Do you open carry?

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Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
what if these bills passed this year especially sb363 constitutional open carry no license would you open carry? but still needed a license to conceal carry?

HJR1009 - Would provide for a constitutional amendment to the OK constitution Section 26 Article 2. Constitutional Carry--- no license period! best choice:smash::pokeowned

SB363 - Amends Title 21 Section 1289.6 - Constitutional open carry----- second choice:fullauto:
I will be watching these close.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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what if these bills passed this year especially sb363 constitutional open carry no license would you open carry? but still needed a license to conceal carry?

HJR1009 - Would provide for a constitutional amendment to the OK constitution Section 26 Article 2. Constitutional Carry--- no license period! best choice:smash::pokeowned

SB363 - Amends Title 21 Section 1289.6 - Constitutional open carry----- second choice:fullauto:

Keep in mind that if HJR1009 passes it just means the people get to vote on the constitutional amendment and it would be up to the voters of OK to determine if it became the law of the land or not.

Also keep in mind that if Oklahoma becomes a constitutional carry state, there is still the issue of the Federal Gun Free School Zone Act. Currently having a license exempts you from that. But that is where HB1264 comes in to play. Would need this to pass if either SB363 or HJR1009 passes.
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Jam Master Jay

Special Hen
Jan 13, 2010
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Broken Arrow
I almost always carry concealed but I'll allow my gun to be partially visible sometimes if it's too much trouble to keep it covered.

I've never heard a single story of anyone being targeted because they were open carrying yet I hear that argument repeated all the time. I just don't believe it. Even in active shooter situations it seems like they shoot themselves rather than the armed person once they're confronted.

I am happy to see other people open carrying as they serve as a positive ambassador for the right to bear arms (assuming they don't look like a trashy scumbag)


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I almost always carry concealed but I'll allow my gun to be partially visible sometimes if it's too much trouble to keep it covered.

I've never heard a single story of anyone being targeted because they were open carrying yet I hear that argument repeated all the time. I just don't believe it. Even in active shooter situations it seems like they shoot themselves rather than the armed person once they're confronted.

I am happy to see other people open carrying as they serve as a positive ambassador for the right to bear arms (assuming they don't look like a trashy scumbag)

I just saw a feed from M4Carbine that had a news report of a guy buying a new pistol, OC the same, and getting robbed of the same pistol at gunpoint.

I'll see if I can find it.


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Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
Getting more and more where I don't hide it, don't flaunt it, just wear it. 1911 comfortable for the way I happened to be dressed for the day. Put my clothes on, hang something for a holster, go.

Paddle OWB or Cross-supertuck has been winning out most of the time even with just a hanging in or out of my T-shirt lately. I lost a little weight and my 36 jeans are a little loose after they stretch out later in the day. 45 in the supertuck takes up the slack in my 36's just about right to fit like 35's feels good. P238 usually when I have to wear slacks, not often.

I do try to project an attitude. Don't mess with this crazy old bastard, he might shoot you, has worked well so far. Hell, he might be part of that "White Haired Brigade" group they have been talking about. He might not really not give a Shiite.

Not sure what I will do this coming summer. I might prefer an Extar 556 around the neck by then, but I can see it getting in the way. I have a duty belt with a 1911 holster that I could wear with my cutoffs. I guess I will just wait to she how the fashion of the month changes, can always fall back to the Sig P238 in the pocket like past years.

Just hell not knowing what to decided to do.

The great thing about Oklahoma, is I have the option to do what I want, CC, OC or anything in between.

To all the OSA, OK2A, and other organizations and people I might not be aware of that took their time, put in their effort, and spent their money to get CC and then OC passed over many years of hard work. THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU ACCOMPLISHED. (yes, I am yelling with my cap letters)

I have a choice because of you.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
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cold, dark
Since I got the shoulder holsters and its winter the bravest I have gotten so far to get even close to OCing has been when we're out and if I decide to take off my jacket. BOOM. Everybody sees it then, and to me it feels like a neon sign but I know thats just my own paranoia over it because Im sure most people in OK/mid west US are just not that freaked out to see a guy with a gun hanging in a shoulder strap under his jacket. I might get some quick glance stares but thats usually about it. They also surely have to know by my appearance that Im also definitely no cop, not even an undercover would look as weird as me.

Where Im from seeing a guy who looks like me with an open carried GUN would be about the trippiest thing you would ever see, but in OK I feel that most people around herr have at least grown up around A gun or lots of guns for a lot of folks and it just doesnt seem that it would be the elephant in the room here as it would be where Im from in the little hippy berg of Sonora in northern CA. I suppose if a thug does see me who is about to rob the restaurant where I might be at then I dont know for sure but I would like to hope that he would wait until I leave or decide not to do it ar all- or just shoot me or at me right off the bat to get the ball rollin on his crimes, and give people the chance to get the F out. Im 5'10" x 275 and I would make an easy target for most casual shooters to hit.

Which brings up my the biggest question and probably some peoples worst fear(s). What is my responsibility and liability concerns if and when Im in the middle of a robbery while open carrying and the worst if Im actually shot at? (I took my CC class 12 years ago in OK and the guy leading it was very informative but our class went by pretty quick plus Im getting older so I may need to go over things from time to time). As an ex fighter Im not that timid and I do drill for scenarios so it would not be a problem mentally at all for me to shoot back- I just would need to make sure if I do that I hit the bad guy only. Hopefully someone has already called 911 and help is on the way, so the incident is hopefully not going to last very long but Im not going to count on that. Should I return fire ASAP? Do I have a responsibility to help these people in this restaurant get to safety by being the good guy with the gun?

