Bartlesville man concerned after he was denied gun license renewal due to his marijuana card

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Special Hen
Aug 21, 2021
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BARTLESVILLE, Okla. — Mark Berdolet had been permitted to conceal and carry firearms through the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) for the past 10 years.

But when his permit expired earlier this year, he tried to renew it and was told no. The reason? His medical marijuana card.

"A little over two years ago, my doctor recommended to treat my neuropathy because I was having some side-effects from the Gabapentin I was on," Berdolet said. "[My doctor suggested] to get an Oklahoma Marijuana Patient card. And I asked him, 'Could that affect my firearms?' He said, 'Oh no, they passed this law, they can't discriminate against you in Oklahoma for having that.'"

He's talking about Senate Bill 631, signed into law by Gov. Kevin Stitt in 2021, which made Oklahoma a second amendment sanctuary, meaning the rights of law-abiding citizens to own and possess guns will always be protected.

Senate Bill 959 specifically protects the gun rights of medical marijuana patients. But Berdolet says he was still denied.

"Not only are you not allowed to have an Oklahoma Conceal to Carry Permit, but under federal guidelines, you aren't allowed to buy firearms and aren't fit to own firearms," Berdolet said.

FOX23 reached out to OSBI and was told they have to follow federal laws and guidelines above all else when it comes to firearms.

Federal law still considers marijuana a schedule 1 controlled substance along with deadly narcotics like crack cocaine, meth, heroin and fentanyl.

Berdolet says his second amendment rights are being infringed upon so he reached out to the offices of State Sen. Nathan Dahm and U.S. Sen. Markwayne Mullin.

"In Oklahoma we are blessed, because our legislators saw fit to make it a Second Amendment State, and I've been assured that I can still carry and no one will harass me," Berdolet said.

FOX23 reached out to the offices of both Mullin and Dahm, but have not heard back.



Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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To be fair, MMJ wasn't even a thought when the SDA was written.

To be fair if the pot growers, dealers and users get to thumb their noses at federal law and succeed at it, why cant I make my own SBR, FA or suppressor within the borders of the state of Oklahoma and not be arrested by the feds and charged with NFA violations?

I mean whats good for one group should be good for another group.

If we are going to tell one group they have to follow the rules then the other group needs to follow the rules, you want a pot card, then no guns for you.

Its a interesting situation to say the least.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 8, 2008
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Sand Springs
To be fair if the pot growers, dealers and users get to thumb their noses at federal law and succeed at it, why cant I make my own SBR, FA or suppressor within the borders of the state of Oklahoma and not be arrested by the feds and charged with NFA violations?

I mean whats good for one group should be good for another group.

If we are going to tell one group they have to follow the rules then the other group needs to follow the rules, you want a pot card, then no guns for you.

Its a interesting situation to say the least.
Expecting logical consistency from any governmental bureaucracy?? Good luck!

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