Challenge Accepted. We need common sense and compromise on gun violence.

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Special Hen
May 2, 2009
Reaction score
The Second Amendment was only secondarily written for personal protection. It was primarily written for protection from tyrants like King George or wannabe tyrants like 0bama. Assault weapons are our liberty teeth. Molon labe.

Just the presence of millions of firearms in the hands of Americans prevents any potential dictator from taking power in this country.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
I seriously tried my hardest not to post in this thread, but couldn't resist.

I haven't read through every page of this thread, but this age-old debate once again boils down to misunderstanding and presumptions based on "everybody knows" instead of actual evidence - once you look at real facts, statistics, and actual details of recent media-hyped events, you find that none of these presumptions are true - and are in-fact giving the anti-gunner (or pro gun-controller in this case) a skewed understanding of what needs to be done to stop crime or deaths of human beings in general.

Also, what is the intent of these "common sense gun laws"? Is it to stop/prevent school shootings? Mass shootings? Deaths by murder with a gun? Deaths (including accidental and negligence) by guns? Deaths overall (including intentional-crimes and negligence)?

What The OP first posted will do the least amount of good to all of the above - so why are so many people proposing these laws? It's not facts or logic, and it's not "common sense"... It's mis-information and emotional reaction.

I'll break this down by section:

Opposition to Universal Background Checks.
I think everyone agrees that violent felons and the mentally unstable should not be allowed to purchase firearms. So why the opposition to univeral background checks? Any gangbanger, lunatic or digruntled husband/wife/coworker with a criminal history can go to a private seller and "lie and buy". It happens at gunshows, it happens on armslist and it probably happens HERE. The Brady campaign just sued armslist because a person who would have failed a simple NICS call in was able to buy a pistol and used it in a murder. This is basic stuff, call it a loophole, call it what you want but UBCs would have saved that life. If your're a law abiding citizen able to buy a firearm why do you care about a 2 minute background check? UBCs WILL SAVE LIVES, be it from suicide or murder. This isn't a "compromise" or "infringement" this is just common sense. If you don't want the insane and criminal to have guns the first step is to NOT LET THEM BUY THEM! Close the private sale loophole. I'll pay an FFL the $20 or whatever for a transfer to be able to sleep better at night that the person I sold my gun to isn't a felon or insane.

First off, you're not stating facts - you're assuming things and those that I've underlined are flat-out false. UBC will not work without Mandatory Registration (that fact came from the Justice Department from both this and Clinton's administration).

"The gunshow loophole" was dis-proven by Senator Cruz (guns sold at gunshows account for only 1.9% of guns found at the scenes of crimes - and more than half of those were sold via NICS/4473).

Keep in mind that once again, you're trying to pass a law to prevent someone who is already looking to break an existing law (criminal) from committing another crime after doing so.

If you want to prevent guns from getting into the hands of future criminals, then good luck - it is impossible to tell the future without violating the rights of law-abiding citizens - think about the NDAA and what it's done to our rights. How did that start? With the best of intentions, but mis-information and presumptions.

High Capacity Magazine Ban.
This is a compromise we can all live with. The supreme court has already ruled that the second amendment is not unlimited. We don't get fighter jets and machine guns. I think we also don't need 100 round drum mags and 30 round handgun magazines. 7+1 in .45 was good enough for my Grandfather and its good enough for me...multiple threats you say? I know how to reload. Let's face it huge capacity mags don't make anyone any safer. They just make it easier for the occasional mass shooter to rack up a higher kill count. While somewhat rare, these events are becoming more common and the bodycounts are getting bigger. I can't help but draw these obvious conclusion that there is a correlation between the ever larger body counts and AWB/high cap ban expiring. When Columbine shooting occurred high cap mags were banned and Dylan and Eric used 10 round mags in their Hipoint carbine. How much worse would columbine have been if they had carried the same number of 30 round mags? 300% worse by my math...

How are multiple threats different than multiple victims in a mass shooting? You've just given every argument against what you're claiming - if higher cap mags won't make you safer, then how are they more dangerous in the hands of a mass-shooter? Mass shootings are extremely rare - but more importantly, they're not "on the rise" or "more common" and their frequency has little to do with the advent of high-capacity magazines:

Violent crime and shootings are actually going down (there's an actual obvious logical conclusion to draw here - links in the description to the FBI's crime database):

As to the low-capacity magazine doing anything to prevent this:

The Nuke/Fighter-Jet/Tank argument is completely illogical and is just an attempt at a Strawman argument (and even despite that, there are private citizens who own real fighter jets and machine guns) and is quite frankly, silly.

