Anyone register a pistol brace?

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El Pablo

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Apr 5, 2007
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Depending what type of quad they are, they can shoot guns. I have a friend who is a quad and we have gone to the range, he shoots his 10/22. It's not done in a conventional manner but he hit the plates!

He got into air rifles so he could shoot more in his backyard
Right, I know at best you have no hand control. So use a brace you can strap on, and pull the trigger with a string and your mouth? I’m honestly just curious. The only quadriplegic ive known had no control below the neck due to where the injury occurred. I know injuries lower in the cervical stack would have more arm control.

im really curious how it’s done. I’d imagine with enough ingenuity and desire it’s prob possible.


Special Hen
Mar 8, 2016
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Boone, NE
So you can have no control of your hands, but still utilize them as a tool if thst makes sense.

For the case of my buddy, we could have used a brace and strapped it to his arm and he could point with it as he has control of both elbows and shoulders. For trigger, probably same way he does with the 10/22. Again, no control of the hands or fingers but he CAN use his shoulders and elbows to position his hands in a location (trigger guard) and "poke" a finger in it, then using a movement of shoulders/elbows effectively pull back on the finger and activate the trigger. We did discuss a mouth activated device (he uses one for his camera) but the 10/22 seemed to work well enough as it is.

Same with driving. He can depress levers with his hands via movement from his shoulders/elbows, which controls gas and brake. Then there's a pronged spinner on the steering wheel he can basically jam his other hand in and use that to turn. He's not utilizing hand movement to do it, but it is attached to his hand and he uses shoulder/elbow movement to do what he needs.


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Jun 13, 2005
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So now the underlying reason for your 'attitude' finally comes out! - ("But that's somehow my fault as a brace owner.")

Well me and 10-40 million others.

That would depend whether or not YOU are one of those "SOME gun-owners" I referenced in prior posts that purchased an arm-brace primarily for the specific purpose of getting around having to register an sbr or sbs based on any exemptions afforded to, and specifically for, a disabled shooter.

I purchased one because it was legal to do so and was using it how I please within the law and the "rules." Now I've had a bad shoulder injury previously in my life. Everything is great for now, but I sure as hell will keep one around if not multiple, just in case. I specifically love how it changes the caliber when you install them. Learned that the other day from your boy. Otherwise though, I've got stamps.

If not then enjoy using your arm-braced firearm knowing that the .gov did make an attempt to allow you (a disabled person) to enjoy/continue to enjoy the shooting sports without the additional burden of having to 'jump through hoops'.

Will do so gladly. Hopefully, it gets struck down and I can come here to watch you and Democrats cry about it.

If you ARE one of those "SOME gun-owners", then you are probably also one of those non-handicapped people that see no problem parking in a handicapped parking space, take the last electric cart meant to be used by the disabled while shopping (even though you don't need it), or constantly whine about others having 'unfair' privileges that you don't get.

Now this is straight up weird and borderline psychotic. No sir..... I know I embarrassed you with your own words, but I don't park in handicap spaces or steal carts lol. These strawman tantrums aren't doing you any favors. So keep shaking your fist and bytching at the clouds, I'm not the villain you desperately need me to be.

So which is it @JD8, this veteran who has spent a fair amount of time around other disabled veteran shooters would really like to know - are you an actual paraplegic, quadriplegic, or otherwise a disabled person that needs an arm-brace for their sbr or sbs or did you get one primarily to use the exemptions you are not entitled to?

Need...... there's that word. No Mr Biden, my needs are NOT any of your business. "Entitled" to according to whom? You and Biden? or are we referring to what the law says, and how the rules have been interpreted?

He's the fun thing about your tantrum. The current pistol brace ruling doesn't compromise disabled people in any way...... here's the fun part..... neither did the previous rulings. But you're not into reading the facts, laws, or rules. You just know someone parked in your handicap spot and by god you're gonna take that out on me, because someone must pay.

It's starting to sound to me like you are a dishonest, dishonorable POS that pisses on those that are less fortunate - then tries to 'shade' anyone that exposes you for what you are!

You literally have the mentality of a liberal. Anyone that argues with a liberal is a racist. Well it seems here..... "anyone that own's a pistol brace is a dishonorable POS and a liar." Explain how I'm "pissing on those less fortunate?" The very fact that a piece of plastic exists in a household (not too close to an actual firearm) makes you emotionally unstable. I find it interesting that you've never had the integrity within your conviction to call any other brace owners out here? I'll bet you don't go into gunshops or gunshows with your theory. I wonder why that is? Could it be you're full of shyt and you know it? or do you simply not have the courage to relay your convictions of brace owners? In the end, it seems you are in favor of the ATFs current ruling are you not? Can't let all these gun owners take your parking spot!!! can change your diaper and get fawked for all I care.. I'm here because the whole thing is BS. It's an erosion of rights. I'll say the same thing about FRTs and Bump stocks because the BS that you people spew is all the same. At least many of you are exposing yourself and are more honest about being anti-2A.


