Colorado: "ARROGANT" Ballot Initiative

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OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area

"ARROGANT": Helping suburbanites with their ongoing commitment to reintroducing wildlife...

A western Colorado environmental group is excited to announce preliminary efforts to draft an enlightened new ballot initiative in Colorado, tentatively titled "The Reintroduction and Protection of Rattlesnakes within Front-range Urban and Suburban Backyard Spaces."

Sponsored by ARROGANT, the Association for the Reintroduction of Rattlesnakes On Greatly Accessible Natural Terrain, it is hoped that the ballot initiative will soon be ready for the petition-gathering process.

Rattlesnakes, particularly the prairie rattler, have long been native to Front Range lands, however, their natural habitat has been severely limited by rapid residential development.

Sadly, many Front Range homeowners have installed non-native Kentucky bluegrass or other rattlesnake-averse grasses upon their properties and then, making matters worse, have often erected wooden privacy fencing.

Such fencing has made it much more difficult for rattlesnakes to maintain a backyard presence, with homeowners essentially placing a greater priority on the enjoyment of their backyard space over the welfare of rattlesnake species. Compounding the problem is the frequent presence of dogs kept simply for the pleasure of homeowners, yet ultimately very frightening to rattlesnakes.

This proposed initiative will require all Front Range area homeowners within a five-county area to allow the reintroduction of at least one species of rattlesnake to their back yard within six months after approval of the initiative. Colorado Parks and Wildlife, through the rulemaking process, will be tasked with the development of rattlesnake acquisition guidelines as well as requirements for homeowners to ensure the ongoing safety of their newly acquired rattlesnakes.

The killing or relocation of backyard rattlesnakes would be strictly prohibited. In extreme circumstances, a homeowner may intervene to prevent the injury of a small child under the age of 10 for whom a rattlesnake bite appears imminent, however only after shouting an audible warning to the snake in order to give the reptile sufficient time to retreat.

CPW will be further tasked with developing educational programs designed to teach children to respect backyard rattlesnake habitat, as well as how to coexist with rattlesnakes in a manner that is respectful of their new environment.

A new ad campaign featuring the amusing antics of Rodney the Rattler will be integrated into Front Range elementary schools in order to help children better appreciate the joy and beauty that rattlesnakes can provide to backyard dwellers.

If successful, the proposed initiative will appear on the November ballot of all Colorado voters living west of the Continental Divide. While some Front Range voters may wonder why they do not have a say in the management of their own backyard spaces, ARROGANT believes that Front Range voters are far less sophisticated and enlightened than their Western Slope counterparts on matters of rattlesnake reintroduction. And while some may express concern that Western Slope voters are dictating Front Range policies that do not ultimately apply to them, Western Slope voters have long advocated for the halcyon days when rattlesnakes roamed uninhibited throughout all Front Range habitats, and they are especially appreciative of the beauty and splendor of these majestic reptiles.

The reintroduction of rattlesnakes to Front Range backyards benefits the entire state of Colorado, and it is important that skeptical Front Range voters set aside their concerns in order to support the greater good derived from backyard rattlesnake reintroduction. Passage of this important initiative will send a strong message of protection and inclusivity to other states who have not yet embraced the beauty of these creatures.

John Camper is a former police chief of the Grand Junction Police Department and a former director of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.

OK Corgi Rancher

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Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
Grand Junction Sentinel. It's just a way for someone from the Western Slope of b**ching about how the Front Range (eastern side) controls all the politics. I think it's a jab at the recent wolf reintroduction efforts in Colorado. It's satire... But, yeah...with bats**t crazy, radical leftists, like those who've taken over Colorado, it's hard to tell what's humor and what's real any more.

El Pablo

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Apr 5, 2007
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Grand Junction Sentinel. It's just a way for someone from the Western Slope of b**ching about how the Front Range (eastern side) controls all the politics. I think it's a jab at the recent wolf reintroduction efforts in Colorado. It's satire... But, yeah...with bats**t crazy, radical leftists, like those who've taken over Colorado, it's hard to tell what's humor and what's real any more.
Yep, people don’t get satire.

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