Need advice/pointers on going sober

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sushi & pistols

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Nov 24, 2019
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SE Oklahoma (Ada)
So I was a quart a day or more vodka drinker for a couple of decades. (more like 25 years) and this passed June 20 I celebrated 22 years of continuous sobriety. I'd like to say I have all the answers but I don't. I can say this, I was told to do a few things by drunks who sobered up before me and the "Obsession" to drink was removed! Keep on keeping on....There is always HOPE


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Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
12 steps didn't work for me but I didn't let that be an excuse to drink. I had to find what worked for me and that was me. What I'm saying to folks out there is not to use one of the ways to quit not working for a reason to drink. You were looking for a reason anyway so don't think we don't know. You quit when you decide to quit.
I'm proud of you for gutting it out. No excuses just balls enough to do the job.
You're a real man my friend.


AKA: Fat Jack, Believer in God
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Aug 4, 2016
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One year ago today I was filling up the cooler and getting ready to have one of the worst days of my life! I got hammered drunk and ruined my 6 year olds birthday. It’s still something he brings up on occasion unfortunately. I ended up sleeping in my truck, and then spending sometime staying with my parents because of these choices.

I can proudly say that one year later, I have put all that behind me. I no longer drink regularly. A beer here and there while at dinner is the most I’ll ever have now and usually they are months apart.

My marriage is the best it’s ever been and I fall more in love with my wife every single day. My relationship with the kids is better than ever also. I still make mistakes but overall, I’m just the best version of Kyle I’ve ever been. And it’s all because I put down the beer and booze behind me.

If any of you are struggling with it, please know you can do it and won’t ever regret it. I’m happy to lend an ear if you need help as well!

Thanks again to all my OSA friends that helped me through this and kept me in your thoughts and prayers!
SEMPER Fi !!! Kyle, congrats. A lot of prayers were offered and PRAISE GOD THEY WERE ANSWERED. I’m proud of you brother. I knew you could do it. You just love on your family, and know how blessed you are. Also I still have that crossbow if you are interested…might even offer you a better deal. Stay strong, and 1 day at a time.

Glock 'em down

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May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
I'm sure that getting thru this year was a total and absolute b!tch, but thank God Almighty that you made it!
I never really considered myself an alcoholic, though I did try to suck the bottom out of a Jack Daniel's bottle several times in high school. But that was just stupid kid stuff. I definitely drank more in high school than I have in the last 37 years since then.

luckily, I married a gal who grew up with an alcoholic father and alcoholic uncles, and she was by God not gonna be married to one.

The job (LE) kinda helped me quit too. My very first DUI arrest was unforgettable. He had pissed and shat himself and puked all over his shirt. If that doesn't make you wanna give up the bottle, you're doomed.

Congratulations buddy, the first year is the toughest. You got this! :thumb:


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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One year ago today I was filling up the cooler and getting ready to have one of the worst days of my life! I got hammered drunk and ruined my 6 year olds birthday. It’s still something he brings up on occasion unfortunately. I ended up sleeping in my truck, and then spending sometime staying with my parents because of these choices.

I can proudly say that one year later, I have put all that behind me. I no longer drink regularly. A beer here and there while at dinner is the most I’ll ever have now and usually they are months apart.

My marriage is the best it’s ever been and I fall more in love with my wife every single day. My relationship with the kids is better than ever also. I still make mistakes but overall, I’m just the best version of Kyle I’ve ever been. And it’s all because I put down the beer and booze behind me.

If any of you are struggling with it, please know you can do it and won’t ever regret it. I’m happy to lend an ear if you need help as well!

Thanks again to all my OSA friends that helped me through this and kept me in your thoughts and prayers!

This is FABULOUS!! I am SO happy for you -- and your family!!

Dr. HK

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2008
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So I’ve post a few things here and there on OSA about my drinking but it finally came to a head last night. I won’t go into all the details but it’s best to just stop drinking. I’m not an alcoholic by definition but I just can’t handle it anymore. I might have a beer here and there but when we get in social settings, I just can’t handle moderating myself. Once I let the train start rollin, I just let it keep on rolling.

Started to get bad last year and quit for awhile then tried to moderate my intake. Works for the most part but I’m just to the point now where I’ve got to hang it up. Doesn’t matter how good I can do most of the time if I still F up on occasion. Enjoying an ice cold beer just isn’t worth the potential to lose my family.

I don’t think it will be a big deal to cut it out day to day but it’s hard in social settings. Any advice or anything of that nature would be much appreciated!
just a thought, how about making a mixed drink but without alcohol? or a coke and rum for example with coke and additional soda water with ice just so it looks like coke and rum?

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