A letter to my Dad

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Nov 25, 2020
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Yep still trying to figure out how to reply. Mom's been gone 25 years still think about it most days. the memories make it hurt less. but still tough to make it through the original post.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
My father was a great guy. His father died in 1933 when dad was 14 years old, and in the middle of the great depression. he was the oldest and assumed the role of head of the house, and responsibility for his mother, and 5 younger siblings. He didn't whine about this, just did the best he could. A few years ago we were talking politics, he was a devout democrat and I am a republican, and we were talking about the new deal, and he simply said, we didn't have anything, and no way of getting anything, these programs kept many people from going hungry, including them! He would tell humorous stories about this, and his war experiences in Europe, but never the serious ones. He was hired by a man to work at 15 years old, hard labor I'm sure, when the job was over the guy wouldn't pay him. he was 15 and this guy was 25, he fought this guy but lost and never got the money owed him, A few years later dad was a man, had just finished ranger training and was home on leave before shipping out to Europe. He was in town , about half drunk, and ran to this guy! They still talk about this today! he got his money, and a little skin to go with it! He was wounded in early 1945, just after the Battle of the Bulge. Dad in efect raised two families, his youngest brother was one year old when his father died. He, and mom had four sons, My mother had a very trimatic childhood as well, , she was basicly on her own with a three year old brother to take care of at 6 years old, when her mother was killed by a drunk driver while riding in the back of a wagon! Her dad remarried, and the step mother didn't like kids, as did dad, along with what we know today as post traumatic stress disorder, that likely effected both of them. They were absolutely GREAT parents, raised four sons, HONORABLE MEN ALL! and they were proud of that!


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 25, 2020
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asking for help or getting government help is nothing to be ashamed of. that's what it is for. its just not meant to be a way of life passed from generation to generation. heck there has been 2 week pay periods i've only had 20 bucks to go on!

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