects I'm seeing are most pronounced in the way I'm treating others. That in itself is a miracle. I've been so hateful and disrespectful for so long, that turning this corner has brought me a new appreciation for life. It isn't just about me anymore.

Wonderful news!


Special Hen
Dec 11, 2016
Reaction score
Logan county, on a dirt road
All-in-all, the effects I'm seeing are most pronounced in the way I'm treating others. That in itself is a miracle. I've been so hateful and disrespectful for so long, that turning this corner has brought me a new appreciation for life. It isn't just about me anymore.
When I quit drinking (23 years ago) it was like the entire human race changed within 2 weeks.

Everyone got much easier to get along with.

It couldn't have been me. It must have been the entire rest of the world.

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