Most excruciating pain I've ever far.

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Glock 'em down

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Like many here, I have cases of gout that flare up 2 or 3 times a year. They usually effect my big toe and hurt like a bastard for a few days. After about 8 years or so, I've learned to recognize it when it comes along and act accordingly.


I woke up Sunday morning with a new flare up. This one is in me ankle. Let me tell think the toe hurts? Holy sheet! I can barely walk! I've hobbled around here all week with a cane and I feel like I'd be better off in a pine box!

For me fellow believers out there, I indeedly covet your prayers. This is awful, just awful. :cry3:



Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
Edmond OK
Like many here, I have cases of gout that flare up 2 or 3 times a year. They usually effect my big toe and hurt like a bastard for a few days. After about 8 years or so, I've learned to recognize it when it comes along and act accordingly.


I woke up Sunday morning with a new flare up. This one is in me ankle. Let me tell think the toe hurts? Holy sheet! I can barely walk! I've hobbled around here all week with a cane and I feel like I'd be better off in a pine box!

For me fellow believers out there, I indeedly covet your prayers. This is awful, just awful. :cry3:

Ive been blessed with what I now call super gout since my 20's I'm now 57 ANY and EVERY join in my body has had a flareup. Neck. elbow. My fingers are trash because of it. hip. lol You name it. Ive had the flareup. The WORST pain EVER..... the place you DONT want a flareup is a knee. It flares up and swells And must be drained. Thankfully ive gotten it under control finally. ANTIINFLAMATORY meds will clear that up, But can cause kidney damage IF used too often. I now have that as well. ALIEVE will also help. Lots of water. TAKE your allopurinol... daily

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