Anyone know how to get ahold of W. Oren Truitt III?

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Special Hen
Mar 16, 2009
Reaction score
He runs the following shop:

Truitt & Son, LLC
12717 SW 47th Street
Mustang, OK 73064
ph: 405-206-6549
fax: 405-324-2590

The line only goes to a voicemail, and I can't find any other contact information for him other than an email.

My friend is trying to retrieve a family heirloom he asked Truitt to fix up six months ago. He hasn't been able to get in touch with Truitt, and going to his house hasn't worked. Whoever answers the door says Truitt is always gone at gun shows and such.

Thanks for any help!


Special Hen
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
OKC Metro
Yep, I'm the friend he was talking about :-)
And I got the rifle back [whew]

Stay away from that guy. Tell your friends. Seriously.
I'm not going to say that he does bad work. I just don't think he does any work. Six months and NO work done on a rifle (not even a light cleaning)?? Absurd.

I called Winchester/Browning today to petition to get him removed from their list of authorized service/repair centers. The customer service woman seemed concerned, so we'll see if that goes anywhere. (One of the reasons I went to him was he's listed on their site, so I assumed he was legit.)


Special Hen
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
I am in the process of trying to get a gun back he has had for 18 months. Here is a court case that was filed against him. If you look at all the documents it took a replevin order and the sheriff's department had to recover the guns. I am filing this week.

If anyone wants to know about him try google. Or call me for details.


Special Hen
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
Here's another one for you...

About 3 months ago I purchased some ammunition from a local sporting goods store. The salesman was Oren Truitt. He introduced himself as the store's gunsmith.

About a week later, I was doing some shooting at a local range, the grip on my handgun fell off. The grip retains the slide stop and the threads were stripped in the frame, preventing re-installing the grip, rendering the gun unusable. I spoke to Mr. Truitt about repairing it, and he said the store does not take in outside work, but that he could do it on his own time. He would charge me $25 and it would be ready in 2-3 days, so I left it with him. 3 days later, I called him and he had run into problems with it and it wasn't ready. He said that he had tried solder, but it wouldn't stick. Holidays were upon us, so I told him not to worry about until after the holidays. (HUGE MISTAKE!) Jump forward to around mid-January. I figured that was plenty of time. So I called him. No answer. No call back. After many attempts to contact him by phone, going to the store where he worked, email.... I decided to do a little research. I found this thread, and also found that he has an "F" rating on BBB. Needless to say, I became worried. He finally answered the phone on Wednesday Feb 19. He sounded really out of it like I had just woke him up. Its my opinion that he wouldn't have answered the phone otherwise. Anyway, he said that he was still working on it, and it would be ready on Friday. Friday came and went with no phone call from Mr. Truitt. I then returned to daily phone calls with voice mail asking him to call me. Yesterday, Feb 24, I decided to drive to his house. His truck was in the driveway, so chances were that he was there. Braving the large barking dog, I went to the door. His son answered, and Mr. Truitt came to the door when I asked for him. He was very cooperative at this point, and I got my gun back. He told me that he had tried a "cheat", stuffing stainless steel wool into the threads, trying to "force" the threads to hold. Looking at the gun, I'm not convinced that he tried anything, but I'm glad that he didn't fix it with his "cheat". The gun is now with another gunsmith, who I hope is a better businessman and a competent gunsmith!

I joined this forum today to share my experience on this thread. Hopefully, it will help to prevent future situations like mine and the OP's.


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