I also don't get the fear about an AWB we all lived through the last one, and people who wanted assault weapons could still buy the "preban" guns. So what's the big deal? I get it, you like your Patriot Rifle and don't want to give it up. However, NO ONE IS GONNA TAKE YOUR AR15 OR AK AWAY! Again, common sense, there are already plenty of assault weapons out there for the people who want them. We don't need any more new military style weapons flooding our (and mexicos???) streets. Do you really think your "patriot Rifle" will do you one bit of good against a tyranical government when they can put a drone/missile through your window from two states away? Get real.

There are several bills being proposed this time around and all are quite different from the 94 AWB (which facts/statistics as well as Janet Reno's justice department will tell you were completely ineffective: ), but the Feinstein bill doesn't allow for transfer of previously owned "Assault weapons", so there will be no "Pre-ban" this time around.

Also, what is an assault weapon?

Have you read the bill and actually looked at what makes up a "Military-style assault weapon"? If looks and aesthetics (not function) are what make up assault weapons, then why describe them with the function of "assault"? Why are we banning these guns if they aren't used in the majority of crimes? Because those who are passing laws misunderstand these guns and/or how they are used (both legally and illegally). Basically, if you only know about gun-crime from action movies (and not actual crime statistics or knowledge), then you can easily be fooled into believing in your cause to rid the world of these "killing machines" despite the fact that as killers, guns aren't even that effective when you throw in non-murder stats like negligence (cars are much better killers of human beings).

Guns labeled as "assault weapons" in the 1994 assault weapon ban are used less in crime than blunt-objects to murder people - so again, common sense when based on misinformation is the opposite of common sense - it's ignorance. There are more real assault rifles in Mexico as a result of the Fast and Furious campaign than "assault weapons" as owned by Americans - the myth that any Mexican drug lord wants to use American-Citizen owned semi-automatic guns when fighting against the military or enemies with fully automatic guns is absurd.

Tyranny is not just government. If you're being attacked by a criminal, that criminal is committing an act of tyranny. Also, as impossible as it would be to fend off a real Tyrannical government with semi-auto rifles... is that so much harder to believe than fending off British soldiers with only muskets and inferior numbers?

It's time for the gun community to follow in the steps of our founding fathers and embrace common sense and compromise.

I'm pleading with you to take your own advice here - not with emotions and mis-information, but with facts and logic.
Last edited:


Special Hen
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
I seriously tried my hardest not to post in this thread, but couldn't resist.

I haven't read through every page of this thread, but this age-old debate once again boils down to misunderstanding and presumptions based on "everybody knows" instead of actual evidence - once you look at real facts, statistics, and actual details of recent media-hyped events, you find that none of these presumptions are true - and are in-fact giving the anti-gunner (or pro gun-controller in this case) a skewed understanding of what needs to be done to stop crime or deaths of human beings in general.

Also, what is the intent of these "common sense gun laws"? Is it to stop/prevent school shootings? Mass shootings? Deaths by murder with a gun? Deaths (including accidental and negligence) by guns? Deaths overall (including intentional-crimes and negligence)?

What The OP first posted will do the least amount of good to all of the above - so why are so many people proposing these laws? It's not facts or logic, and it's not "common sense"... It's mis-information and emotional reaction.

I'll break this down by section:

First off, you're not stating facts - you're assuming things and those that I've underlined are flat-out false. UBC will not work without Mandatory Registration (that fact came from the Justice Department from both this and Clinton's administration).

"The gunshow loophole" was dis-proven by Senator Cruz (guns sold at gunshows account for only 1.9% of guns found at the scenes of crimes - and more than half of those were sold via NICS/4473).

Keep in mind that once again, you're trying to pass a law to prevent someone who is already looking to break an existing law (criminal) from committing another crime after doing so.

If you want to prevent guns from getting into the hands of future criminals, then good luck - it is impossible to tell the future without violating the rights of law-abiding citizens - think about the NDAA and what it's done to our rights. How did that start? With the best of intentions, but mis-information and presumptions.

