Dog Owners Beware - Cytopoint can kill your dog.

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Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
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No doubt. It's like most things that shouldn't be on the market. I was listening to some drug on TV last night it can cause two kind of cancer, stroke, heart attack and death. Who can let that kind of crap on the market.
😪 So very sorry to hear brother. Never had a pug but always admired them. Everytime I lay my eyes on one the shake up scene in men in black comes to mind.
I've gotten to where I despise the pharmaceutical industry and every set of commercials reminds me of that.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I will be paying them a visit to have a discussion on Monday. Depending on how they handle things I “may” post which Vet. Note that we have been seeing this vet for 4 years and have, up until now had an exceptional experience. They have in fact saved the lives of two of our other dogs.
I was hoping you were going back to investigate this situation, because if it were my dog, everyone in that clinic would know what my @ss looks like. :censored:
I’m friends with 5 vets, and of the ones that work with small animals, only one has a good ”bed side manner” (and he’s in his 70’s and semi retired). Most vets today probably started out caring about animals, but at some point, it becomes about the money. The other problem with vets today is that they’re just like human doctors and push whatever drug the pharmaceutical sales lady in the short skirt is selling this week.
A few years ago I had a Lab with chronic ear infections, and none of the latest and greatest crap my local vets prescribed was working. The infection got so bad I ended up carrying her to Salt Plains vet clinic in Cherokee while I was up there, and the Baytril he prescribed knocked the infection out. I’ll admit it may have been a coincidence that it worked, but by the way he handled and talked to Annie, I could tell he genuinely cared about dogs.

I’m really hoping you can get a little resolution to this even though nothing they say or do at this point will bring Louie back.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 9, 2019
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Tulsa Oklahoma
😪 So very sorry to hear brother. Never had a pug but always admired them. Everytime I lay my eyes on one the shake up scene in men in black comes to mind.
I've gotten to where I despise the pharmaceutical industry and every set of commercials reminds me of that.
Louie was our third pug. Our first two lived to be 15 and 16. They are a unique breed with a kicka** attitude.
Louie was glued to my side whenever I was home. This morning drinking my coffee with out him on my lap is tough.

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