By shooting back at a bad guy who just shot at me, in a restaurant or wherever, if I am physically able to shoot back, I always conceal carry loaded with JHP only and I know hollow point is different than FMJ when it enters the body but dont know what it does when it hits walls or other objects or maybe hitting someone else in the place. If a bullet or a fragment of something hits some innocent party in the restaurant besides the bad guy(s), am I to blame for it? I dont shoot comps, never been military or LEO but was raised by an ex Marine ex MP ex cop, I practice shoot for SD/HD and while I go out frequently Im not too scientific or solid in a certain routine. My vision is excellant/20-20 and from 25ft or so at the range or down at the farm I can hit stuff pretty decent but I am 100% no championship calibre shooter at all. I dont practice head shots on my paper targets, maybe one or two at the end, but usually I just practice shooting to the upper torso and arms mostly, I have always figured a head shot from even a short distance was for much better shooters, or at close range which then actually it should be unnecessary if the danger has been stopped by then with no need for a head shot. A head shot after body shot(s) would seem to me to a DA even in an SD/HD situation like over kill.

I know youre supposed to think about all of this **** way before and every time you strap on, and I do, but you still have to have questions, and you still have to question your self, no matter who you are. I am a confident type of person but not overly confident I hope. Ive been a fighter and have faced opponents in the ring and have experienced that rush of adreniline and rush of fear that overcomes you and makes your heart beat fast and your stomach sick- but have never been in a gun or knife fight. (I got shot at once in the parking lot of a bar but it barely hit me in my left arm and then went on to hit my friend right next to me in the neck). I would hope I could take my fighting spirit learned in my boxing and martial arts to a gun or knife fight and not freeze up or get too scared to react, but I dont know for sure unless Im actually in a situation. I am physically prepared to go gun to gun or knife to knife or hand to hand or whatever it takes to take on an opponent bent on causing me or my family harm or death, and I hope mentally as well. Helping other people though not related to me in danger is a whole nother level with a lot of variables that are just not easily controlled.
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Special Hen
Jun 10, 2011
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I just saw a feed from M4Carbine that had a news report of a guy buying a new pistol, OC the same, and getting robbed of the same pistol at gunpoint.

I'll see if I can find it.
Here is the story of the so called Open carrier getting robbed of his new gun. The whole story sounds made up. Police say another young man in grey sweatpants, a white t-shirt and flip-flops Mexican carry in sweat pants? Coleman handed over the gun and the man fled on foot. Running in flip flops? Come get real here folks. I am not just saying it sounds fake to me because I agree with OP but Mexican carry would probably pull his pants down. And have you ever tried to run in flip flops? Come on .


Nov 19, 2008
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I would never open carry....makes zero sense. Why would I want to provide a potential adversary any type of advantage by seeing my weapon. The difference in time to get my weapon in battery between open carry and concealed is negligible.

This! No need to advertize, and take away my ability to have option's on how I want to handle a situation. If put into a situation where it may be better to be a good witness, I lose that option by open carry. Plus there are other options lost when the firearm is exposed, and I'm not willing to give those up.


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Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
A Gun Owner Speaks: My Case for Open Carry
The founder of Open Carry Texas on why his group is misunderstood by the national media.
The time has come for Texas to be the 45th state to recognize the right to openly carry a handgun and the 31st state to do so without a licensing requirement. If more than half of the states can trust their citizens with this right, surely Texas can too.

People tell us they prefer the element of surprise that comes with concealed carry. They want to keep the criminals guessing about whether or not they are armed. Concealed carry is good for responding to a crime in progress; open carry is a deterrent to it. My goal is to make the case for open carry without resorting to the usual “shall not be infringed” rhetoric.

In a study published in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, researchers Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz found that of the nearly 2.5 million defensive uses of firearms each year, 92 percent of them scare off their attackers by merely brandishing their firearm.

Arizona passed “constitutional carry” (open and concealed carry WITHOUT a license) in 2010. Since that time, violent crimes have steadily fallen each year, according the Bureau of Justice Statistics. While it’s probably still too early to determine whether or not allowing citizens to carry without a license is responsible for the decline, it definitely can’t be linked to any increases in criminal activity. Texas ranks 35th in violent crime in the United States.

Businesses should always have the option of whether or not they will allow firearms into their stores.
There is a common belief among concealed handgun advocates (of which I am also one) that if a criminal sees a handgun, the individual carrying it will be the first one targeted. Criminals are cowards. Take for example a story from 2013 in which two armed robbers attempted to rob an Internet café, but were thwarted by an armed senior citizen with a .380 caliber pistol. In Phoenix, a jewelry store attendant scared off TWO robbers when she pulled her own gun. Criminals prefer soft targets, or at least targets they THINK are soft.

As part of our mission, we have worked hard to remove the stigma of guns in society. Beginning at a young age, our children are inundated with educational propaganda proclaiming that guns are bad. Night after night, the media furthers this narrative by sensationalizing the worst aspects of humanity. The entertainment industry relies on hype and inaccurate stereotypes of gun owners. The gun control lobby engages in emotional brainwashing to further its attempts at disarming the American people. Open carry has been proven to deter crime, which is why we believe it is so important.

When the only option for carrying a handgun is to carry concealed, it unfairly discriminates against women and professionals. It also makes the lawful carry of a firearm difficult during warmer months in Texas. Typically most women carry their concealed firearms in their purses, the main target of thieves. Businessmen and churchgoers find it difficult to conceal while wearing a shirt and tie.

Read the rest here, it is less related to this thread...
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