How are multiple threats different than multiple victims in a mass shooting? You've just given every argument against what you're claiming - if higher cap mags won't make you safer, then how are they more dangerous in the hands of a mass-shooter? Mass shootings are extremely rare - but more importantly, they're not "on the rise" or "more common" and their frequency has little to do with the advent of high-capacity magazines:

Violent crime and shootings are actually going down (there's an actual obvious logical conclusion to draw here - links in the description to the FBI's crime database):

As to the low-capacity magazine doing anything to prevent this:

The Nuke/Fighter-Jet/Tank argument is completely illogical and is just an attempt at a Strawman argument (and even despite that, there are private citizens who own real fighter jets and machine guns) and is quite frankly, silly.

There are several bills being proposed this time around and all are quite different from the 94 AWB (which facts/statistics as well as Janet Reno's justice department will tell you were completely ineffective: ), but the Feinstein bill doesn't allow for transfer of previously owned "Assault weapons", so there will be no "Pre-ban" this time around.

Also, what is an assault weapon? Have you read the bill and actually looked at what makes up a "Military-style assault weapon"? If looks and aesthetics (not function) are what make up assault weapons, then why describe them with the function of "assault"? Why are we banning these guns if they aren't used in the majority of crimes? Because those who are passing laws misunderstand these guns and/or how they are used (both legally and illegally). Basically, if you only know about gun-crime from action movies (and not actual crime statistics or knowledge), then you can easily be fooled into believing in your cause to rid the world of these "killing machines" despite the fact that as killers, guns aren't even that effective when you throw in non-murder stats like negligence (cars are much better killers of human beings).

Guns labeled as "assault weapons" in the 1994 assault weapon ban are used less in crime than blunt-objects to murder people - so again, common sense when based on misinformation is the opposite of common sense - it's ignorance. There are more real assault rifles in Mexico as a result of the Fast and Furious campaign than "assault weapons" as owned by Americans - the myth that any Mexican drug lord wants to use American-Citizen owned semi-automatic guns when fighting against the military or enemies with fully automatic guns is absurd.

Tyranny is also not just government. If you're being attacked by a criminal, that criminal is committing an act of tyranny. Also, as impossible as it would be to fend off a real Tyrannical government with semi-auto rifles... is that so much harder to believe than fending off British soldiers with only muskets and inferior numbers?

I'm pleading with you to take your own advice here - not with emotions and mis-information, but with facts and logic.

Excellent post! :clap3:


Special Hen
Aug 31, 2010
Reaction score
I seriously tried my hardest not to post in this thread, but couldn't resist.

I haven't read through every page of this thread, but this age-old debate once again boils down to misunderstanding and presumptions based on "everybody knows" instead of actual evidence - once you look at real facts, statistics, and actual details of recent media-hyped events, you find that none of these presumptions are true - and are in-fact giving the anti-gunner (or pro gun-controller in this case) a skewed understanding of what needs to be done to stop crime or deaths of human beings in general.

Also, what is the intent of these "common sense gun laws"? Is it to stop/prevent school shootings? Mass shootings? Deaths by murder with a gun? Deaths (including accidental and negligence) by guns? Deaths overall (including intentional-crimes and negligence)?

What The OP first posted will do the least amount of good to all of the above - so why are so many people proposing these laws? It's not facts or logic, and it's not "common sense"... It's mis-information and emotional reaction.

I'll break this down by section:

First off, you're not stating facts - you're assuming things and those that I've underlined are flat-out false. UBC will not work without Mandatory Registration (that fact came from the Justice Department from both this and Clinton's administration).

"The gunshow loophole" was dis-proven by Senator Cruz (guns sold at gunshows account for only 1.9% of guns found at the scenes of crimes - and more than half of those were sold via NICS/4473).

Keep in mind that once again, you're trying to pass a law to prevent someone who is already looking to break an existing law (criminal) from committing another crime after doing so.

If you want to prevent guns from getting into the hands of future criminals, then good luck - it is impossible to tell the future without violating the rights of law-abiding citizens - think about the NDAA and what it's done to our rights. How did that start? With the best of intentions, but mis-information and presumptions.

How are multiple threats different than multiple victims in a mass shooting? You've just given every argument against what you're claiming - if higher cap mags won't make you safer, then how are they more dangerous in the hands of a mass-shooter? Mass shootings are extremely rare - but more importantly, they're not "on the rise" or "more common" and their frequency has little to do with the advent of high-capacity magazines:

Violent crime and shootings are actually going down (there's an actual obvious logical conclusion to draw here - links in the description to the FBI's crime database):

As to the low-capacity magazine doing anything to prevent this:

The Nuke/Fighter-Jet/Tank argument is completely illogical and is just an attempt at a Strawman argument (and even despite that, there are private citizens who own real fighter jets and machine guns) and is quite frankly, silly.

