Brown Shirts huh... nothing to see here. move along.

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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Don't they consider anyone under 21 or something to be "children"? I can't remember... I saw it somewhere.

Of course, why not? Our own .gov forces a parents' insurance to cover "children" up to what, 24 or 26 now? Gimme a frigging break... cut the damned apron strings, already.

Keep joking. It's pretty sick that these children, who are nothing more than pawns in a twisted political game, are a source of amusement to you guys.

Actually they are not all children, though they'd love you to think it so. Just more lies from the administration and their minions, that's all.

I heard a blurb yesterday that anyone under the age of 36 or 38 (I forget) would not be deported. I'll try to find a source for that later.

Raoul Duke

Special Hen
Jan 28, 2013
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Somewhere in the stillborn state of Sequoyah
I don't think it's a joke or a game at all. I think it's a planned invasion. The news said last week that the immigration laws allowed kids caught crossing the border to be given to relatives in the US without being nationalized. Many kids were said to have written contact information in their hands when they arrived.

I think they need to contact the relatives listed, verify their citizenship status and if they are not citizens, send them back to their own country with their kids.

^^^^ This right here^^^^

Better yet, if I were the COC, I'd call the Presidents of these countries and tell them they can pick up their children right outside the gates of Guantanamo where they will be promptly dropped off.


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May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Our immigration system in antiquated, cumbersome, and frankly just plain sh***y. I have had immigration lawyers working for me in the past. So, I am very familiar with the system. We simply need a viable guest worker program that would satisfy both the needs of American business and the desire of our southern neighbors to come here and better their lives.

I agree in general but any guest worker program should be tailored to fill gaps in US citizen worker capacity. While we are still carrying a high unemployment and under-employment rate, I would have trouble accepting that an overly large guest worker program is warranted (except maybe for seasonal farm labor or a few other limited categories). As to normal immigration, unlike some here, I am open to fairly generous routine, lawful immigration policies for those who wish to become long-term residents or even citizens BUT the rampant border hopping and then hoping to essentially overwhelm the immigration system and disappear into the US until amnesty is granted is corrosive to any sense of due process and respect for the law and it is worth expending time and resources to curtail it.


Aug 14, 2012
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First ya instill natl pride. Then you demonize them. Then you pass laws specific to them, protecting you. They become less human. WTF illegals, they aint Americans Fukc them, send em back with tattoos n brands and threats of war.

They aint human beings, they aint all kids or women. Fukc them all. Get rid of them. They aint humans worthy of basic dignity.

Junior Bonner

Special Hen
Apr 2, 2014
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I was reading Subprep's opening dialogue which she quoted from the link. It's frustrating to see how the government is treating the issue of scabies on these kids. When I worked at the hospital in Tishomingo, the nursing home there would send us residents practically eaten alive with scabies. The official line of the nursing home was "allergies to laundry detergent." Our employees started catching scabies from these geriatric patients. At least we had access to Lindane.

Edit: No matter where you work, mentioning the word "Scabies" is a no no. It is an allergy to laundry detergent, roger that?
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Special Hen
Feb 20, 2013
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broken arrow
Our immigration system in antiquated, cumbersome, and frankly just plain sh***y. I have had immigration lawyers working for me in the past. So, I am very familiar with the system. We simply need a viable guest worker program that would satisfy both the needs of American business and the desire of our southern neighbors to come here and better their lives.

I do not buy into the whole "americans won't do these kinds of jobs" nonsense. What they mean to say is Americans won't do these hard labor or tedious types of back breaking jobs for very little pay and if something happens say an injury etc Americans won't just keep their traps shut about it. I'm not sure about the viable guest worker pass without extreme scrutiny & regulation which just creates more government bureaucracy, which makes everything worse. This is such a huge issue that has so many different angles I don't even know what to suggest to start with to fix it.

and to comment to reddogs post... If I start believing that way, my opinion changes and I become much more radical in my solution. ugh.

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