Bug out bag/72 Hour bag

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Special Hen
Jul 27, 2010
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Forum Member cal7.62x39 motivated me to start a bug out bag thread. I think a lot of people have found their selves in crappy situations (Weather/emergencies) without the tools they needed to get a job done. I think if people are open to sharing it would be a good learning tool for OSA. It is a learning experience for me because I try to get people’s opinions and ideas to form my own. If you have a bag please share it.

My bag is mostly stuff gathered from stuff around the house. It is with me when I’m at the hunting camp, traveling, and at work. This is a Redhead bag that I used to use for hunting. I would like to get away from all the camo pattern stuff in the future. The thing is covered with grass because I mow the lawn with it on.

Things I did not take a picture of:

- Light Columbia long sleeve shirt
-Rain jacket
-Water bladder
- P-38 can opener.

-Nalgene water bottle
-Baby wipes
-Cheapo head lamp
-Para cord (50’)
-Figure 9 carabineer (2)

-Fishing kit/sewing kit (pill bottle)
-Multi tool (not the best quality)
-Extra batteries
-Knife sharpener
-Surefire flash lights with belt attachment (2)
-Compass/ whistle
-Zip ties


I use the Saw pouches for food and first aid. I want to mark the medical pouch in the future with permanent marker. The medical kit is a cheap Walmart first aid kit. I definitely need to do some upgrading but not really sure what to change.

-Boonie hat
-Ontario Afghan

I once hit a dog in Columbus Ohio on my way back to Oklahoma as teenager. The front tow hook of my vehicle went through the dog and hooked around the spine. I had a small paring knife that could have not been more than four inches long and very thin. I was on the side of a six lane highway trying to get the dog off the front of my vehicle. Lesson learned from then on carry a big knife in the car or stop hitting stray animals.

-2 Tuna
-2 mountain house meals
-2 bottles of water
-6 instant Folgers coffee packets
-4 power bars



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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 17, 2009
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ok as promised here are some packs. I am only going into detail on picks on one since it would take way to long other wise.

first is my EDC. Its a clone of a ww1 or ww2 messenger bag. I have had it since I was a webelo. It is very well made and bought from ACE hardware over 20 years ago. It is very well worn, broken in, distressed, stained and rusted. I cant go to the mall without a hipster asking me what store(usually specifically I am asked if its urban outfitters or the buckle) I bought it from. its not packed currently, but usually carries diapers, wipes, juice, snacks, a change of clothes (6-9 months), binky, toys, and anything else that a tactical baby needs.




Next is a bag that my 3 year old daughter carries everywhere. She has a water bottle, snacks, and survival toys(toy multi tool, compass, shovel, toy knife), crayons, coloring book, and a doc mcstuffins doctors kit.

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 17, 2009
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Next is her real BOB, steel water bottle, snacks, glow sticks, toys, crayons and coloring book vacuum sealed, change of clothes vacuum sealed also, and any comfort items she may pick up to carry. I bought the bag used for 5 dollars at a survival supply store. I could not pass it up.


Then my 6 year old daughters bag. Bought at academy for 10$ same set up as my 3 year olds, except she has a small multi tool also.


I touched on this one in "lead a horse to water" but I still use it, it usually is a day outing bag for the zoo, museum, or anywhere we may go all day or overnight and just have essentials and spair clothes for 3 young children, snacks, first aid (now the external pouch), and a hydration pouch.


My wifes daily carry a Columbia beacon, this is essentially her purse/diaperbag. if shes out the door so is the pack.



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Mar 17, 2009
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Now on to my "get home bag" I will essentially be bugging in and this will get me from the road to home with my family before we head out (if we head out). It is a 5.11 Rush 24. I justified buying it to my wife as a backpack for school then I just kept using it. I wanted to go for a more "mr grey" feel so if I am heading home the patches will come off so it appears more like just a backpack.


In the top pouches are my CPR masks, the bronze think is bug spray, and a weather/emergency hand crank radio with built in flashlight.


The front lower pouch has a steel water bottle with a watter purifier in it and some glow sticks, emt sheers, a leather man, zip ties, strap cutter, ink pen, note pad, and 5.11 TMT pen light


The zipper pouch in that same compartment holds an Oklahoma road map, cammenga us mil surp compass, butt wipes, binocs, and a 5.11 ifak that I have filled with protein bars.



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Mar 17, 2009
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Main compartment has trail mix, emt gloves, 5.11 work gloves, camo hat, work related stuff, paper work, laptop, whatever(this goes with me to work or on the road). and a change of clothes if the distance or time away calls for it.

View attachment 50012

In a zipper pouch of the main compartment I have a 5.11 rush 6x10 add on for first aid (is molle so will come out and fit on back of the pack if I need more room, same with the IFAK that carries my protein bars.)

