Batman Premiere: Mass Shooting-Aurora, CO

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Sorry my friend, that comment has nothing to do with MY postion, that's just a bit of reality relayed as to what actually happened. If I were wrong, the news would have been different.

Just sayin, can you get prepared behind a keyboard? You learned what you know from real world experience yes?

A combination of experience and training, yes. However, they're perishable skills that need to be exercised.

As for the other part, I will never be a victim so long as I'm alive. Being a survivor is a mental state, not physical (unless you're dead). This one case is a statistical anomaly. Sure it's a reality for those folks, because apparently there was no one there in a position to do anything but hide, flee or die. Put a half dozen well trained AND mentally prepared, armed patrons in that theater and the attack still would've happened. But the casualty results may have been altered dramatically.

My mental preparation for the specifics of the circumstance would include being aware of my surroundings and alert to the possibility of an attack (or fire, etc.). I can't get prepared behind the keyboard, but I can relate the underlying ideas behind it here, no?


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
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Spring, TX
Good Read - food for thought...
"Gun control or carry permits won't stop mass murder"

Agreed, but it might minimalize the effects when it does happen.

All the talk about mental preparedness stuff and being aware of your surroundings is related, however...I would argue that while watching a good movie you are much more vulnerable than if you were sitting at Perkins eating a meal. Your brain and mind is focused on the story and you are a captive audience(in a good movie). I know that when I go see a good movie and I am captivated, I lose track of whats going on around me unless something very significant in my immediate area happens. I could probably tell you how many tables were seated during most of my meals if I was asked within a reasonable time frame. Very rarely can I recall a time that I could tell you how many people entered and exited a movie theater.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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I have been shot at, and all I remember was being frightened to death, running, and wishing I had a gun on me. I can't imagine being in a theatre, cornered. I was immensely sad to read about the shooting this morning, but I can't help but feel nervous as well. I grew up in a remote area and we had to defend ourselves, and I have never shaken that mindset. This is going to fuel some anti-gun rhetoric for the upcoming election.

Our country has some serious mental health issues, and it has just gotten worse and worse since it all started with the edmond, ok, postal shooting. I don't understand what it's going to take for people to start paying more attention to these oddballs.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Agreed, but it might minimalize the effects when it does happen.

All the talk about mental preparedness stuff and being aware of your surroundings is related, however...I would argue that while watching a good movie you are much more vulnerable than if you were sitting at Perkins eating a meal. Your brain and mind is focused on the story and you are a captive audience(in a good movie). I know that when I go see a good movie and I am captivated, I lose track of whats going on around me unless something very significant in my immediate area happens. I could probably tell you how many tables were seated during most of my meals if I was asked within a reasonable time frame. Very rarely can I recall a time that I could tell you how many people entered and exited a movie theater.

I observe every person that comes & goes. Just part of the training and mindset I guess.


Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
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Are you forgetting that there are a lot of actual combat vets on this board? Are you forgetting that there are a lot of people who have trained far beyond the average SDA permit holder? People who have trained specifically with combat vets and seasoned LEO's?

You do not "rise to the occasion", you default to your level of training. it's perfectly fine to view this matter from your personal level of experience and training. Don't presume to imprint your level of experience and training on the rest of us. It would be an exceedingly poor presumption. :(

Train, train and train some more. Jerry has hit the nail on the head. I don't know what I would have done but I like to think that even though I am not a combat vet or law enforcement that the training I have would have taken over and I would have at least tried to make a difference.

I don't know what Colorado's CCW laws are like, maybe they are like Texas where carry past a sign is a felony. In which case I would have never been there but I will risk the misdemeanor trespassing in OK if I choose to go to a theater.


Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
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Agreed, but it might minimalize the effects when it does happen.

All the talk about mental preparedness stuff and being aware of your surroundings is related, however...I would argue that while watching a good movie you are much more vulnerable than if you were sitting at Perkins eating a meal. Your brain and mind is focused on the story and you are a captive audience(in a good movie). I know that when I go see a good movie and I am captivated, I lose track of whats going on around me unless something very significant in my immediate area happens. I could probably tell you how many tables were seated during most of my meals if I was asked within a reasonable time frame. Very rarely can I recall a time that I could tell you how many people entered and exited a movie theater.

Actually that's part of why I don't enjoy theaters and would rather wait for the movie to come out and enjoy it at home. I can't tell you the number of people coming and going but I am easily distracted by the comings and goings of people, one of my favorite games is spot the guy with a gun I never say anything but I like to clue in on the dress of people around me and their actions to see if I can spot an unusual bulge.

I for example have a bad habit of resting my arm against or on top of my xd under an untucked cover shirt I also frequently double check that the tail on the right side is free and covering my holster. I'm actually pretty easy to spot if you're looking for it. I also walk around with my hand in my pocket quite a bit where my .380 is and refuse to let my wife walk on or hold my right hand when we are out for a stroll.

I was a lifeguard in California, my job was to observe people around water, my first pt job when I moved to OK was as a lifeguard I got the job because the pool manager called the cops on me they thought I was a pedophile because I kept watching kids. To this day I still can't relax around water when there are groups of people around.


Special Hen
Oct 17, 2008
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i figure most police dept would be prepared for this stuff?my dad was an leo in a neighboring city and i remember after 9/11 they received gas masks and mini 14s then 2 years later the minis were traded for ar 15s. i just assumed most leo had gas masks since 9/11

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