Automotive Question for all you car guys

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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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It cracks me up when Im at my oldest kids house and she is 'working' with her one and only child when she has had a 'moment', errrr, she has screwed up and got in trouble for something she definitely knew not to do. And then she hit at her mother and called her a bad name when she put her in timeout or whatever it is they call it. She's 5. Ahhh, I remember lighting that kids mommys rear up for some of the lesser things she did at that same age. She didnt do em any more either, and she for sure didnt try to hit me or call me a '*****'. Same kid who graduated highschool early, got her business degree early, went to work in hospital managment in her early 20s, and now she has resigned a great paying job to work on an MBA and raise this kid. Gonna home school her. Her husband was a part time Mr Mom now he gets to go to work full time at what he went to school after the Air Force for. He sure isnt bitching about it either, who would want to stay home with that little brat. Good luck with it is all I can say. Sure dont want to make them fear you or hurt their delicate little self esteem. And if the kid ever comes to stay with Gma and Gpa, well lets just say she will be at my house with my rules. And its a long way to California to call mommy to come get you. Lollllll.

THAT explains a lot of it.

SIL thought the same way, they were visiting when nephew was 4. He was running, screaming, knocking things off of tables and shelves because Mom wouldn't (whatever). I jerked him up and busted his butt, set him down and told to sit there and shut up. She threw a fit. Told her to pack and GTFO, my house, my rules. They didn't come back for 10 years. Nephew was polite and very well behaved. SIL told me, "I WAS RIGHT" it had taken her a couple years to figure it out and then a couple to correct the 6 years of 'being a friend and not squelching his individuality BS she had read in Dr. Spock'. Second son is 7 years younger than first. He did not have those same first 6 years. Both now grown and fine, young men. I take them hunting and fishing and we have a great relationship. Just afraid there is too little, too late for most of the country, especially on the lib coasts.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
:rollingla My oldest one threatened to call DHS on me when he was 13 ... I told him to go pack a bag because when they got there I was gonna let them have him. You should have seen the look on his face, but being his mother's son, he's a real trooper and called my bluff ... While he was packing, I asked him if he knew what was gonna happen when DHS took him away. He said "Well, no ... " and that stoic, angry look cracked just a little ... After I went to great lengths to explain to him what foster parents were and how evil they were and how they would have a dozen other kids there just like him (and they'd all have to share the same bedroom!! :D) he stopped packing, sat down on the bed and said "Is it too late to change my mind?" :rollingla I said "Of course not ... Now ... go get your chores done ..." Yeah, all this was over having to fold a load of clothes ... :rolleyes2 He was good for a couple of weeks ... then we started all over again! :) Ahhhhh, the joys of parenthood!! :D

:rollingla That's GREAT!! When GC and I got together mine were all in high school (or out) ... his youngest was just starting grade school. It was amazing to me the things that upset GC and his ex- ... I was like "Ehhh, they are just kids ... no big deal" when those same things wound me up tighter than an 8-day clock when mine were little. Kinda like being a grandparent. I made it real clear to my kids that while I love them and my grandkids, grandma is no kinda baby-sitter. I raised my brothers and sisters and then my own kids ... I'm done taking care of kids ... it's my turn ...

I worked with a single Mom who had a 10yo. He threatened to call DHS on her and picked up the phone. She grabbed a broom and broke the handle over her knee. Told him go ahead, by the time they got there he would be happy to go. He gently replaced the phone and quietly went to his room.

Kind of the 1st child vs. 2nd child commercials. Experience and life lessons. or maybe; old age, mellowing out, and senility. I'm not sure.


Special Hen
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
There's some real dumba$$ answers in here... sadly, only a few of them are actually jokes.

As for the OP, your truck has a PATS system, so unless you have had it bypassed, which is quite unlikely, making a key is more involved than running to Lowes and having a copy made. So take the keys with you... done. If he has a copy that isn't programmed, it will just unlock the doors, nothing else.... the motor will just crank but won't fire.

The inertia switch is easy to access, but I don't recall if there is a way to manually trip it... and even if there is, if he has a key that is programmed to the truck, all he has to do is google "why won't my xxxxx start" and will likely find the inertia reset pretty quick.

Just take the keys with you.

Done. Lock thread.

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