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Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
Well me and 10-40 million others.

I purchased one because it was legal to do so and was using it how I please within the law and the "rules." Now I've had a bad shoulder injury previously in my life. Everything is great for now, but I sure as hell will keep one around if not multiple, just in case. I specifically love how it changes the caliber when you install them. Learned that the other day from your boy. Otherwise though, I've got stamps.

Will do so gladly. Hopefully, it gets struck down and I can come here to watch you and Democrats cry about it.

Now this is straight up weird and borderline psychotic. No sir..... I know I embarrassed you with your own words, but I don't park in handicap spaces or steal carts lol. These strawman tantrums aren't doing you any favors. So keep shaking your fist and bytching at the clouds, I'm not the villain you desperately need me to be.

Need...... there's that word. No Mr Biden, my needs are NOT any of your business. "Entitled" to according to whom? You and Biden? or are we referring to what the law says, and how the rules have been interpreted?

He's the fun thing about your tantrum. The current pistol brace ruling doesn't compromise disabled people in any way...... here's the fun part..... neither did the previous rulings. But you're not into reading the facts, laws, or rules. You just know someone parked in your handicap spot and by god you're gonna take that out on me, because someone must pay.

You literally have the mentality of a liberal. Anyone that argues with a liberal is a racist. Well it seems here..... "anyone that own's a pistol brace is a dishonorable POS and a liar." Explain how I'm "pissing on those less fortunate?" The very fact that a piece of plastic exists in a household (not too close to an actual firearm) makes you emotionally unstable. I find it interesting that you've never had the integrity within your conviction to call any other brace owners out here? I'll bet you don't go into gunshops or gunshows with your theory. I wonder why that is? Could it be you're full of shyt and you know it? or do you simply not have the courage to relay your convictions of brace owners? In the end, it seems you are in favor of the ATFs current ruling are you not? Can't let all these gun owners take your parking spot!!! can change your diaper and get fawked for all I care.. I'm here because the whole thing is BS. It's an erosion of rights. I'll say the same thing about FRTs and Bump stocks because the BS that you people spew is all the same. At least many of you are exposing yourself and are more honest about being anti-2A.
Can't put the cat back in the bag, everyone here on OSA, and probably half the Internet, now know exactly what kind of person you are when it comes to your respect of the handicapped, and then how you have tried to 'justify' your stance by saying you had a bad-shoulder at one time.
Then you go on to try and change the words of what I had written in order to protect your 'entitled' attitude and deflect a negative observation onto me, calling me 1) a liberal, 2) a racist, and 3) emotionally unstable - then try to further deflect by bringing 'Biden' and the Democrats into the mix (as if it's now their fault) - all typical responses from someone that hasn't anything but the usual childish excuses to offer for your disgusting (and illegal) behavior. Then when all else fails, you scream "get fawked", I'll do what I want!
Go home sonny, 'ya aint' got nothing worth my time 🤣
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Can't put the cat back in the bag, everyone here on OSA, and probably half the Internet, now know exactly what kind of person you are when it comes to your respect of the handicapped, and then how you have tried to 'justify' your stance by saying you had a bad-shoulder at one time.

Then you go on to try and change the words of what I had written in order to protect your 'entitled' attitude and deflect a negative observation onto me, calling me 1) a liberal, 2) a racist, and 3) emotionally unstable - then try to further deflect by bringing 'Biden' and the Democrats into the mix (as if it's now their fault) - all typical responses from someone that hasn't anything but the usual childish excuses to offer for your disgusting (and illegal) behavior. Then when all else fails, you scream "get fawked", I'll do what I want!
Go home sonny, 'ya aint' got nothing worth my time 🤣

Bless your heart, this is what cognitive decline looks like....... you and Joe have more in common than previously thought.


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Apr 7, 2009
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I'm sorry to say that the appropriation of disabled shooting will continue......

I didn’t see where the “great news” part was in that video. All the district panel did today was hear oral arguments - nothing was decided. The author did opine that the case seemed to lean slightly in favor of 2A, but nothing definitive was done at the time of the video’s publication. The case of Mock v. Garland continues, with the temporary injunction still in place for a limited segment of the US population.

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