There are several bills being proposed this time around and all are quite different from the 94 AWB (which facts/statistics as well as Janet Reno's justice department will tell you were completely ineffective: ), but the Feinstein bill doesn't allow for transfer of previously owned "Assault weapons", so there will be no "Pre-ban" this time around.

Also, what is an assault weapon?

Have you read the bill and actually looked at what makes up a "Military-style assault weapon"? If looks and aesthetics (not function) are what make up assault weapons, then why describe them with the function of "assault"? Why are we banning these guns if they aren't used in the majority of crimes? Because those who are passing laws misunderstand these guns and/or how they are used (both legally and illegally). Basically, if you only know about gun-crime from action movies (and not actual crime statistics or knowledge), then you can easily be fooled into believing in your cause to rid the world of these "killing machines" despite the fact that as killers, guns aren't even that effective when you throw in non-murder stats like negligence (cars are much better killers of human beings).

Guns labeled as "assault weapons" in the 1994 assault weapon ban are used less in crime than blunt-objects to murder people - so again, common sense when based on misinformation is the opposite of common sense - it's ignorance. There are more real assault rifles in Mexico as a result of the Fast and Furious campaign than "assault weapons" as owned by Americans - the myth that any Mexican drug lord wants to use American-Citizen owned semi-automatic guns when fighting against the military or enemies with fully automatic guns is absurd.

Tyranny is not just government. If you're being attacked by a criminal, that criminal is committing an act of tyranny. Also, as impossible as it would be to fend off a real Tyrannical government with semi-auto rifles... is that so much harder to believe than fending off British soldiers with only muskets and inferior numbers?

I'm pleading with you to take your own advice here - not with emotions and mis-information, but with facts and logic.

:teach: :clap3::yelclap::pokeowned:respect:

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
Yes...Yes it was. Too bad that it was in all likelihood wasted on a troll. :(

I'm not so sure. I've had quite a few conversations with folks on the line of being anti-gun lately and this line of thought isn't that uncommon. It's based on false-information, but I still get how they got riled up to get to that point.

Here's an example:

Are you seriously advocating putting more (and more modern) machine guns on the streets? Do you really want the next mass shooting to be with a minigun or a m2? Are you insane? These are force multipliers not personal defense weapons!

This presents a series of logical fallacies - do you think that gun-owners will kill people simply because they own a "more deadly" gun? You realize that the numbers completely disprove this right?

Also, there's: "more guns equal more crime (and more machine guns must increase that exponentially)". Bloomberg has said this many times, but when you look at actual facts... you find that the opposite is true.

What happens in areas where more guns exist than others? Lower crime, that's what. When the subject of urban vs rural areas comes up - remember when DC had an all-time record murder rate (with laws preventing gun-ownership by virtually everyone)? Then DC vs. Heller allowed citizens to own guns... gun crime went down, not up (despite the nay-sayers predictions).

How many citizen-owned machine guns have ever been used in crimes? Even back in the days of prohibition and Al Capone where folks were supposedly shooting tommy-guns off from model-Ts everywhere they went? The truth will actually surprise most anti-gunners.

It's the same reason people fear "switchblade" and "butterfly" knives because they're only weapons designed to harm others (despite the fact that most experts in knife-combat will tell you that a fixed-blade knife is the most effective knife to deploy and use in combat).

Fact trumps fiction every time when emotions and unnecessary-urgency are pushed aside and good decisions that benefit mankind are truly the desired outcome.


Mar 14, 2013
Reaction score
Under the current iteration of the UBC that you apparently desire he would be guilty of a felony for that. Still want it?

You seem to be confusing me shooting his gun with purchasing his gun. You are quite mistaken about the "felony". UBCs are about PURCHASING a firearm, not shooting someone else's gun WITH their permission and under their supervision. Comparisions to Lanza fall flat as he clearly didn't have permission to shoot his mothers guns.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
West OKC
You seem to be confusing me shooting his gun with purchasing his gun. You are quite mistaken about the "felony". UBCs are about PURCHASING a firearm, not shooting someone else's gun WITH their permission and under their supervision. Comparisions to Lanza fall flat as he clearly didn't have permission to shoot his mothers guns.

Yes. Because criminals always buy their guns at the store. They would never steal, buy black market, or shoot their mom in the face, before a killing spree. Yes. I think we just need more laws for these people.

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