51% of Americans would let CDC track COVID via their cell phones

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Are you serious?
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 31, 2013
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Logan County
51% of Americans are nuts . . .


Slightly more than half of Americans (51 percent) would be willing to join a cellphone-based contract-tracing program sponsored by the CDC, according to a new Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll.

The poll is conducted weekly. Results are from the ninth wave of the poll, conducted May 8-11, and include responses from 980 U.S. adults.

About one-third of respondents said say they are likely to opt in to cellphone-based contact-tracing systems established by major tech companies (33 percent) or cellphone companies (35 percent).

Public health officials agree that contact tracing will be a key aspect of safely lifting restrictions, including social distancing. But even without a comprehensive contact-tracing program, social distancing appears to be on the decline, the survey found. Thirty-two percent of Americans report visiting friends or relatives, up from 26 percent that reported the same in last week's survey.

Only about 18 percent of respondents reported seeing others wearing masks, and 17 percent reported seeing others maintaining social distance all of the time.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
51% of Americans are nuts . . .


Slightly more than half of Americans (51 percent) would be willing to join a cellphone-based contract-tracing program sponsored by the CDC, according to a new Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll.

The poll is conducted weekly. Results are from the ninth wave of the poll, conducted May 8-11, and include responses from 980 U.S. adults.

About one-third of respondents said say they are likely to opt in to cellphone-based contact-tracing systems established by major tech companies (33 percent) or cellphone companies (35 percent).

Public health officials agree that contact tracing will be a key aspect of safely lifting restrictions, including social distancing. But even without a comprehensive contact-tracing program, social distancing appears to be on the decline, the survey found. Thirty-two percent of Americans report visiting friends or relatives, up from 26 percent that reported the same in last week's survey.

Only about 18 percent of respondents reported seeing others wearing masks, and 17 percent reported seeing others maintaining social distance all of the time.

Does anyone else besides me see the creation of something analogous to a cast society? Those with covid, those who have had covid, and those who have not. Your freedom is determined by whichever class you find yourself within.



Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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FYI here is how the system works in China and no reason why it would not end up being the same here once there is an "emergency":
Everyone has a green, yellow or red status indicator on their cell phone. You must show your cell phgone to get into any public building, store etc..
If you are green you can go anywhere...no problem....happy trails
But you learn not to go anywhere is public that is not essential. If you accidentally come in contact with a "red " person wo has broken their quaranteen, your status turns to yellow and you must be quaranteened in a special hotel at your expense for two weeks.

The system sounds great except if you end up losing your freedom...plus Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer want to add some new uses to the system....for your good, of course!


I'm Retired, Do It Yourself.
Special Hen
Aug 11, 2017
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Stonewall, Ok. 15mins S. Of Ada

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