5 Things You Need to Know About Target and Open Carry Texas

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Dr. HK

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2008
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I found this interesting. Did not track down all the things to verify but makes sense to me

found here http://buzzpo.com/things-need-know-target-open-carry-texas/

5 Things You Need to Know About Target and Open Carry Texas
by Liz Harrison on July 2, 2014 in BuzzPo, Gun control, Politics
It’s no secret that the mainstream media has no interest in covering news without bias, especially when it comes to gun control. The latest smear has been a dust up about Target stores and the pro-gun organization Open Carry Texas. Unfortunately, because this is happening in Texas, it’s very easy for the liberal media to distort the facts. Let’s take a moment to clear things up.

1. Target hasn’t banned weapons from their stores. – Contrary to what Huffington Post is at least implying, the store simply didn’t ban guns. What they did do was respectfully ask people to “choose” not to bring weapons into their stores. Dana Loesch explains that clearly for everyone.

2. No, the pictures of people with long guns aren’t all from Texas. – Again, we’re dealing with news with an agenda. Moms Demand Action pushed out the photographs. Don’t expect the mainstream media to double-check that they are all from the state they’re reporting about.

3. Open Carry Texas told members months ago to not take long arms into businesses without express permission. – Contrary to news reports, this organization is not lead by gun zealots that want to make people feel nervous about weapons being in stores. (Never mind that having people with legal weapons should make people feel safer, since they’re a good deterrent against criminals.) This organization is focused on legislative action, namely getting open carry fully restored in the state of Texas.

4. “The people were carrying long guns in public for the shock factor, because they’re gun nuts!” commentary is a lie. – This is an important issue to clarify, especially for the benefit of people outside Texas. The Moms Demand Action organization is very pleased with the fact that this story is getting national attention, especially in states where people can open carry handguns. A quick Twitter experiment shows that this tactic is working for them.


There were no replies to that, just a single retweet as of this writing. That’s a big problem.

The reason why the Open Carry Texas activists are going around with long guns is because those are the only kinds of weapons that are legal for them to open carry.

Texas gun laws are interesting, to say the least. While the people are generally for guns, the laws are a little, well bizarre. In summary from Texaslawshield.com:

“In Texas, it is generally illegal to carry a handgun outside of a person’s own premises. However, a person may carry, either open or concealed, in a non-threatening or alarming manner, a shotgun or rifle.”

With the exception of about a handful of situations, one must have a concealed carry license to carry a handgun in Texas. This is why Open Carry Texas activists are going around with long guns.

5. Anti-gun activists are using the media to target Open Carry Texas because they are worried. – The liberals are very nervous, because Open Carry Texas is getting very close to getting what they want – a sensible open carry handgun law.

“Over the past year, our members have done what no other gun rights organization has been able to do – put open carry at the forefront of the fight to restore gun rights for all Texans.”

That’s a tiny portion of a press release by Open Carry Texas and a few other organizations working for a new handgun law in Texas. They are in the spotlight because they are succeeding, and that’s making liberals extremely nervous. They are so nervous that they are pulling out all the stops, and using the liberal media to depict these groups as a bunch of crazies that will only cause more gun violence. That simply isn’t true.

Just like everything else, that means that conservatives have to set the record straight.


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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area

OCT and it's members were all over Facebook with pictures of them open carrying long guns in Target. Poking the bear so to speak.

Now Target has taken an anti-gun tilt and OCT is trying to back away with half-truths and quibbling. Thanks a$$holes.


Special Hen
Jan 23, 2010
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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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How does anyone know what the "real" truth is anymore??? Every media outlet has their own slant to whatever they are reporting, so I don't know who to believe. Open Carry Texas' approach seems a bit extreme for my conservative taste, and as a gun owner, I really don't want to be associate with them. In my opinion, they are casting a bad light on all of us (or maybe it's just the media slant).

As far as open carry goes, I have been watching how Oklahoma has "embraced" OC-ing, but I have already decided I will still carry concealed even if OC is legal. I like the element of surprise as a "tactical advantage".:gun2:


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I have the RIGHT to go in to a movie theatre and wait till the movie starts, then stand up and begin reciting the Declaration of Independance or the script of Monty Python, the Holy Grail. Should I?....nah...prolly not.

Same deal. I'm as pro 2a, pro gun, pro carry, pro rights as the next dude, but damn....let's have some sense. There's no reason for you and your bro's to go toting AR's and AK's around in retail stores. Discretion is the better part of valor sometimes.

This is a slippery slope. You say anything against these types of guys, then folks say "you're anti rights" and you don't say anything and people start making the populace nervous and they start crying and we could loose the right to carry period.


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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I have the RIGHT to go in to a movie theatre and wait till the movie starts, then stand up and begin reciting the Declaration of Independance or the script of Monty Python, the Holy Grail. Should I?....nah...prolly not.

Same deal. I'm as pro 2a, pro gun, pro carry, pro rights as the next dude, but damn....let's have some sense. There's no reason for you and your bro's to go toting AR's and AK's around in retail stores. Discretion is the better part of valor sometimes.

This is a slippery slope. You say anything against these types of guys, then folks say "you're anti rights" and you don't say anything and people start making the populace nervous and they start crying and we could loose the right to carry period.
No you don't.


Aug 18, 2012
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OCT and it's members were all over Facebook with pictures of them open carrying long guns in Target. Poking the bear so to speak.

Now Target has taken an anti-gun tilt and OCT is trying to back away with half-truths and quibbling. Thanks a$$holes.
That's how it looks to me. We don't need that kind of help. Maybe wearing empty holsters or something less threatening like that would get the point across.

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