View attachment 50013

On the left side of the pack is another steel bottle that has packets of peanut butter, and a sawyer water filter in it. both water bottles can be used for boiling water if need be, and can clip onto outside of the pack with carabineers for more room should I need it.

View attachment 50014

On the other side pouch I carry a Buck 625, a primus fire starter, a knife sharpener (the sharpener and primus goes in the buck sheath with some cotton ball and Vaseline fire starters), another light stick, a led flashlight, and a 50-75 foot hank of paracord.

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 17, 2009
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This pack is supplemented by whats in my vehicle, first a Walmart Camillus molle bag filled with emergency rations and water that will attach to the outside of my rush 24 should I have to hoof it to far

View attachment 50001

My EDC knife a COLD STEEL Spartan, and my EDC light a streamlight protac HL. A Marlbes firemans hatchet, more cordage, more carabineers should I need them(one of which is a lighter), a whet stone, and the mora knock off, a wahoo killer from budk.


not pictured in this assortment is my hydration blatter that is getting a bleach job, and most importantly my bates that are most comfortably strapped to my feet and spair socks.

Next up is my 72 hour in not to much detail is a medium alice pack I got for 20$ from a mil surp store some years ago. I also had a large alice, but I tended to carry to much with it and gifted it to my younger brother when he started into prepping


with it comes another Wahoo, a sog double head axe, and a very used and abused but extreamly tough Cold Steel Kukri



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Mar 17, 2009
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One last Picture of the Alice with the Cold Steel strapped to the side, I can pull it loose while wearing the pack with ease... but putting it back is a different story.


Next is an INCH bag... its way way to heavy to be practical so its really more of a side project than anything (I will make my last stand at home so this one would probably never get used), but its an ilbe main pack that I have modified. I saved almost 3 pounds by cutting out and off extra straps, flaps, buckles, and rubber that I would not use, the top cover has actually been sewn on the back and uses 2 buckles on the front instead of 4 buckles just holding it haphazardly on. in the first picture you see a modified yildiz 410 (it can actually be used with almost any of my packs)


Here you can see a lot of the extra compression straps and the roll up flap removed. I took the waiste belt off for a while, but it needs is so it went back on


On the other side you see an Ontario Spax-16 and below it is a R2F (ready to fish) telescoping fishing pole kit and tackle in its own little green bag



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Mar 17, 2009
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A picture of the Yildiz, Spax, a Schrade Bolo Machete, not pictured is a Cold Steel True Flight Thrower, it is the toughest sharpest chunk of steel I have ever used.


The yildiz is a compact 19 inches folded, and 37 inches overall also has a barrel sleeve that allows me to shoot 22 LR out of it. I can hit a squirrel at 50 feet with 22 for only being 3 inches of barrel and poor sighting system.



that's it for me and my bags. lets keep em coming folks.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 2, 2013
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Dang, brother, that's quite the setup! I will have to look into the Yildiz rifle - had considered a 10/22 takedown but would really like the option of 410. No pictures for now but I have multiple for different scenarios. We have 4 kids (with another on the way) so each of our kids have bags based off of standard 96 hour kits (clothing, food, water purification, cooking, minor first aid, shelter, knives) and then my wife and I have large packs to carry the same as well as a full med kit, firearms, tools, etc... We rotate out clothes and perishables every 6 months (April and October) and will have occasional camping trips where we just bring our bags as they are so everybody knows how to use the gear.

The main bag I keep in my car is a med kit. It's a bit overkill (based off of a combat medic setup) but I know how to use everything in there and if it is ever needed to be used on me I feel fairly confident that if they can't take care of me with what is in the bag then I'm a gonner regardless of field equipment. Many people think they shouldn't carry medical equipment they don't know how to use and I strongly disagree; you shouldn't use medical equipment you don't know how to use, but just like a soldier carrying an IFAK, it's so you have medical equipment to be used on you, not necessarily by you. Any of my vehicles will always have, at minimum, a modified IFAK as well as a standard first-aid kit.

I am a firm believer in quality equipment (not necessarily expensive, but quality) and prefer my 5.11, TSSi, NARP, London Bridge Trading, and Condor bags over cheaper options; if you're patient, excellent deals can be found. I also have the 5.11 Rush 24 bag and absolutely love it; it has been used and abused for years and is still going strong.

How do you like the ILBE?


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 17, 2009
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The assault pack has been well worth the investment. The main pack is a bit to much, it provokes you to carry to much, and is heavy just by itself. I am happy with the 75$ I spent on the entire setup. For the 150$ that people are asking for the main pack now though I would put that money towards an osprey or other light weight durable pack.

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