Attempted Coup in Venezuela

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Guaido is the head of Venezuela's National Assembly. He declared himself interim President in January and promised a transitional government and free elections to end the rule of the socialist Maduro regime, which has overseen the once-wealthy oil nation's descent into economic collapse and a humanitarian crisis that has been endorsed by the US is participating in a Coup that has been going on for two days. The military remains loyal to the dictator Nicolás Maduro although the Air Force and some National guard units have sided with Juan Guaidó.
Venezuela should be one of the most rich countries in the world because of their oil reserves. Back in the 80's there was prosperity everywhere with international oil companies building infrastructure, refineries, paying good wages and life was good in that country, although there was a crime problem with thugs kidnapping foreign business folks for ransom that the companies readily paid so that problem got continually worse.
Chavez came along as a populist president and immediately took over the oil companies, nationalizing them and putting the profits in his pockets, Maduro has done the same along with disarming the population.

All the above is just a little history lesson about why we should never let the government take our guns away from us.
In Venezuela, all guns that are privately owned(very few) must be stored in government ran armory's.
So, when this Coup started, the Government shut down the armories. Now only the government and the military have guns.
See how that works? Now they are using rocks against armored vehicles and automatic weapons.
I suspect the coup will fail......


In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
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Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
A sad state affairs indeed for the citizens of that country. Thank the Founding Fathers for the 2A, and our right to keep and bear arms. It certainly does keep us safe from tyranny; anyone who tells you otherwise seeks to take power away from the people and put it in the hands of the few. Never, ever, in no way should we allow our legally owned firearms to be taken away. I know that as long as I remain a law abiding citizen, my right to own them will NOT be infringed.

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Ethan N

Special Hen
Mar 31, 2013
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OKC Area
A sad state affairs indeed for the citizens of that country. Thank the Founding Fathers for the 2A, and our right to keep and bear arms. It certainly does keep us safe from tyranny; anyone who tells you otherwise seeks to take power away from the people and put it in the hands of the few. Never, ever, in no way should we allow our legally owned firearms to be taken away. I know that as long as I remain a law abiding citizen, my right to own them will NOT be infringed.

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They’ll find a way to convict you of a felony so they can take your guns away.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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They’ll find a way to convict you of a felony so they can take your guns away.

Nah. But, you can get those big rolls of tin foil at The Dollar Tree for $1.00! Think of all the hats you could make for a lousy buck.

It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

Agreed... make something currently lawful a felony and they're ready to start jailing political opponents. I don't believe for a second the opposition wouldn't love that and dance with glee at the sight of the first few gun owners being rounded up for incarceration.


In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
Agreed... make something currently lawful a felony and they're ready to start jailing political opponents. I don't believe for a second the opposition wouldn't love that and dance with glee at the sight of the first few gun owners being rounded up for incarceration.

I stand prepared; that’s all I have to say about that.

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